A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 286 The first to last teaches the second to last (fifth update, happy Christmas Eve!)

Luke already knew about the relationship between the old dog Daniel Whitehorse, the Witch Heart Demon and the Red Devil from the memory of the Red Devil given to him by Hela.

To put it simply.

The Red Devil is like an intermediary broker.

The Witch Heart Demon knew Daniel Whitehorse, the Red Devil who helped pull the strings for the Tower Bridge.

Daniel Whitehorse wants to be truly immortal, and what better way to do that than to befriend a Hellboy.

And if the Witch Heart Demon wants to rebel against me, he needs souls. As one of the villain leaders of Hydra, Whitehorse said that the Witch Heart Demon can have as many souls as he wants.

So two guys, one who had rebelled and the other who wanted to rebel, were like two lonely souls meeting each other and then colliding with each other and creating wonderful sparks.

In order to carry out his own rebellion plan, the second generation of Hell's Witch Heart Demon signaled his subordinate Fatty Demon, the chimpanzee mistress of the Red Devil, to give the black gems he mined from hell to the Red Devil.

It is true that black gems are strategic materials in the world of death. Ordinary demons cannot steal these things, but this does not include the Witch Heart Demon.

Who told the devil's father to be called Mephisto?

After the Red Devil gets the black gem, he will give it to Whitehorse.

Whitehorse will use the "soul and underworld" properties of the black gem to kill those aliens and mutants, temporarily store their souls in the black gem, and then take it out when the Witch Heart Demon needs it. .

And judging from the memory of the Red Devil given by Hela.

The cooperation between Whitehorse and Witch Heart Demon began almost two years ago. During the past two years, Witch Heart Demon has sent a box of about a hundred fist-sized black gems to him one after another every month.

According to the specifications of one black gem and one soul.

One hundred pieces per month, two years or twenty-four months, Whitehorse has almost helped the Witch Heart Demon harvest 2,400 relatively high-quality souls.

As for Wu Xin Mo's plan.

Lu Ke, who had an insight into the future and what happened, almost instantly thought of what the Witch's Heart Demon's plan was.

This guy plans to secretly save souls, and then when the time is right, after opening his own hell, he will throw the souls stored in these black gems into his own hell, and then create a group of demons of his own, Then they held high the banner of rebellion.


These two thousand four hundred black gems are mine!

Although it is still difficult to create the entire underworld garment with this amount of black gems, it is still enough to create an upper body.

Not to mention, these black gems also come with the same number of high-level souls.

Throw Hela into Hades, and Bo's own beauty will smile, but Hela may not smile.

But Hela's best friend Fenir Wolf will definitely be happy.

After all, one of these souls was transformed by the Kree, a high-level civilization, and the other was transformed by the Celestials, Marvel's top organization.

In this respect, the souls of aliens and mutants are indeed higher than those of ordinary people on earth.

If given to Fennir, Fennir said that one alien is equal to two and a half ordinary souls, while one mutant is equal to ten ordinary people.

The corner of Luke's mouth was raised. While thinking about the black gem, he briefly told Rachel about the discovery of the devil during the capture of the Red Devil yesterday. Then he raised his eyebrows, took out his mobile phone, and dialed William Shi directly. Trek's phone number.

The call was answered quickly!


"Good morning, William, I want to ask you something."

Lu Ke went straight to the point: "When your living scientific research products need to be destroyed, do you destroy them yourself, or what?"

William on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand why Luke asked this, he still said: "When I cooperated with Alexander before, I destroyed it myself, but after I cooperated with Whitehorse, Whitehorse let When I need to destroy it, I inform him and he will send someone to pick it up and help me choose a good place to destroy it. What’s wrong?”

That's right.

Lu Ke secretly thought: "It's okay, I just asked."

It involves 2,400 high-quality souls. Just like Rachel said just now, the closer it comes to the end, the more cautious you must be.

Although memory cannot be faked, be careful and you won’t make a big mistake.

After Luke exchanged a few words with Stryker and asked if Stryker had returned to his home, he planned to hang up the phone.

Just when he said he would chat.

Stryker spoke quickly.

"Wait a minute, Lu."

"Any thing else?"

"I was just about to call you. I returned to the laboratory an hour ago, and my assistant told me that at about three o'clock last night, the scientific researchers here in Whitehorse were still there, but the agents were all gone. All have left.”

Stryker guessed: "I suspect Whitehorse is gathering his strength."

Lu Ke laughed and said, "It's okay. He'd better get all his people together, so as not to have to do a big purge after I come to power."

He wished that Whitehorse would gather all his direct HYDRA agents into a group.

It would be best to take him away in one wave, so that when he comes to power, there will still be remnants loyal to Whitehorse mixed in with him.

Before taking the stage, everyone was their own master and could kill as much as they wanted.

But if after coming to power, a large-scale purge is carried out, it is very likely to cause some unnecessary panic.


Luke ended Stryker's conversation and hung up the phone. He looked up at Rachel who was sitting opposite and stared at him intently and smiled and said, "What's wrong."

Rachel smiled slightly, stood up, and kissed Luke's forehead: "Hold on, honey, I'll go up and sleep with you. Can you come and stay with me?"

Luke made a choice and looked at Rachel who invited him: "I want to, but I have to go to the office?"

Rachel shrugged: "Okay, it's your loss, just remember to bring me yesterday's supplies tonight."

Luke laughed.

After Rachel finished speaking, she ran upstairs to continue her sleep.

After a while.

After Luke finished breakfast and cleared away the dishes on the dining table, he drove to the Federal Building.

In the next few days, Lu Ke basically lived between the office and home.

However, such stable days only lasted for about seven days and came to an end.

this day.

Just as Luke sat down in his office, a call from an unknown number came to his mobile phone.

He glanced.

Then hang up.

If nothing else, this call must have come from Whitehorse.

Because starting from the third day after the death of the Red Devil, Whitehorse would call and harass him from time to time.


I feel the fear of death.


He was too lazy to answer a call from someone who had only a few days left to live. To be precise, he only had seven days left to live before he died.

Although Luke said he was not in a hurry, he would not mind if Whitehorse could be sent away early.

This is why the Red Devil often doesn't go through the main entrance. In his memory, there are only scenes of him traveling through Hell and the interior of the building where Whitehorse is located. There is no information that can identify where Whitehorse's lairs are.

If there is such information in the Red Devil's memory, Luke will transmit it now and send this old dog on his way as soon as possible.

Whitehorse called again and Luke hung up again.

After Whitehorse called for the third time, Luke simply hung up, turned off his phone, and settled down to finish processing the several federal documents on hand.

Although it is less than a week before he officially takes office as the director of Los Angeles City in February, Lu Ke has gradually taken over the functions and powers of the director.

After all, Pan Ning had also been promoted, and he had no reason to oppose Lu Ke's wishes, so the takeover of power was very smooth.

Just after Luke finished processing the documents at hand, the landline phone on the desktop rang.

Luke reached for the phone.



Earl's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ms. Maria Silver would like to speak to you."

Lady Viper?

Luke raised his eyebrows and hummed.


Earl transferred Mrs. Viper's call.

"Good day, Director Dane."

"Good day."

Luke said hello, and after a while, after hanging up the phone, he opened the drawer and took out Hydra's special glasses for meetings.

Put it on.



His sight once again came to the exclusive conference room of Hydra.

Mrs. Viper had already taken her seat.

Also seated was Daniel Whitehorse, the old dog.

Whitehorse sat opposite him with a gloomy expression, staring at Luke with a pair of eyes that seemed not to have slept well.

Luke crossed his arms, not looking at the old dog, but looked at Mrs. Viper with a smile: "Maria, you can start."

Mrs. Viper directly talked about the reason why they were called to the meeting this time.

"According to the rules, the game between the two of you will officially start in seven days."

"Tomorrow, the two chips and custodians will be received by my people. When the winner emerges, I will transfer it to the winner."

"Is there a problem?"

Mrs. Viper looked at Whitehorse and Luke with a smile, spread her hands and asked, "You two?"

Luke shook his head: "No."

Whitehall said in a low voice: "No."

Seeing this, Mrs. Viper nodded, and then said: "Also according to the rules, before the game officially starts, you two can have one last chance to resolve this conflict through peaceful dialogue led by me. Do you two have any ideas? ?”

Luke shook his head again: "No!"

He just wanted Whitehorse dead.

Mrs. Viper nodded after hearing Luke's answer, and then looked at Whitehorse.

"Director Whitehorse, what about you?"


Whitehorse, who had been sitting in his seat and rarely spoke, took a deep breath, took his hands up from below, put them on the table, and looked directly at Luke opposite: "I I can give you two-thirds of my assets, as well as Anna, in exchange for a truce between us."

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