A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 287 Whitehorse is at the end of its rope (first update!)

If possible.

Daniel Whitehorse is one of the few people who is unwilling to bow his head and say such words that are similar to surrender.


Death is not terrible!

The scary thing is that you can watch death coming but you can't do anything about it.

Whitehorse is no exception.

He actually has a final trump card.

Witch heart demon.

In hell, the sorcerer's inner demon is said to be under one demon and above all demons.

Whitehorse believes that as long as the Witch is willing to help him, then all problems will not be a problem.

And he was sure that the Witch Heart Demon was willing to help him.

After all, there is a cooperative relationship between him and Wu Xin Mo.

This is why even after learning about the Red Devil's death, he was finally able to stop panicking after a brief moment of panic.

There's just a problem!

Although he talked to Wu Xin Mo about the cooperation between the world and the earth, he had no way to contact Wu Xin Mo.

The Red Devil has always been responsible for the transportation of black gems.

During the two years of cooperation, Wu Xin Mo came up three times in total, and these three times, Wu Xin Mo came up all by himself.

In the past, if he wanted to find the Witch Heart Demon, he might have used the Red Devil to go to the edge of hell and leave a message, but now the Red Devil is dead.

He found that while he did not have any contact information with the inner demon, he could not find a second mutant who could go to the edge of hell to bring him a message.


Whitehorse panicked again.

Moreover, seeing that the time for Luke to knock on the door was getting closer and closer, the fear in his heart almost grew exponentially.

This is why he calls Lu Ke more frequently these days.

But Luke didn't answer his call at all.


Seeing that, as expected, Whitehorse, who had the last chance to talk to Luke today, completely paid the maximum compensation he could give.

Two-thirds of his assets, plus his daughter.

Served together!

This is a form of begging for mercy in the style of ceding territory to pay compensation.

Especially this is a white man begging for mercy from a yellow man.

This made Whitehorse feel uncomfortable inside.


This is not a plea for mercy, this is just a tactical retreat.

Whitehorse comforted himself in this way.

He didn't lose. As long as he lived, he didn't lose. But if he died, he would lose completely.

His dream of eternal life and even the hegemony he dreamed of would be completely turned into dust.

I just drag.

I just need to wait until the inner demon responds to him!

By then...

I will come back like lightning!

And by that time, he can get back all the things he gave to Luke as compensation, his assets, and even his daughter, and he will also give Luke's life as interest.

What did Whitehorse think? Therefore, even though doing so might completely leave a psychological implication to other directors that he was nothing more than that, he still did it.

Because only by living can you have a chance. When the time comes, if anyone disobeys him, he will kill them all.

And this time, the backstabbing of so many people made Whitehorse no longer trust these people.

Hydra must have only one leader and one voice from now on!

That's me, Daniel Whitehorse.


The idea is beautiful, but the reality is very ugly.


"Two-thirds of the assets?"

Luke, who was leaning on the chair, once again listened to Whitehorse's seemingly costly plea for mercy. He was not even interested in answering. He looked directly at Mrs. Viper: "Maria, is there anything else?"

If nothing happens, he will get off first.

As for Whitehoe’s land cession reparations?

I'm going to chop you up, even your life is mine, why should I spare your life and give you one-third of my assets?


As a bystander of this war, Mrs. Viper's tone did not fluctuate at all, and she shook her head expressionlessly: "It's okay. Director Dann just prepare the chips and let my people receive it smoothly."

Luke hummed, ignoring Whitehorse across from him, and reached out to take off his glasses.

Whitehorse was anxious. He looked at Luke, who didn't even look at him, and took out a test report with his right hand: "Luke, take a look at what this is first."

Luke stopped and looked curiously.

Enter the eyes.

This is a B-ultrasound examination report.



Luke raised his eyebrows, raised his eyes, and looked at Whitehorse.

Whitehorse took a deep breath.

"Anna is pregnant!"


It's none of my business that your daughter is pregnant.

Half the same as me...


This old dog won’t think that this is my seed.


I told this old dog that Anna is very smooth.

Luke's thoughts were spinning, and he planned to see what new tricks this old dog had: "Then what?"

There's drama!

Whitehorse looked at Luke who sat down again and spoke, and thought to himself, and then said to Luke in a deep voice: "You don't want to either, just see your son."

Luke twitched inside.

Son of God.

Coming from the void?

I'll keep reading...


He has only seen Anna's body, but he will definitely not touch it. He has principles.

Luke smiled incomprehensibly, and then looked directly at Mrs. Viper: "If I remember correctly, the asset custodian of this old dog is Anna. He is threatening to kill the asset custodian here. Don’t you care?”

Mrs. Viper looked at Whitehorse expressionlessly: "Director Whitehorse, I need to warn you that the bet has ended, and the asset custodian will not allow it..."

Whitehorse interrupted directly and looked at Luke: "I can't move Anna, but I can move the child in her belly, your child."

He put emphasis on the last sentence.


This old dog is lying.

Luke still heard a hint of suppressing his lies in Whitehorse's words.

This guy is making a fool of himself.

Not to mention that it was impossible for Anna to be pregnant with his son, the B-ultrasound test report in this old dog's hand was probably also a forgery.

This old dog was really scared and started to jump over the wall.

Luke thought in his mind, with a mocking expression on his face: "It's up to you, son. I'm still young, and I can ask for him again in the future. By the way, when you kill him, remember to keep it until I find you. When the time comes, share some with me.”

Whitehorse was stunned.

It's over.

The last resort is useless.

Whitehorse was completely panicked. He looked at Luke who stopped looking at him after he finished speaking and raised his hand to take off his glasses. When he opened his mouth and was about to say something, he suddenly froze in place.

The moment Luke took off his glasses, he caught a glimpse of the ecstasy on Whitehorse's face.

How do you feel that this old man's expression just now seemed to be like a new village with a bright future?

Luke muttered, put on his glasses again, and logged into the conference room again.

But Whitehorse was offline.

Mrs. Viper, who was also about to log off, looked at Luke who had left and returned with some surprise: "Does Director Dane have anything else to do?"

Luke glanced at the position of Whitehorse, who was still there just now, and looked at Mrs. Viper: "Maria, how was the old dog's expression when he went offline?"

Mrs. Viper was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Director Dann, I am a third party watching. I cannot participate in your war, you know."

Luke smiled and said: "Of course, we are just chatting, chatting between the same clan."

Mrs. Viper raised the corners of her mouth.

"Same clan? Director Dann is not a member of my clan, is he?"

"It hurts me to say that, Maria."

There was a hint of discomfort on Luke's face, and he looked at Mrs. Viper: "Others don't know, so don't you still know?"

He was referring to that time when Viper was around, he lit up the portable X-energy detector.

Mrs. Viper raised her eyebrows.

after awhile.

Mrs. Viper's lips curled up as she looked at Luke: "Director Dann is a very gentleman. He even knew how to say goodbye to me before leaving."


Mrs. Viper smiled, and under Luke's gaze, she took off her glasses and exited the conference room.

Luke also took off his glasses, thinking about Mrs. Viper's words.

Mrs. Viper seemed to be praising him as a gentleman.

That means Whitehorse is not a gentleman enough.

Without saying hello, he left the meeting room rudely.


Whitehorse walked quickly.

Luke raised an eyebrow.

Could it be that the evil spirit is coming?

Somewhere in the Federation.

Lake bottom base.

After Whitehorse took off his glasses, he looked at Sunil who came in to report to him. He looked excited and said hurriedly: "There is a response. Come on, hurry up."

There is an old saying in the Eastern Kingdom.

There is always a way out.

The reason why he could think of imagining a child to deceive Lu Ke was because these days, under the threat of death, he had read a lot of analysis about Dongguo people.

People from the East take care of their families.

Rather than living for themselves, Dongguo people might as well say that they are living for their next generation.

This is true from generation to generation.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, the worst is not having an offspring. This sentence is even engraved in the bones of all Dongguo people.

This is also the reason why Whitehorse invented a B-ultrasound and specifically defined the gender of this non-existent child as male.

But he didn't expect that even if he was using Lu Ke's son as a threat, Lu Ke wouldn't be fooled at all.

damn it.

Whitehorse just suddenly realized that although Luke was a pure-blooded Dongguo native, he seemed to have been born in the Federation.

What kind of character do federal people have?

Heartless and unjust!

Just when Whitehorse looked at taking off his glasses and logging out, despairing, a piece of good news came.

His summoning ritual was answered.


When he was studying the people of the Eastern Kingdom these days, the phrase "There is no unstoppable path for man" almost immediately appeared in his mind when he saw it.

Whitehorse ran out of the office in ecstasy. Without even waiting for Sunil, he rushed directly towards the room he had used to summon hell demons these days.

I was so excited that I even dropped one of my shoes.

Sunil, who was following behind, picked up Whitehorse's dropped shoes, and then looked up at Whitehorse who had walked down the stairs, not even the elevator, with twinkling eyes.

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