A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 288: The Witch’s Inner Demon: “Arrogant!” (Second update!)

There was a bang.

Whitehorse ignored the blue water above his head and walked quickly along the corridor full of silver science fiction style.

Sunil Bakshi walked behind, clutching the shoes Whitehorse had just dropped.

"Your shoes, sir."


The two people walking quickly in the circular corridor attracted the attention of the Hydra agents in the command center in the middle of the oval-shaped underwater base.


After the Hydra agents saw who the two people were running away, they invariably looked away.

They were running fast, which was called laughing and playing.

If the boss is running away quickly, that means there is something urgent.

This is indeed the case.

Whitehorse couldn't even wait for the elevator. He took three steps at a time and went down the circular staircase to the corridor on the fifth floor of the Sands Island underwater base.

On both sides of the corridor, there are also reinforced transparent glass, and you can see the marine life wandering freely on both sides of the corridor.


Just when Whitehorse and Sunil were about to reach the end of the corridor, with a beeping sound, the door at the end made of pressure-resistant metal alloy opened instantly to both sides after a flash of red light.

Enter the room.

The smell of blood assaulted his nostrils.

Enter the eyes.

On the silver floor, which gives people a sense of visual impact, the six-pointed star array, which is recognized as being able to establish contact and communication with hell, comes into view.

In every corner of the six-pointed star array, the sacrifices used to summon demons are also very obvious.

At this moment, the six-pointed star formation was emitting red light.

The red light of blood!

Several Hydra agents who were in the room looked at Whitehorse and Sunil who came in from the outside and said hello quickly.


"go out."

Whitehorse looked at the reacting six-pointed star formation in front of him with hot eyes. Without raising his head, he said to the Hydra agents in the room who had come back from all over the world to protect him in the past few days: "Everyone get out without me. Order not to come in."

Sunil Bakshi on the side said solemnly: "Get out."

Several Hydra agents looked at each other, then turned around and walked out without saying a word.


Whitehorse and Sunil were the only two people left in the room.


At this moment, the blood-red hexagram formation seemed to become more dazzling.

The six-pointed star array seemed to sense Whitehorse's aura. In the short period of time after Whitehorse came in, the temperature in the room seemed to have risen by at least five degrees.

Sunil frowned slightly as he looked at the red light that seemed to be gathering in the six-pointed star formation.

"Sir, I..."


White made a loud noise, turned to look at Sunil, made a hissing gesture, and then looked at the six-pointed star formation that seemed to have something about to come out. He felt that his previous anxiety and uneasiness had been swept away, and even Even his expression became much calmer.

His eyes were hot and greedy.

"Damn yellow-skinned monkey, I have help from hell, what are you trying to do with me?"


Just when Whitehorse's heart was going crazy with a blood-red light that suddenly flashed in the six-pointed star formation, the red light soared into the sky in the six-pointed star formation, and the rumbling light hit the roof of the room.

The next second.

A powerful and terrifying atmosphere, terrifying and accompanied by a very unsettling aura almost swept across the entire room.

Red blood mist overflowed from the six-pointed star array. In the center of the array, it seemed that a void passage to another world had been opened.

Just when Whitehorse and Sunil couldn't help but take a few steps back due to the powerful, terrifying and uneasy aura, a pair of blood-red claws that seemed to be covered with countless toad pimples emerged from the six-pointed star formation. Appeared.

after awhile.

A demon with horns on his head, wearing a red cloak, and his whole body seemed to be bathed in lava, but his appearance was passable and he looked roughly like a human. He appeared in the six-pointed star circle.


“What a sweet air!”

The Witch Heart Demon raised his head, squinted his eyes, and with just one breath, he instantly sucked in all the blood mist that filled the room, then opened his cat-like pupils, and instantly fell on Whitehorse's body. , looked at Whitehorse with dangerous eyes, and said in a deep voice: "The Red Devil should have come to the edge of hell to meet me three days ago, why didn't he come."

Whitehorse was startled, lowered his head, and said quickly: "Master Wu Xin Mo, Red Devil, he was killed."

The eyes of the Witch Heart Demon shrank.

"What, dead?"


"This is impossible!"

The Witch Heart Demon said in a deep voice, raised his right paw, and with a hiss, Whitehorse automatically put his neck under the Witch Heart Demon's paw.

"Uh..." Whitehorse couldn't help but squeeze the pimple-covered red claws of the Witch Heart Demon with both hands, and then said in a difficult tone: "Sir, everything I said is true."

Daniel Whitehorse, the elite of the Third Reich and one of the leaders of Hydra, was like a dispensable minion in front of the Witch Heart Demon.

As I am in his presence.

Sunil, who was standing at the back, couldn't help but think as he looked at Whitehorse, whom he thought was the one-and-done leader, who was acting no different from other little Luoluos.

The next second.

Sunil came back to his senses and said quickly: "Master Wu Xin Mo, what Master Whitehorse said is true."

The Witch's Heart Demon's eyes were fixed on Sunil, and he narrowed his eyes. Then he looked at Whitehorse in his claws, thought for a moment, and released his claws.

Whitehorse fell to the ground, holding his throat, gasping for air.

He just blasted away the Hydra in the room just to prevent the younger brothers from seeing their boss in such a miserable state.


He is a human being, and the Witch Heart Demon is a demon, and he is also the demon who is inferior to one person and surpasses ten thousand people in hell.

Hydra has always admired the strong, even if he is a demon.

not to mention.

This is a demon who promised him eternal life after he recreates hell.

The Witch Heart Demon closed his eyes, as if looking for something.

after awhile!

The Witch Heart Demon reopened his eyes and looked at Whitehorse, who had climbed up from the ground and was being supported by Sunil.

There was a trace of irritability in his low tone: "The red devil's soul is not in hell, he is not dead!"

The soul of the earth has been taken over by the hell of his father Mephisto.

On this planet, after death of any living being, their souls will belong to hell, and as a price, hell must maintain the laws of life and death on earth.


He just communicated with Hell and didn't find the red devil's soul at all.


Whitehorse was also surprised by this, and said quickly: "Master Wu Xin Mo, the red devil is dead, it is absolutely true, and even the fat demon under the master is dead."

The Witch Heart Demon frowned: "The souls of the Obese Demon are not in hell either. Are you sure they are all dead?"

Whitehorse quickly signaled to Sunil beside him.

Sunil understood, took out the tablet he carried with him, and clicked on a photo.

The Witch Heart Demon stretched out his claws and grabbed the tablet.

Enter the eyes.

On the two autopsy tables, the bodies of the Red Devil and the Obese Devil had been torn into pieces.


A handful of sparks burst out from the Witch Heart Demon's claws the moment he crushed the tablet with his bare hands.


Wu Xin Mo made a swish sound, raised his head, and looked at Whitehorse in a deep voice: "Who killed my man!"

Whitehorse said quickly: "Luke Dane!"

He said Luke's name without hesitation, and then told the Witch Heart Demon what happened.

Of course.

It's the story that Whitehorse polished.

In the story of Whitehorse.

He portrayed Luke as someone who seemed to be robbing the black gems and souls. Afterwards, Luke tracked the red devil, and then killed the red devil when he was unprepared. Moreover, he knew that he had a large amount of After getting the black gem and soul, he was also ready to trouble him.

The reason why Whitehorse said this is actually very simple.

If he didn't say that, he was afraid that the inner demon would say, "This is the trouble you caused yourself, so you need to solve it yourself."


In order to ensure that the Witch Heart Demon can help solve this trouble, Whitehorse naturally portrayed the trouble he caused as the trouble that the Witch Heart Demon caused.

In fact, he didn't originally intend to say that.

But after he heard the Witch Heart Demon say that the souls of the Red Devil and the Fat Demon were not in hell, he immediately decided to say so. The disappearing souls of the Red Devil and the Fat Demon were even more evidence of his lie.


The evil spirit believed it.

"Stealing black gems and souls."

When the Witch Heart Demon heard what Whitehorse said, and then contacted the disappeared souls of the Red Devil and the Obese Demon, he immediately believed it.

the reason is simple.

Because only this reason can explain why the souls of the red devil and the obese devil did not go back to hell after death.

Someone is trying to steal his soul.


The devil's eyes were fierce: "The soul of the entire planet belongs to our hell. Who is it? It is from the heaven dimension or some other dimension."

Whitehorse was delighted.

"He is from the East."


The Witch Heart Demon was stunned for a moment, brainstorming: "Eastern Kingdom? What dimension is this?"

Whitehorse quickly explained: "Sir, Dongguo is the mysterious eastern country on this planet."

The Witch Heart Demon made a sound, twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at Whitehorse.


"No, he seems to be a mutant too."


The Witch Heart Demon took a deep breath: "Mutants, huh, those should be the mutants from the heaven dimension who have not given up all these years. They dare to steal my soul. Where is he? Take me there to find him."

Go find him?


That's too dangerous.

Whitehorse opened his mouth and looked at the Witch Heart Demon, his eyes flickering: "Sir, in seven days, this damn yellow-skinned monkey will come over here. Sir, he doesn't know your existence yet. I want to After seven days, give him a surprise!”

Witch Heart Demon: "..."

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