Luke had never felt that time would be so long.

He dared to swear that when he was in the main god's space, he had never looked forward to time passing quickly.


Going to chop up an old dog is much more exciting than doing the main god mission.

"No, my mentality is wrong." After Lu Ke got up in the morning, he looked at the date on the calendar, the time marked in red, and took a deep breath: "There is only one day left, so keep your mentality steady."

Tomorrow at 12 noon is the day when the coordinates of the old dog will be announced.

In other words.

He could send the old dog to die tomorrow.

Two days ago, Mrs. Viper came over and took Jiaying away.

These are the rules of the game.

Not only Jiaying, but Anna from Whitehorse is also the same. Now with Jiaying, they are all under the supervision of Mrs. Viper.

Luke was not worried about what Mrs. Viper would do to Jiaying.

Because Mrs. Viper seems to be on his side.

After all, mutants have to help mutants.

Luke knows how to be flexible.

He is not a mutant, but this does not prevent him from being a mutant when needed.

Luke thought to himself, holding the first cup of bourbon in the morning, turned around and walked towards the yard behind, and then, doing nothing, just waited for the time to arrive at 12 noon tomorrow.

In order to chop up the old dog as soon as possible, he asked his assistant for three days' leave.

Originally, Lu Ke planned to ask for a week.


Earl disagreed.

In Earl's words, tomorrow is the day when Luke's transfer order takes effect and he officially takes office as the director of Los Angeles City.

There will definitely be a meeting in the bureau tomorrow.

On such an important day, it would feel a little inappropriate if Lu Ke didn't come and let her take his place.

After all, no new director would disappear for seven days as soon as he takes office.

Earl disagreed, saying that if Luke wanted to take seven days off, Earl would also take almost half a year's worth of annual leave that he had saved these days.

That's definitely not possible.

This little break can be done without him, but not without Earl.

After all, the reason why Luke is so relaxed now is because Earl is helping him.

So Luke could only do the next best thing, shortening the seven days of leave to three days, and then promised Earl that after the leave was over, he would honestly stay in the director's office for a full month, and during this period he would not be able to go anywhere. I won’t feel at ease being the mascot for a month.

After Luke's assurance and oath, Earl agreed to his request for three days' leave.

But that’s fine too.

He can concentrate on sending the old dog to eat first.

at this time.

The phone rings.

Luke, who was sitting on the recliner, opened his eyes, took out the phone from his arms, glanced at the caller number, and answered the call.


"Come up, I'm in your heaven."


Luke raised his eyes and glanced at the blue sky and white clouds above his head. With a thought, the image of Seifer's Sky Fortress...on the sofa appeared in his mind.

The next second.


Luke's figure disappeared on the recliner in an instant.

When he appeared again, he had changed his position and was lying on the sofa of the Sky Fortress, still holding the shaking bourbon in his hand.

Sipher, who was sitting on the sofa nearby, looked at Luke, who was lying opposite Ge You, with a smile on his face, hung up the phone in his hand, and said with some curiosity: "Your ability can only be achieved within the scope of Luo City. Does it move up, down, left, and right inside?"

Luke looked at Seve.

"what do you want to say?"

"Nothing, just ask."

Seve smiled and said to Luke: "I'm wondering, if your ability has a distance limit, is that right? If I want to park the Sky Fortress here, Whitehorse must not be in Los Angeles. If you want to find him immediately, you will definitely not be able to teleport there."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

His teleportation ability is no longer limited to the size of Luo City.

After all, with the migration of his small universe, and with the small universe getting closer and closer to Haier Hades, he is getting stronger almost every minute.

Now the range of his teleportation ability has been improved a lot.



Luke said and looked at Seve: "Just right, it saves me the trouble of booking a flight or something tomorrow."

Seve stood up, jumped directly into Luke's arms, and snuggled up to Luke: "Then can you stay with me tonight?"

Luke thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

Seve's eyes lit up.

"Really, then Rachel won't be able to have you tonight."


Luke didn't answer Seve's words at all, and directly changed the subject: "How's the old dog doing? Have you found the old dog's location through the disappeared Hydra agents?"

Let’s get down to business.

Sever also stood up from Luke's arms again, sat down next to Luke, and turned the laptop screen on the coffee table: "The coordinates of the three bases in Whitehorse have been exposed, but which base is he at? Still no news.”

Luke looked towards the laptop screen.

Enter the eyes.

The three positions marked in red are particularly conspicuous.

"One is located in Dortmund, Germany. These days, the base here has been reinforced by about 500 Hydra agents."

Seve called up the satellite map and looked at Luke: "Germany is Whitehorse's hometown. I feel that there is a high probability that he will be here."

Luke held a different opinion.

"probably not."


"Germany is Werner Reinhardt's homeland, but it is not Daniel Whitehorse's homeland."

Luke's thoughts turned around and he looked at Seve: "Are any of these three coordinates within the federal territory? I heard Anna say that although Whitehorse never stayed in one place for a long time, she still felt that Whitehorse should I like the Federation more."

Seve frowned, looked sideways at Luke, and said in a strange tone: "Anna, Whitehorse's daughter, you called her very affectionately."

Luke looked at Seve with a calm expression: "Anna will help me take over the old dog's inheritance smoothly after the old dog dies."

Seve mused.

"So, another girl for you, ha."

"Not really."

Luke shook his head: "I have principles."

Seve raised his eyebrows: "What principle."

"I never have sex with my partners," Luke said.

Seve was slightly startled and looked at Luke suspiciously.

"Am I not your partner?"


Luke looked at Sever with a smile: "You are my woman."

Severus raised his eyebrows, then retracted his gaze without leaving any trace, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and moved his fingers to read the satellite map of the Miami area.

Luke looked at the satellite map that appeared and his expression moved.



Seve pursed his lips: "In these days, there are about four hundred Hydra agents who have entered Miami through various methods from all over the world. However, I searched carefully and found no one there. Any traces of suspected Whitehoe base or its activities were found on it."

Luke touched his chin and pointed to the lower right corner of the map.

"Where are these islands?"

"You mean Old Rhode Island and Elliot Island and Sands Island?"

Seve glanced at the direction of Luke's finger and zoomed in: "I've seen it. These islands are all uninhabited islands with no traces of human activity."

While talking, Seve seemed to have thought of something and looked at Luke: "By the way, has Sunil, the one who tipped you off, called you recently?"

Just when Luke was about to shake his head.

The phone rings.

unknown number.

Luke raised his eyes and glanced at Seve, then answered the call.


"Mr. Dann, it's me."

While Whitehorse unblocked the signal and was in his room, Sunil's voice, who finally found a chance to make a call, came out on the phone: "Sunil Bakshi, I have a very important piece of information. I want to Tell Mr. Dane."

Luke and Sever looked at each other.

"What do you want in exchange?"

"The Alien Laboratory."

"I have already agreed to give this to you."


Sunil said in a low voice: "I want the ownership of the alien laboratory. Mr. Dane does not need to provide me with funds in the future."

He finally understood.

Following the Hydra, I starved for nine meals in three days.

As a scientist, why would he want to get involved in these struggles? Why should he just play with himself behind closed doors?


Sunil said: "I will tell Mr. Dann this very important information. Can Mr. Dann agree to my request?"

Luke laughed: "Okay, but William is not next to me this time. Do you need me to call first and ask William to join our conversation and vouch for me?"

Sunil said hurriedly: "No, Mr. Dann, Whitehorse has just unblocked the signal shield and was on the phone. I found the opportunity to inform you. I believe Mr. Dann's promise. The important information is like this." Son’s.”

While talking.

Sunil made a long story short. A few days ago, Whitehorse summoned the devil from hell, Witch Heart Demon, and complained to Witch Heart Demon that Luke attacked Whitehorse because he coveted the soul of Witch Heart Demon. It was to outline Whitehorse's plans for tomorrow.

To put it simply.

As long as Luke goes there tomorrow, Whitehorse will summon the Witch Heart Demon again.

Just when Sunil finished saying these words and was about to say something more, there was a beep and the communication was instantly interrupted.

Luke looked at the suddenly interrupted call and recalled what Sunil had just said.

No need to think.

It must be that Whitehorse finished the call and turned on the signal jammer again.

Luke looked thoughtful.

Good guy.

He really guessed it right.


That day, when he was offline, Whitehorse's expression of ecstasy was really because he had successfully contacted the Witch Heart Demon.

Luke's thoughts turned and he came back to his senses. He looked at Seve who was also looking at him and couldn't help laughing: "Sure enough, the person who came here is not good!"

Seve opened his mouth: "Well, we will be the ones coming tomorrow."

Luke smiled and said, "I know, I'm not wrong either."

Sever: "..."

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