A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 290 Hela: “My children’s education belongs to me” (Fourth update!)

Luke spent the night at the Sky Fortress.

Of course.

He had told Rachel in advance, but he certainly did not tell Rachel directly. The reason why he would not go back tonight was because he would be slept with by Seve.

You must never say this, because if you say it like this, it is almost the same as talking loudly.

No matter how generous Rachel is, she probably won't be able to bear it.

The reason why Luke uses tiger balm.

Work overtime tonight.

In fact, he did not lie. Sleeping with Seve, from a certain perspective, was indeed working overtime.

And Seve is different from Rachel who doesn't get hungry after one meal a day. Seve, who is hungry twice in three days, finally seizes the opportunity and directly pesters Luke to ask for it five times and plays until midnight. Tired, he lay on Luke's chest and fell asleep panting.

Luke glanced at Seve who was still sleeping on his chest. After thinking about it, he closed his eyes without pulling Seve out. Then, his soul left his body in an instant and went directly to Hel Hades. .

In the Hades of Hel, the palaces belonging to Luke and Hela, with the sleepless work of many souls and the overtime work day and night, the foundations of the two palaces have already taken shape.

Look from a distance.

The two palaces look like temples in Norse mythology.


Hela seems to be from Norse mythology.

Luke blinked, came to his senses, and shook his head.

He did not come here this time to inspect the progress of the palace's construction. After all, even if the palace was built, he would not be able to move in at the moment.


Compared to living underground, Luke still prefers living in the sky.

Lu Ke came here for the Witch Heart Demon this time.

He was not worried about what kind of trouble the Witch Heart Demon would cause him tomorrow.

But there is a saying.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

And Rachel was right.

The closer you get to the ending, the more you have to stabilize your mentality. After all, it would be too bad if the boat capsizes in the gutter near the end.

After Luke found Hela, he directly asked about the Witch Heart Demon.

"Witch Heart Demon?"

After Hela heard Luke's intention, she casually threw the seeds in her hand onto the black earth in front of her: "Is it the Witch Heart Demon in the memory of the soul before, the stupid son of Mephisto's family?"

Luke raised an eyebrow.

He didn't remember that he told Hela about the relationship between the Witch Heart Demon and Mephisto.

"Stupid son?"

"Of course, when I didn't have the seal, this stupid son of Mephisto's family was no secret in the world of death. I just didn't expect that after so many years, Mephisto could still bear it. Chop up this stupid son of his."

Hela shook her head, and then said to Luke: "Although the World Tree Universe calls itself a universe, just like the small universe you described, it is also dependent on the existence of another universe. Therefore, we who have the power of death can Real-time communication. When I was here, people like Astoya, the ruler of the underworld dimension, and Mephisto, the ruler of the hell dimension, were among them. At that time, the stupid son of the Mephisto family already existed. .”

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Then now..."

"Not anymore."

Hela sighed: "You have forgotten that in order to imprison me forever, Odin handed over the death law of the World Tree universe and my death authority to the death itself of the big universe. This is why Odin welcomed me. The fundamental reason for coming to Ragnarok.”

As long as Odin did not imprison her and leave the law of death to outsiders, then the death authority of the World Tree Universe is still here in Hela, and Odin, as the king of gods, is exempt from death in any case. Ragnarok will come.


Odin seeks his own death.

Hela shook her head: "My father drank the spring water of wisdom with one eye and gained infinite wisdom. He knew that doing so would lead to Ragnarok, but he still did it. I never figured it out. ,Why did he do this."

Luke shrugged: "Maybe it's because, if he didn't do this, you would have killed all the Asa clan back then, and then killed him too."

One is to die now, and the other is to delay death for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Anyone with an above-average IQ will choose the latter.

Hela heard this and glanced at Luke, with a charming smile on her cold cheeks: "Odin must die."

Luke nodded in agreement: "I agree."

The words fell.

Lu Ke directly brought the topic back to business: "Tell me about the Witch Heart Demon. He may appear tomorrow. Is there anything special about him that I need to pay attention to and be wary of?"

Hela looked at Luke curiously.

"Watch out for him? Why?"


"A person whose soul was given by Mephisto is a stupid guy who actually thinks he can turn Mephisto against him."

Hela looked at Luke with some confusion: "Such an idiot has nothing to worry about."

Luke looked at Hela curiously.

"Aren't you the same..."

"I'm different!"

Hella raised her eyebrows: "I was born in the Hades of Hel, and the World Tree gave me the authority to die. Odin can only imprison me and weaken my authority, but cannot really kill me."

Luke smiled: "Sorry."


Hela embraced all of Hades as soon as she was born.

The goddess of death is the title of Hela.

Witch heart demon?

Just a demon.

After all, even his father, Mephisto, only dared to say that he was the master of the hell dimension. Even with a swollen face, he only dared to say that he was the god of the dimension, but did not dare to say that he was the true god.


Dimension God, not God.

Luke's thoughts were spinning and he shook his head: "I don't know why I ask, but it's always good to ask."

Hela thought for a while and looked at Luke: "If you don't really want to kill the Witch Heart Demon, it's best not to kill him if you can. If you want to kill him, if you can't do it yourself, it's best not to do it yourself. "

Luke looked at Hela.

"Why is this?"

"The Witch Heart Demon has made such a big move against Mephisto. Mephisto has always seen it, but never cared about it. Not only because he knew that the Witch Heart Demon could not succeed, but also because of Mephisto." Stowe doted on his stupid son."

When Hela said this, she looked at Luke: "I hope that in the future, I will be responsible for the education of our children and you will not interfere."

Luke raised his eyebrows: "Why did the topic suddenly come to this point?"

Hela shrugged and said, "This is the end of the conversation."

Lu Ke laughed dumbly: "Okay, you will be responsible for your children's education in the future, I don't care."

He doesn't even look at the boy. If Hela is willing to take care of it, then let Hela take care of it.

As for the daughter.

He just needs to be responsible for pampering.

Luke said this, and then looked at Hela: "Let's go back to the Witch Heart Demon. Why can't I kill him?"

Hela looked serious.

"You can educate him, you can cripple him, but if you kill him, his soul will come to Hel Hades. In this way, Mephisto will know, and if Mephisto knows, then …”

"Odin will know."

Luke took over Hela's words, answered quickly, and then nodded with a sudden expression: "Then he will know that there is a loophole in his blockade of Hela's Hades."

In this case.

Once Odin knows that there is a loophole in Hel Hades, he will definitely find the loophole as soon as possible and then fix it.

"Odin is entering his twilight. I can feel the call from the Hall of Valor to him, but..."

As Hela spoke, she raised her head and looked at the bright stars that were still far away in the sky: "Your power has not fully come yet. If he finds you, he can still imprison you here like me. "

Luke nodded, then smiled slightly and looked at Hela: "Look, let me just say it. It's always right to come and ask. To sum up, I can beat up the Witch Heart Demon, but I can't kill it. Witch-in-the-heart demon, right?"

Hela added: "You can't kill the Witch Heart Demon, because if you kill the Witch Heart Demon, under the law of death, his soul will be drawn to us."

Lu Ke made an OK gesture: "I understand, is there anything else you want to add?"

Hela nodded.



"I'm going to take a bath. Do you want to see it? Or should you leave first and come back later. I pretend not to know. Fennier told me that you seem to have this voyeuristic habit."


Fennir, you still want a male wolf?

Want to eat shit.

Go ahead slowly by yourself.

Luke opened his eyes, thinking this in his heart, and then recalled the picture of Hela bathing in the extremely cold water in front of him just now, and looked at Seve lying on his chest with some hot eyes.

Cypher felt as if he were riding a horse.

Every move.


I'm being ridden.

Seve opened her eyes, looked at Luke who put his hands beside her head, raised her head, kissed Luke, and then took the initiative to lift Luke's neck, letting him ride.

When you are happy, time always flies by.

In the blink of an eye.

There is only one hour left before the coordinates are announced.

Luke and Sever were in the Sky Fortress. After eating breakfast, they took out a device similar to a BB machine that Mrs. Viper had given Jiaying when she took her away.

On the small LCD screen of the device, the sixty-minute countdown was slowly counting down.

After the sixty-minute countdown ends, Whitehorse's current coordinates will be announced here.


His coordinates will also be announced on the BB machine in Whitehoe.

Luke looked at the screen of the BB phone in his hand, thought for a moment, and looked at Seve: "You just said that many Hydras went to Miami and disappeared?"

Sever nodded.


"Then let's go to Miami first."


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