A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 291 Remaining time 6000 (fifth update, please subscribe!!)

『19:58! 』


Since the death of the Red Devil, Whitehorse, who had moved to the secret underwater base on Sands Island, put the BB camera in his hand on the table and looked up at Sunil standing in front of him: "Prepare the summoned sacrifice. Ok?"

Sunil nodded: "Ready, start now?"

White waved his hand.

"No, wait a minute."


Whitehorse thought for a moment and showed a hint of gloating: "Nothing can make me happier than killing him when he is happiest."


With the support of the Witch Heart Demon, Whitehorse started his own operation again.

He planned to wait.

When Luke came over, thinking that he could only be captured without mercy, he summoned the Witch Heart Demon, and then he wanted to perform anatomy on Luke with his own hands.

Because, only in this way can the hatred in his heart be eliminated!

How many years.

The last person who beat him like a drowned dog was Captain America.

Where is he now?

The body sank in the Antarctic Sea.

Just in time.

Although this is not the Antarctic Sea, it is still a sea, and it is a perfect place to be your burial place.

Damn yellow-skinned bastard!

Whitehorse's eyes flickered, and after signaling Sunil to go out, he put the glasses he had been holding on to the bridge of his nose.



Luke, who was heading to the air fortress in Miami, sneezed twice involuntarily.

One thought, two curses.

Luke took the virtual imaging glasses handed over by Seve and pinched his nose: "That old dog Whitehorse must have been scolding me just now."

Seve sat down on the sofa next to him, shrugged and said, "Didn't you also call him an old dog?"

Luke smiled and looked at Seve who put on his glasses after saying this, and then also put on his virtual imaging glasses.

The next second.

In the conference room where Hydra held its conference.

After Luke just logged in, he immediately saw Whitehorse sitting opposite, and immediately a warm smile filled his face: "Oi! Old dog, there are still ten minutes, do you miss me? Are you the same as me? , can’t wait to see me.”

Whitehorse sneered and did not answer Luke's question. Instead, he looked at Mrs. Viper who was sitting on the main seat.

Originally, there was no need to go online again before the countdown started.


Whitehorse reported cheating.

Mrs. Viper glanced at Luke directly and formulaically, and then set her eyes on Sever: "Ms. Sever, Director Whitehorse reported that you provided help to Luke in this impeachment motion. is that so?"

Seve shook his head: "Sorry, madam, I refuse to admit this responsibility."

Whitehorse said directly: "Ms. Sever, you are from Dr. Zola's group. Is it true that Luke is on your plane now?"

Sever looked at Whitehorse and said, "Yes, Luke was here last night. Luke and I are in a relationship. Is there any problem?"

Whitehall laughed and said: "Talk about love, Ms. Sever, if I remember correctly, Luke has a girlfriend, no, he has a fiancée."

Luke leaned on the sofa and looked at Whitehorse with a sarcastic smile: "Director Whitehorse, what you said is that, who stipulates that I can't have a girlfriend if I have a fiancée? I don't care that you treat your daughter as your own." The most despicable of secret agents."

Whitehorse looked at Luke expressionlessly.

"I have my own way of education!"

"I also have my own ways of making friends."

Luke raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his watch: "There are still nine minutes, old dog, cherish the last hour of your life, because I can guarantee that in sixty minutes, your life will come to an end. .”

Whitehorse looked directly at Mrs. Viper: "According to the provisions of the impeachment motion, no third-party force is allowed to intervene during the impeachment motion. I am now proposing to postpone the time of this motion on the grounds that a third-party force has entered the situation."

Luke snapped and stood up: "Old dog, you're scared, aren't you? Put it off, hehe, even if Jesus comes in person today, he won't be able to stop me from killing you."



This is the effect you want.

Whitehorse raised his eyes and glanced at Luke, thinking this in his heart.

silly dog.

Don’t you just want me to get carried away and have no idea what other trump cards you have?

I'll give it to you.

Luke was very familiar with this trick used by Whitehorse.

Whitehorse pretended that he was afraid of Luke, and deliberately used a third party as an excuse to make Luke give up the idea that he had any back-ups, so that Luke could get carried away, and then deceived Luke into his secret base. killed.

What is this called?

Use advance as retreat, and then invite you to enter the urn.

The art of war is one set after another.

It's just that Whitehorse didn't seem to think of one problem, that is, the Thirty-six Strategies, they Dongguo people are the ancestors.

No matter what conspiracy you play, Luke will just play a card.

Take advantage of the situation!

Alexander, Malik and others who attended this meeting watched this scene in silence, mainly to only witness and not participate.

But not Dr. Zola!

"Mrs. Viper!"

Dr. Zola, who attended the meeting as a cyborg, spoke in his own unique electronic voice: "Seve asked me for annual leave ten days ago, and I agreed. At present, all matters on my side are complete. Another disciple is in charge. Sever has the right to act independently after his vacation and cannot represent me."

Luke raised his eyebrows triumphantly and looked at Whitehorse.

"Old dog, I am satisfied with this explanation."


Whitehorse sneered and looked at Zola: "Dr. Zola, you said Seve took annual leave ten days ago. You said so."

at this time.

Mrs. Viper, who had her arms folded, looked at Whitehorse and said, "Ten days ago, after Dr. Zola received Ms. Sever's annual leave report, the relationship between Ms. Sever and Mr. Dane came to an end. So I told me in advance, and as required, I temporarily froze Ms. Seifer's authority to use organizational resources. I know about this."

When Whitehorse heard this, he looked at Mrs. Viper with a swish.


"Director Whitehorse, if you have other evidence that you can provide that indeed requires the motion to suspend the motion, if this is the only evidence, I'm sorry, but the motion to suspend the motion will not be passed. There is still time..."

Mrs. Viper raised her wrist to look at the time on her watch, and said to Whitehorse: "There are still five minutes left. Your location information will be announced to the other party as soon as possible."

Whitehorse looked at Mrs. Viper coldly.

Mrs. Viper looked at Whitehorse calmly with her green eyes.

after awhile.

Whitehorse couldn't help laughing, and then his eyes swept over Baron Strucker, Director Malik and Zola, without stopping at Alexander and Baron Zemo, and finally fell on Luke: "I'm very I’m curious, what charm do you have that can make these people support you and be sure that you will win this war.”

He did not expect this reason to delay the impeachment motion at all.

This was just a smokescreen he used to induce Lu Ke and make Lu Ke feel that he was really at the end of his rope and had no other choice.


Whitehorse originally thought that Dr. Zola would stand up and use various reasons and evidence to show that Sever's behavior had nothing to do with him, and that it was all Sever's personal behavior.

But the result is.

It was not only Dr. Zola who came out to explain, but even Mrs. Viper.

The leave request form ten days ago?


I believe you are evil.


Originally, in this game, the referee, Mrs. Viper, who should be completely fair and impartial, chose to take sides.

This is unscientific and not normal.

Where does this damn yellow-skinned monkey get its charm from?

Whitehorse's expression was grim.

Mrs. Viper heard the meaning of Whitehorse's words and spoke immediately.

"If Director Whitehoe suspects that I am on the same side, he can just say so. Several directors can vote. If more than three directors feel that I am on the side, they can be replaced..."

"Need not!"


Can I still get more than three votes now?


Suspend, I have never thought of suspending.

Whitehorse directly interrupted Mrs. Viper's words, sneered, and looked at Luke: "You are only one person. After you die, I want to see what their expressions will look like."

Say it.

Whitehorse once again acted as if he was furious, took off his glasses, and logged out of the conference room.

Luke looked at the place where Whitehorse disappeared, smiled, and then looked at Dr. Zola, Malik and others: "Sit here for a while and chat. I will be back in an hour. .”

He would kill an old dog first.

After Luke took off his glasses, he looked at the last thirty seconds countdown on the BB camera in his hand.

"Where is the plane?"

"Now over Elliot Island."


While Luke was speaking, the countdown of the BB camera in his hand had returned to zero, and then, a coordinate information immediately ejected: "25.49797085987642, -80.18313759785399!"

Seve on the opposite side quickly entered the coordinates.


The satellite map expanded, and then the screen instantly zoomed to the real-time satellite map of this coordinate.

"This is Sands Island?"

Seve was stunned for a moment and looked at Luke: "But there's nothing up here."

Sure enough, it's here.

Luke raised the corner of his mouth, grabbed the headset on the side, put it into his ears, and glanced at the real-time satellite map of Sands Island: "If there is one, you will know after taking a look."

The words fell.


Luke's figure disappeared in an instant opposite Seifer, and with a bang, he landed steadily on the uninhabited island of Sands Island.

Look around.

It was deserted. At the very least, there was no building on this island that could accommodate more than four hundred Hydra agents.

If it's not on the island, it's in the sea.

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked down at the ground beneath his feet.

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