A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 295 Witch Heart Demon, hello, goodbye! (Fourth update!)

Luke kicked Whitehorse.

no doubt.



Where is the soul?

Why is this old dog’s soul not in the Hades of Haier?

Luke was a little curious.

at this time.

A cough sounded, causing Luke's eyes to refocus, falling on a man with no eye organs who was also pale and had an X-gene suppressor around his neck.

"No eyes?"

Luke's eyes fell on this man without any eye organs, and he raised his eyebrows: "Gordon?"

The alien Gordon, who was lying on the ground and coughing, stiffened, and then pointed his face at Luke as if he could see him.

"Who are you."



Luke laughed, and then moved his right hand, directly pulling Gordon in front of him to Sunil, who was not far away taking off his soaked clothes to prevent himself from catching a cold. He said without looking back: "Su Neil, watch him, don't let him run away, and don't let him die either."


Luke returned his gaze to Whitehorse's body at his feet, and then raised his eyes to the underwater base in front of him that had been dismantled to only its skeleton.

The next second.


A steel plate was once again removed from the skeleton of the underwater base, and then, with a loud bang, it hit the beach in front of you.

Luke's eyes fell on the steel plate, which seemed to be heating up the six-pointed star array.

Seve looked at the six-pointed star array on the steel that looked like an LED light strip gradually turning red, and was a little curious.

"What's this?"

"The important point is not what it is, but what is coming out from here later."

Luke said casually, dodged, and after the bottom of the underwater base was dismantled, the dozen or so wooden boxes filled with black gems that were exposed were all thrown into the Haier Hades to ensure that they could be used to make " After Ming Yi's black gem and "soul" were safely put into his bag, he turned his attention to the six-pointed star array again.


Crimson light swept directly over the six-pointed star formation. Along with the strong wind and the unique smell of blood when the devil appeared, the steel plate engraved with the six-pointed star formation seemed to be lifted up by an invisible force. There was a big hole behind his head lying on the ground, and his body was pale. Daniel Whitehorse, who was 100% a corpse just now, stood up slowly at this moment.

Seve was shocked.

"not dead?"


Luke replied casually, and then looked thoughtfully at the 'Whitehorse' who stood up, raised his head, moved his limbs, and seemed to be familiar with this body, and said directly: "Witch Heart Demon" ?”

The figure of Wuxinmo, who was getting familiar with the body in front of him, was stunned.

The next second.


The inner-witch manipulating Whitehorse's body bent stiffly like a zombie, turned sideways, and then his eyes fell on Luke.

The eyes on the face of Whitehorse's corpse were shining with scarlet light.

"Who are you."



The Witch Heart Demon, who took possession of Whitehorse's body and came up from the border of hell, was once again stunned when he heard this somewhat familiar name.

He is not Mephisto. As for the earth, it does not mean that he can come up if he wants to.

If the Witch Heart Demon wants to come up, it needs certain conditions.

for example……


He can come up only if someone specially offers a sacrifice to call him.

But just when he had been waiting for Whitehorse to summon him in the border of hell, he suddenly found that the summoning ceremony was started, but it stopped abruptly half way through. Then, he saw the extremely decayed Whitehorse. The soul was pulled over.

Because Whitehorse's soul was signed and sold to him in a contract at the very beginning.

No matter who kills Whitehorse, as long as Whitehorse is dead, his soul belongs to him.

After seeing the decayed soul of Whitehorse, the Witch Heart Demon immediately realized that something was wrong, so he quickly squeezed out while the summoning channel was not closed. Because the channel was not fully opened, he could not physically come up, so he had to find Possessed by the latest corpse.


I had Whitehorse hoard the black gems.

The Witch Heart Demon seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes fell on the underwater base behind Luke, which was demolished to only the skeleton.

Enter the eyes.

It was empty, with only the remaining black gemstones still smelling of souls, proving that many black gemstones with souls had been piled there.

But now there is nothing.

The next second.

In the mind of Wu Xinmo, he thought about who Luke was standing in front of him.

He looked up at Luke, his scarlet eyes narrowed into a dangerous straight line like a cat and fell on Luke.

"Your soul is not governed by hell."

The Witch's Heart Demon's eyes moved up and landed on Lu Ke's face, and said in a deep voice: "Who is the world of death behind you?"

Luke did not answer the question, but asked instead: "Whitehorse's soul was taken away by you?"

The Witch Heart Demon asked in a deep voice: "Did you take away my black gem?"

The conversation between the two was not on the same channel at all.

Luke couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

The witch heart demon saw this.

"What are you laughing at? Do you know who I am?"

"Believe me, I know very well who you are. You are the stupid son of the Mephisto family, the great lord of the hell dimension. Your reputation is quite big."

"What did you say!"

Seeing the joking expression on Luke's face, Wu Xin Mo was like a dynamite, and he ran straight towards Luke like a zombie.

"Next time you come up, remember to bring your real body."

Luke sneered and raised his right hand.


The steel plate that had just been blown away not far away by the Witch Heart Demon soared into the air, and with the sound of cracking and splitting, it flew directly into countless pieces.

The next second.

Luke released his right hand forward, and countless steel plate fragments were shot at the Witch Heart Demon running towards him like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm.

"Hello, Witch Heart Demon, goodbye, Witch Heart Demon!"


"Puff puff!"

The Witch Heart Demon stopped in an instant, looked at the dense steel plates in front of him, his eyes shrank, and he let out a roar.


The roar stopped abruptly with the sound of steel plates entering the body.

In an instant.

After a volley of countless steel plates, Whitehorse completely disappeared in front of Luke's eyes.

Disappearance in the physical sense.

Only the slag attached to the steel plates scattered not far away and falling on the beach can prove that there was indeed a man named Daniel Whitehorse in this world before.

As for the Witch Heart Demon?

The physical body it occupied is gone. Of course, where did it come from? Go back to where it came from.




Accompanying the demon's true form, the demon's true form opened its eyes and let out an angry roar before being taken back to hell by the demon.

The roar vibrated abnormally in the edge of hell.

"Luke Dane!"

The horned face of the Witch Heart Demon was twisted, and the anger in his eyes was burning like a raging fire.

The next second.

The Witch's Heart Demon's gaze shifted and fell on Whitehorse, whose soul was rotten and even seemed a bit sluggish.


The Witch Heart Demon walked over quickly, and then slapped Whitehorse on the face: "Damn idiot, trash, waste, look at the good things you have done!"

If the loser in front of him had summoned him earlier, how could he have been subjected to such a shame and humiliation?

Whitehorse seemed to be woken up by a slap from the Witch Heart Demon. He covered his cheek and his eyes lit up when he looked at the extremely angry Witch Heart Demon in front of him.

"Master Wu Xin Mo, you are here, hurry up, that damn yellow-skinned monkey has arrived..."



Whitehorse was dumbfounded. He covered his cheeks with his hands and looked at Wu Xin Mo, who gave him another big blow.

"Master Wu Xin Mo, you..."

"Yellow-skinned monkey, yellow-skinned monkey, I think you are an extremely stupid white pig!"

The Witch Heart Demon was furious, suppressing his anger, and said to Whitehorse: "Damn white pig, look where you are now."

When Whitehorse heard Wu Xin Mo's words, he reacted and looked around.

Endless dust.

A harsh surface that is constantly bursting with lava.

There is also the endless wailing and shouting that fills the ears.


It's hell!

Whitehorse was so excited that he couldn't help but raise his head and look at the Witch Heart Demon.

He looked quite excited.

"Am I dead? Lord Witch Heart Demon, you promised me..."


The Witch Heart Demon couldn't bear it any longer, and with a powerful blow, Whitehorse flew three meters away. Then he followed up with a quick step and kicked Whitehorse completely, completely treating Whitehorse as a sandbag.

"Damn white pig!"

"Damn idiot."


"Stupid stuff."

Wu Xin Mo, who couldn't even endure a meeting with Luke, and was even humiliated by Luke, completely vented his anger on Whitehorse.

However, this cannot be called expressing anger.


This was Whitehorse's fault.

If Whitehorse didn't want to do some micro-managing on his own, but instead summoned the Witch Heart Demon when the time came, would things turn out like this?

The results of it.

In the past two years, he had worked hard to dig up the black gems from hell, and the souls he had accumulated were all taken away by a person who did not know the unknown world of death.

Even he himself was humiliated.

And the culprit of all this was Daniel Whitehorse, whom he was beating like a punching bag.

"Trash, trash!"

"Stupid white pig!"

"You ruined my big deal!"

The Witch Heart Demon's nostrils were spitting hot magma, showing that he was very angry at the moment.

Whitehorse, with a bruised nose and swollen face, was kneeling tremblingly in front of the Witch Heart Demon.

The Witch Heart Demon panted heavily and moved his gaze upwards, looking at the passage he had just taken to the earth.

"Luke Dane!"

"I remember you!!"


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