A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 296 The new Hydra director! (Fifth update, please order in full!!)




Luke, who returned to the Sky Fortress, pinched his nose and took the bourbon handed over by Seve. After taking a sip, he still felt his nose was a little itchy and said, "I feel like I'm being missed again." On."


This time, it seems that he is not being remembered.

Instead, he was missed by a demon that was beneath one demon and above all demons.

Witch heart demon.

In fact, Lu Ke had no intention of antagonizing the evil spirit.


In the situation just now, Wu Xin Mo obviously didn't intend to talk properly, so he just said one word, and Wu Xin Mo was about to rush to eat him.

What else could Luke do?

He could only send Wu Xinmo back to his hometown to calm down.

The Witch Heart Demon is also quite stingy.

Didn't I just call you "the silly son of a landlord" and take away the black gems and souls you have accumulated over the past two years?

What a big deal.

Can you just stock up some more and I'll get some more when the time comes?

Youdao is born once and matures twice.

Luke thought to himself.

Seve, who was sitting opposite, smiled, handed the glasses in his hand to Luke, and said with a smile: "Now, there are many people who are thinking about you, including me, so finish your work quickly and log off. I have already The red wine is ready and waiting for you.”

Luke laughed, took the glasses, and put them on directly.


In the virtual conference room where Hydra held its conference.

As Luke logged in, Gideon Malik took the lead in applauding, and everyone else also applauded.

Whitehorse is dead.

According to the impeachment motion, from this moment on, Luke, who killed Whitehorse, will automatically inherit Whitehorse's director's seat in the organization and become the new Hydra director.

"thanks, thanks!"

Luke looked at the applause of several people with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "This time, thanks to your support, from now on, I will work with you to build Hydra with a better future." Yes, Hail Hydra!"

When several people saw this, their expressions became serious.

"Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"

If Alexander Pierce hadn't said last time that raising hands was not popular in Hydra, Luke would have wanted to raise his hands to express his inner joy in this situation.

Sitting on the main seat, Mrs. Viper, who was in charge of this impeachment motion, gradually quieted down in the conference room: "The results of this impeachment motion have come out. Do any of the directors or senior partners here have any objections to this result? If so, please raise your hands now.”

Several old directors have their eyes on their noses and their noses on their hearts.

Several senior partners also looked at Luke with smiles and nodded in friendly gestures.

Daniel Whitehorse might have had a different voice had he lived.

But right now?

Dead people are the most worthless.

No matter how high his status or status was during his lifetime, after his death, all his glory will turn into ashes without leaving any trace.

No one would want to offend a dead man who had just shown off his power and dragged the steel base directly from the water to a strong man.

Thirty seconds later.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Mrs. Viper nodded.

"If no one has any objections, then we will announce the result of this impeachment motion. According to the rules of the impeachment motion, the seat of former director Daniel Whitehorse will be automatically obtained by director Luke Dann. At the same time, Daniel Whitehorse will The legacy and assets of the former director will also be automatically inherited by Director Luke Dane."

"Pursuant to Rule Three of the Impeachment Motion."

“The remaining directors must provide all possible help when Director Luke Dann takes over the assets of former director Daniel Whitehorse.”

"Director Dane."

Mrs. Viper then looked at Luke and said with a smile: "I will deliver the bet at 12:30 noon tomorrow, please check it carefully."

Luke smiled and said, "Thank you."

Mrs. Viper said no, then stood up and handed her right hand to Luke: "Welcome to join, Director Dane."

Luke also stood up and used the virtual projection to shake hands with Mrs. Viper's projection.

Applause rang out again.

Luke took off his glasses.

Seve, who had been sitting opposite, raised his slender thighs and said with a smile: "It's over, did it go well?"

Luke chuckled: "Even if some people didn't expect me to hand over so smoothly before, when I lifted the steel base out of the water, it was destined that there would be no other sound."

Seve suddenly flashed his eyes: "You were very handsome when you showed off your power just now."

Luke smiled and said nothing.

Handsome indeed.

But that comes at the cost of blowing up a planet.

The Ursa Major constellation in his small universe became incomplete because it was missing one planet.


The zodiac signs are still intact.

Luke thought to himself, and then he saw Seve sitting opposite, stood up with a groan, pulled Luke directly and ran towards the bedroom on the second floor.

"Hurry up, help me pull it out, I can't hold it in anymore."


Luke's eyes fell on Sever's slightly bulging belly and he raised his eyebrows.

Red wine flavor?


The reward Seve promised me.

Luke's expression moved, and he thought directly. He took Sever to the bathroom of the master bedroom on the second floor. He hugged Sever, placed him on the sink in front of him, and then faced Sever charmingly. With eyes wide open, he stretched out his right hand and pulled out a plug.


In an instant.

Red wine spurted out and sprinkled on Luke's body.

Maybe it's because Luke just showed off his power, or maybe it's because Luke has now become Hydra's new leader and passed away.

Luke could clearly feel that Seve worked very hard this time, so much so that when his soul left his body and came to Hel Hades again, his feet felt a little weak.

Hela had already separated the souls from those black gems at this moment.

When Luke walked over, Hela was looking at the palace being built in the distance. After feeling Luke's breath, she turned sideways, automatically leaned on Luke beside her, and said with a smile: "The passage of Hades The power finally stopped."

The best proof of this is the leather jacket she wears.

Originally her leather coat was a bit tattered.

This is not because Hela likes beggar wind, but because the power of Hades is constantly passing away.

And now.

There are no holes in the leather clothes on Hela's body, which means that Hades has stabilized again.

Luke put his arms around Hela's waist and looked up at the bright light that suddenly bloomed far away in the sky above Hades.

This bright light was the light produced when he crushed a planet in his small universe just now.

Through the light that would only be produced by the explosion, Luke made a rough estimate of the distance between his small universe and Hades at this moment. He looked back, looked at Hela in his arms like a bird clinging to someone, and said with a smile: " It will be better in the future.”

Hela raised her eyes and smiled at Luke: "I believe you."


Hela left Luke's arms, and her eyes fell on the black gems piled up into a small hill not far away: "These were all snatched back from Mephisto's stupid son."

Luke put his hands in his pockets again: "He has a name. He is called Wu Xin Mo. Moreover, I think Wu Xin Mo doesn't like the title of stupid son."

Because he had just verified this.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Witch Heart Demon stupidly rushed up to kill him.

Hela chuckled: "If he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't think that he could create another hell by collecting souls and black gems."

The authority of the gods comes from law.

The authority of the Lord of Dimensions lies in the power of laws given by the gods.

To put it simply, Mephisto owns Hell and becomes the Lord of Hell because he is the subordinate of death.

Just by saving some souls and some black gems, I want to try to create a second hell.


how can that be possible.

Unfortunately, the Witch Heart Demon just doesn't know such a simple truth.

Hela said sarcastically, then changed the subject and looked at Luke: "However, the Witch Heart Demon is stupid, but if he finds out, you will lose all the black gems and souls he has saved for so many years. If you take it away, I'm afraid he won't let you go."

Luke looked at Hela with a smile.

"He already knows."


Luke told Hela about the encounter he had just had with the Witch Heart Demon on Sands Island, and then said curiously: "That Whitehorse, I have obviously killed him, why is his soul still alive?" , didn’t come to my place.”

Originally, chopping up Whitehorse, this old dog, was something that could make Luke think clearly.


Whitehorse was dead, but the old dog's soul was not seen.

This gave Luke a very subtle feeling.

how to say.

Did you do it, but don’t seem to be doing it?

Hela thought for a while and answered Luke: "You said before that Whitehorse was helping the Witch Heart Demon collect souls. If this is the case, it may be that Whitehorse signed a soul contract with the Witch Heart Demon. Whitehorse Huo sold his soul to the Witch Heart Demon, and naturally, after his death, his soul will belong to the Witch Heart Demon."

Lu Ke frowned: "Isn't the first law of death, whoever kills, governs?"

Hela nodded: "So that's how it was, but there was a loophole in it. Someone used the soul contract to find another death lord to borrow power. Then after he died, the two death lords started fighting, and finally it evolved into In the war between the death dimensions, death finally changed the definition of the law. If the soul signed a contract, then the soul will be owned by the contracter."

Luke nodded suddenly: "So, Whitehorse's soul was really taken away by the Witch Heart Demon?"

Hela hummed, then looked at Luke: "If this is really the case, the Witch Heart Demon will not let you go."

Luke smiled and looked at Hela.

"That's just right. I can find him to get Whitehorse's soul back."


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