A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 297 I want you to bury Odin (first update!)

Luke just felt something strange.

But I can’t tell.

When Hela said this, he wanted to understand what felt wrong.

The soul of the old dog Whitehoe!

This old dog died so hastily. Luke didn't even have a chance to say hello, and the old dog just burped.


Luke had agreed.

He wanted to make the old dog Whitehorse understand that death is the beginning of everything. He wanted the old dog to carry stones for him in Hades forever after death.

The results of it?

Forget about the old dog dying easily, even his soul went to the Witch Heart Demon.

The old dog died quite easily, which made Luke, who originally wanted to kill the old dog, change his mind and think about it.


"still have a chance!"

Lu Ke thought about Whitehorse's soul, said this, and then said to Hela: "Tell me, if I ask the Witch Heart Demon for a soul, will he give it to me?"

Hela did not answer the question, but laughed and said: "Do you think he will give it to you?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "Asking him for nothing, I guess he is unlikely to give it to me, but what if I exchange something with him?"

Hela frowned.


"His life!"

The corner of Luke's mouth raised and he looked at Hela: "I killed his demon and his people, and now I've snatched his black gem and soul. As you said, he will definitely come to me. Wait until The next time he comes to see me, if I catch him and exchange him for the old dog’s soul instead of killing him, do you think he will agree to it?”

Hela was slightly startled: "I never told you that once you kill him or imprison him, you might..."

Luke interrupted: "I know it will attract Odin's attention, so what?"

Hela raised her eyebrows.

Luke's eyes fell on the black gem that formed like a small hill in front of him.

He originally thought that even if he robbed all the black gem stocks in Whitehall, he would only be able to produce half of the Ming Yi at most.

But the reward was far beyond his imagination.

The number of black gems piled up like a small hill right now, plus other things...

Luke raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

In the bright explosion, there seemed to be countless fragments, because the shock wave of the explosion was rapidly falling like meteors towards the sky full of broken stars falling in the direction of Haier Hades.

Hela also followed Luke's gaze and looked up.

"There seems to be an explosion in your small universe. Was it intercepted by someone?"

"No, I crushed a planet with my own hands."


Hela came back to her senses and looked at Luke.

Luke looked back and looked at Hela with a smile: "It's just a planet that was broken for a short burst of strength. It's not a big deal. Besides, it's a good thing."

Hela frowned: "You crushed a planet in your universe. Aren't you afraid of the backlash of your universe itself?"

As everyone knows.

As powerful as Odin, he didn't dare to destroy Hela by destroying Hel's underworld.

Because the planet belongs to the universe itself.

There is a certain reason why Odin exists in the Yggdrasil universe and is said to be the King of Gods rather than the Lord of the Yggdrasil.

Because Odin is just the biggest parent in the Yggdrasil universe at best.

Luke listened to Hela's confusion, lowered his head, smiled, and looked at Hela: "Have you forgotten that I have always been talking about my little universe, not the little universe that gave birth to me?"

All great forces bless themselves.

When Luke was in the main god space, he opened up his own small universe, but he spent a lot of money to decorate his own small universe.

Especially in the years when he was approaching retirement, he was spending his God Points every day on decorating his small universe.

So during that period, countless reincarnations were surprised to find that it seemed that there were suddenly many more missions for the main god to go to "Saint World" to obtain "Orichalcum", "Gamanion" and "Silver Star Sand" .

Nothing else.

Because at that time, Luke happened to be exchanging the Lord God Points for a large amount of these three substances, and then ran to the "League of Legends World" to find the Star-casting Dragon King and asked him to help him shape a planet.

This is also the reason why there is only one constellation in the small universe of other reincarnators, but there are so many constellations in his small universe.

And the planet in the Ursa Major constellation that he just crushed contains three substances: "Orichalcum", "Gamanium" and "Silver Star Sand".

However, because it is a bronze constellation, these three substances are still relatively small.


The total of these materials may not make a golden saint, but combined with the black gems currently available here, it is still possible to create a Pluto suit.

Luke thought in his heart, and then looked at Hela: "Although my small universe has not arrived so soon, the fragments of the broken stars should arrive in advance. With those broken stars, plus these black gems, it is enough to create Here comes my suit."

Hela frowned again.

"Battle suit?"


Luke nodded and looked at Hela with a smile: "Pluto suit!"

Hela: "..."

As long as the Pluto suit comes out.

Even if Luke loses to Odin now, it can be guaranteed that Odin has no way of imprisoning him in Hel Hades like Hela.

And as time goes by, Luke's strength becomes stronger almost every minute.

What about Odin?

Odin will only become weaker and weaker as time goes by and with the curse of Ragnarok

Of course.

Luke's purpose in creating the Pluto suit was not to compete with Odin.

Because creating the suit was what he had been doing since he restarted the first layer of gene lock.

Luke's original plan was to use Hydra's resources and abilities to scavenge materials that could be used to make the Holy Cloak on Earth.

There are definitely no materials on earth that he needs for the sacred clothes.

But making a few bronze holy clothes shouldn't be a big problem.

Luke has no intention of wearing the Bronze Saint Cloth. However, making the Bronze Saint Cloth and placing it in the Haier Hades can greatly increase the speed of the arrival of his small universe and shorten the time of the arrival of the small universe.

That was his plan from the beginning.

And if you join Hydra, you can also use Hydra to find "the key to unlocking the second level of the gene lock - the dragon"!

Luke plans to grab the small universe with one hand and the gene lock with the other.

Grasp both ends and move forward together.

But he didn't expect that the key material for making the underworld clothes, the "black gem", could be revealed from the old dog Whitehorse.

Just right.

Hela's Hel Hades can make up for the biggest shortcomings of his small universe.

Life and death.

Once Hela brought her dowry, Hel Hades, and the fundamental laws of life and death to settle in his small universe.


Luke's small universe doesn't need to be called a small universe, it can be called a big universe.


Real universe!

Hela heard what Luke said.

"Pluto suit?"

"Are you Hades?"

Hela came back to her senses, with a playful smile on her delicate face, and looked at Luke with a smile: "Then what am I?"

Luke looked directly into Hela's cold eyes.

"Of course she is my Queen of the Underworld."


Hela stepped forward, stretched out her right hand, poked Luke's hollow body, and then looked directly at Luke: "Your ambition has finally been exposed."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"What ambitions do I have?"

"Odin just wants to kill me, but what about you?"

Hela raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Luke with a playful smile: "You are not only greedy for my body, but also for my laws. You agreed at the time to let your little universe live temporarily in my world, but the result is basically That’s not the case, you want my world to blend into your little universe.”

Luke recalled the scene of meeting Hela for the second time in his mind.

The next second.

Luke laughed dumbly.

Hela saw this.

"Why, you must have broken your mind by me."

"My fault!"

Luke shook his head and smiled, then looked at Hela seriously and admitted frankly: "That was only the second time we met. My dear, you must admit that when you met me for the second time, you The reason why you proposed to cooperate with me is to use me, isn't it?"

Hela nodded and was very honest: "Yes, I was indeed taking advantage of me at the time, but I am not now."

Luke looked at Hela with a smile.

"I know."

"how about you."

"Me what?"

Hela put away the teasing smile on her face, clung to Luke's empty body, and came closer to Luke. Her good-smelling breath blew on the tip of Luke's nose: "Are you still using me?"

Luke looked at Hela with a serious expression: "You will be my queen of the underworld, my only queen of the underworld!"

Using a seat as the Queen of the Underworld, his small universe was promoted to the real universe.

Whether this transaction is a profit or a loss, Lu Ke knows very well.




Luke was stunned when he heard Hela's disdainful laughter.

Hela listened to Luke's promise and sneered. She looked at Luke with endless resentment and anger flashing in her eyes: "I don't need your promise. What I need you to give me is that in the future, You will help me destroy Asgard, and I will let Odin see it with his own eyes. I can conquer this huge territory for him, and now, I can also destroy it all!"

As for the position of the Queen of Hades?

She didn't need Luke's guarantee at all.


For the position of Queen of the Underworld, except for her who controls the birth of the laws of life and death, no one is more qualified than her.

Luke listened to Hela's revenge plan once again, and said with a smile: "You are my woman. Whatever you want to do, I will only support, not oppose, you know."

Hela heard the words and kissed Lu Ke on the lips: "I know you will support me, I just want to hear it from your own mouth."

Luke smiled and said: "Okay, I promise you, I will bury Odin!"

Hela listened to Luke's assurance.

A smile bloomed on his cold face.

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