A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 306 The parking boy’s father (fifth update, please order all!!)

In the heart of Los Angeles, there is a high-end couples restaurant called "Kiss of the Stars".

This restaurant is well-known in the catering industry throughout Los Angeles. It is famous for its exquisite dishes, first-class service, top-notch security and per capita consumption of US$35,000.

This is the restaurant where Mrs. Viper Maria Silver sent her status.

When Luke drove to the door of this restaurant, the Chinese doorman standing at the door ran up to him and helped Luke open the car door.

"Wash the car."

"Okay, sir."

The Chinese doorman nodded respectfully, then got in the car and helped Luke drive the car to their designated parking lot nearby.

Luke, who was walking towards the door of the restaurant, recalled the appearance of the Chinese doorman just now, turned his head and couldn't help but glance at his car that was already driving in the distance.

That Chinese doorman...

Why does it look familiar?

When Luke was about to think about it, the enthusiastic and romantic waitress had already come to him with a smile.

In the private room facing the window on the second floor.

After the waitress opened the door, Luke immediately saw Mrs. Viper, who was already sitting on the sofa in the private room with her slender legs raised.

Mrs. Viper looked at Luke who walked in, and stood up from the sofa with a smile.

Luke opened his arms and approached with a smile.

"Good evening, Maria."

"Good evening."

When Luke let go of Mrs. Viper's hug, he sniffed the ends of Mrs. Viper's hair and said with a smile, "You smell great."

There was unabashed greed and desire in his eyes.

If it weren't for Lu Ke's superb appearance bonus, he would definitely be regarded as a fool by others.


Luke is so handsome.

As everyone knows.

When an ugly guy flirts, it's called being a hooligan, but when a handsome guy flirts, it's called fun.

There was a smile on Mrs. Viper's lips, and her green eyes flashed with an exotic look: "Tonight is all ours. We have a lot of time, don't we?"

Luke nodded in agreement: "Yes, we have a whole night together."

Mrs. Viper raised her eyes.

"eat first?"


Luke put away the lust in his eyes for a second, unbuttoned his coat, then walked aside, and opened the dining table for Mrs. Viper in a gentlemanly manner.

Mrs. Viper smiled slightly, her hair brushing the tip of Luke's nose, and then sat down at the dining table.

Luke walked to the dining seat opposite, pulled out a chair and sat down.

The beautiful waitress quickly came in with the menu and handed it to Luke and Mrs. Viper respectively.

Luke ordered a signature steak that was said to be made from top-quality Wagyu beef and topped with a special vanilla sauce. Then he looked up and asked Mrs. Viper opposite: "Red wine or whiskey?"

Mrs. Viper handed the menu to the waiter and looked at Luke with a smile: "How about the 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon?"

Luke said "Of course" and handed the menu to the waiter.

After the waiter put away the menu, he turned and left the private room.

Luke crossed his hands, held his chin, and looked at Mrs. Viper with a smile: "Have you made the hotel reservation? Do you need my help?"

More than this meal, he was looking forward to the post-meal exercise session later.

Of course.

The prerequisite is that there must be this exercise link.

Mrs. Viper also held her chin with one hand, her hair hanging down, showing a kind of exotic charm: "Okay, you decide, I can do it."

Lu Ke understood, took out his mobile phone, and directly made arrangements for a nearby five-star hotel.

While they were talking, the dishes they ordered came quickly.

The male waiter in a suit opened the wine for the two of them, and then handed the cork to Mrs. Viper.

After Mrs. Viper took it, she sniffed it lightly and looked at Luke: "The wine produced in this shop is quite good."

Luke agreed and said: "Chateau Lafite's 01 vintage Cabernet Sauvignon wine has three agents on the West Coast, and this restaurant happens to be one of them."

The waiter opened the red wine, poured a glass for the two of them, and handed it to them.

Luke picked up the red wine glass in his hand and toasted to Mrs. Viper opposite.


"What's the theme?"

Mrs. Viper picked up the wine in her hand.

Luke smiled and said: "For all the wonderful encounters."

Mrs. Viper said with a smile on her face: "For all the wonderful encounters."


The two of them drank the red wine in one gulp.

The waiter quickly poured wine for Luke and Mrs. Viper again.

Luke picked up the cup again and looked at Viper: "Second cup."

Viper smiled and said, "Lu, I'm yours tonight, you don't need to get me drunk."

The corner of Luke's mouth rose: "This cup is for thanks."

Viper grabbed the wine glass.

"for what?"


Luke said with a smile: "If it weren't for Whitehorse, we wouldn't have met, right?"

Viper thought seriously and nodded.

The two drank again.

The third cup.

Mrs. Viper looked at Luke who picked up the wine glass again.

"What is this third cup for?"


With a gentlemanly smile on his face, Luke looked at Mrs. Viper: "For everything you have done for me."

Although on the surface, Mrs. Viper did nothing.


As the referee in this dispute between him and Whitehorse, Viper, who seemed to have done nothing, was actually on his side.

What's more, it was because of Mrs. Viper's tip that he finally decided not to go into the water to see Whitehorse one last time, so as not to capsize in the gutter, and chose to kill Whitehorse directly during the case, who had shrunk himself to the bottom of the sea.

Poor Whitehorse.

The death was too sudden.

He must be very depressed.

Luke was also depressed.


When he sees the Witch Heart Demon next time, he will still have a chance to make up for all this.

He must throw Whitehorse's soul into Hell's Hades, and then let Whitehorse live in Hell's Palace forever, pushing stones from the bottom of the mountain up the mountain.

Be his Sisyphus.

Doesn’t Whitehorse want to live forever?

Luke meets his request!

After three rounds of drinking.

The dishes are over five layers.

The male waiter in charge of pouring the wine looked at Mrs. Viper who was wiping the corners of her mouth, and said "please take it easy, you two" with great discernment, and then turned and walked out the door.


The private room door closed again.

Mrs. Viper then got down to business and looked at Luke: "When I was on a business trip in Europe during this period, I met your man."

Luke leaned on the chair behind him and smiled: "Earl?"

Viper picked up the wine glass on the side, took a sip, and nodded: "Yes, there is Anna, but I heard that you let Anna go?"

Luke hummed.

"That's right."

"She's Whitehorse's daughter."

"Maria, your worries are the same as Earl's worries."

Mrs. Viper crossed her hands, held her chin, looked at Luke with a smile, and asked curiously: "Aren't you worried about letting her go?"

Alexander Pierce was able to take office only after he had gone through an impeachment motion.

But unlike Luke who let go of Whitehorse's asset custodian, Alexander Pierce chose to destroy the woman after the handover.

Luke chuckled and did not answer the question. Instead, he frowned and looked at Viper: "According to the information I obtained, Whitehorse did some small tricks before he died. At least his funds disappeared out of thin air. 1.2 billion was obtained, and more than 300 people disappeared along with this batch of funds."

Viper nodded: "Sounds a lot like Whitehorse's style."


Whitehorse's way of doing things has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Lu Ke smiled and said: "Then this should be part of the organization's aftermath management work, right? The gambler didn't play according to the rules?"

I'm willing to admit defeat.

Whitehorse was obviously cheating when he played like this.

Luke asked curiously: "Did Pierce, that opponent, ever act so shamelessly?"

Viper said: "Of course. If I remember correctly, it took Pierce about three years to completely clean up his tail."

Luke shook his head: "I don't have three years."

Viper smiled and said: "I know, but you are different from Pierce, because you have me, Lu, and I will help you."

Luke looked at Viper.

"Is it free?"


Viper held his chin with one hand, took a sip of wine, glanced at Luke charmingly and said, "But, if you can, you can also do me a small favor."


You can verify whether the bottle of wine tonight is sweet or bitter.

Luke smiled slightly.

"Just say it."

"Napulos Labs."

Mrs. Viper smoothed her hair and looked at Luke: "I heard that you decided to terminate scientific research cooperation with this laboratory this afternoon."

Luke nodded without any surprise: "Yes, I'm not interested in scientific research."

To be precise.

He is not interested in science.

Especially when this science was going to cost him a huge amount of money, he was even less interested.

When he just took over, he should cut off these useless projects immediately, so as not to wait a year or two before cutting them again, and he might have to consider the issue of sunk costs.

Mrs. Viper smiled and said, "I need that laboratory."

Luke raised his eyebrows: "I remember Naples Laboratory, which is in Paris. It is a laboratory that studies life healing. Maria is interested in this?"

Viper shook his head: "It's not that I'm interested, but I have a partner who is interested in this laboratory."

Luke smiled.

Mrs. Viper also smiled brightly.

after awhile.

Luke leaned on the chair, tilted his head, and looked at Mrs. Viper.

"I thought I was the only one for you."

"Who are you."

Mrs. Viper looked at Lu Ke with a smile and said firmly: "But, Lu, you should also be a man who supports women to have their own careers."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "It depends on what your career refers to. If the career you are talking about refers to the cooperation with the father of the parking boy downstairs, that is another matter."


Luke's eyes fell on the empty sofa in the private room.

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