A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 307 The visitor is Xu Wenwu (first update!)

The sofa was empty.


Just after Lu Ke finished these words, the space on the originally empty sofa wrinkled, and then Tony Leung Chiu-wai, casually wearing a suit, appeared.


It is civil and military.

full name--

Xu Wenwu!

Luke smiled and said hello.

"Xu Wenwu."


Xu Wenwu, who looked exactly like Tony Leung and was also the Mandarin himself, got up from the sofa and said something, then walked to the dining table, pulled out the seat, sat on it, and looked at Lu Ke with a smile: "I should call you Dan En Sir, or Mr. Lu?"

Luke smiled and said, "People who don't know me well call me Mr. Dann, but those who know me well like Mr. Xu can just call me Luke."

Xu Wenwu nodded.

"Luke, when did you know about me?"

"Want to hear the truth, or lies?"

"It will be all right."

Luke laughed, then looked at Viper: "The lie is, I was downstairs and I guessed it when I saw the parking boy."

There are so many restaurants for couples in Los Angeles.

There are not fifty, at least there are three hundred.

But Mrs. Viper luckily chose the restaurant where Xu Shangqi is the parking boy.

Luke doesn't think this is a coincidence.

When he saw Xu Shangqi, he immediately thought of his father Xu Wenwu. Thinking of Xu Wenwu, he naturally thought of Xu Wenwu once saying that he also had a partner in the Hydra organization.

Xu Wenwu nodded.

"The truth."

"I am handsome!"

Lu Ke glanced at Xu Wenwu and said truthfully, and then his eyes fell on Mrs. Viper again: "There is no doubt about this. I am very popular with women, which is also a well-known thing, but... Maria is not such a superficial person, and Maria also specifically chose the date tonight, so I don’t think this is a coincidence.”

This is why when he called Rachel to report, he said that there was a high probability that the beer tonight would not taste sweet and delicious.

His handsomeness is enough to make some inexperienced women become crazy about him and fall in love with him the first time they see him.

Luke has long been used to this.

After restarting the gene lock, Luke no longer controls his soul with his body, but his soul controls his body.

Along with the little universe he was riding on the way over, as time went by, Luke's current appearance was changing silently almost every day.

His appearance at this moment is infinitely close to the appearance of his soul.

That is what a male god looks like.

It is normal for an ordinary woman to fall in love with a male god at the first sight.

But this does not include women like Rachel, Seve, and Mrs. Viper in front of me, who are more career-minded than romantic.

Mrs. Viper explained that the reason why people of the same race help each other was something Luke didn't believe.

Meet fellow countrymen.

Stabbing in the back is the main theme.


Or selfless help?


Absolutely impossible.

Luke just didn't know what Mrs. Viper was planning at the time.

But last month, when Mrs. Viper sent Anna and Jiaying back, she told them the date, and Luke vaguely guessed the answer.

Mrs. Viper met Luke's smile and did not quibble, but said curiously: "Does this time tonight have any special meaning?"

Lu Ke raised the corner of his mouth and turned his gaze to Wen Wu: "Today is March 15th. It should be the five-month anniversary of our first fight."

Five months ago, on the 15th, Luke sent his civil and military clone the Mandarin to a banquet at the Malibu manor.

The Mandarin at that time left harsh words.

The next time they meet, it won't be the Mandarin who comes over, but the Mandarin himself, Xu Wenwu.

But that time Lu Ke killed the Mandarin and Xu Wenwu's soul was damaged.

Lu Ke conservatively estimated that it would take Xu Wenwu at least three months to recuperate.

But after Xu Wenwu has cultivated himself, he will definitely not come to him immediately, because as the boss, Xu Wenwu will have hundreds or even thousands of people eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. as soon as he opens his eyes.

It will definitely take some time for him to deal with these things.

So judging from the time, it should be about this month. Considering that tonight is the 15th, it is quite five months.

Xu Wenwu is a native of Dongguo. There are some romances unique to Dongguo people. It is easy to understand why he chose to appear on the 15th.

In addition, Lu Ke just saw that the parking boy was Xu Shangqi downstairs. After he came in, he noticed that something seemed wrong in the space over the sofa. Is it difficult to guess Xu Wenwu?

He didn't say anything just now, he just wanted to see what the relationship between Mrs. Viper and Xu Wenwu was like.


If possible, he really wanted to taste the taste of Mrs. Viper who had been abstinent for a month tonight.

After all, he had reported to Rachel tonight. If he went home at night, Luke felt that it would not be very honorable.

Lu Ke said this, and then looked at Xu Wenwu with some curiosity: "I have solved your doubts, can you explain it to me?"

Xu Wenwu smiled and said: "Of course."

Luke touched his chin.

"You are here to settle accounts with me, right?"


The smile on Xu Wenwu's face remained unchanged: "A gentleman's promise is as fast as his horse's whip."

When Luke killed his clone, he promised that he would come in person and settle the debt with Luke for killing his clone.

The most important thing for a boss is to be trustworthy.

Luke nodded, and then said curiously: "Then you still choose this place to let me see your son?"

Xu Wenwu smiled and said, "Don't you already know about him?"

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu.

Xu Wenwu also looked at Luke with a smile.

Eyes facing each other.

Lu Ke understood what Xu Wenwu wanted to express in his eyes.

"Is it not harming my wife and children?"

"No harm to my wife and children."

What he said was a question, while Xu Wenwu said an affirmative sentence.

Luke nodded thoughtfully: "So, you came here tonight to see your son, and then draw a line between the grudges between the two of us?"

No matter how the two of them play next.

Whether it's life or death, the families of both parties are the bottom line that cannot be touched.

"I still have a question." Luke said.

Xu Wenwu nodded.

"Excuse me."

"This rule seems to be detrimental to you."



Lu Ke crossed his arms and looked at Xu Wenwu as if chatting: "Luo City is my territory. This is my home court. I have cleared out all your forces in Luo City. Now you are still following I have discussed such a rule, and I am very curious, what will you use to fight against me when we are playing away from home?"

Xu Wenwu's expression was modest: "Then with Lu Ke's idea, how should I play?"

Luke is also very normal: "You should pick up your son. Then, you, who has no weaknesses in away games, can play with me, who has weaknesses in home games."

Xu Wenwu sighed.

"That's what I planned to do in the first place."

"Then what."

Lu Ke raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Xu Wenwu: "You can't help your mother when you are older?"

Xu Wenwu smiled, and then nodded frankly: "If he had listened to me, he wouldn't have sneaked to the Federation during his first mission."

Lu Ke was also very honest: "Wen Wu, you have failed quite a bit in educating your children."

He felt that he was qualified to say this.

Just look at Lorna.

Lorna is now in adolescence, and apart from secretly drinking, there is basically nothing wrong with her at all.

Of course.

Although Lorna's education is mainly focused on his future sister-in-law Rachel.


Lu Ke felt that he also had merit.

One sentence.

If he hadn't found Rachel, how could Lorna have such a good sister-in-law.

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu with a serious expression: "Boy, you have to fight when you should, don't be reluctant, otherwise, it will be bad to make a patricide joke in the future."

It is true that there is a grudge between him and Xu Wenwu.

But when Lu Ke thought of Shang Qi and his narrow-eyed girlfriend, he felt unlucky.

He could kill Xu Wenwu, but that didn't mean that he could sit back and watch Xu Wenwu be killed by those two disgusting things.

Lu Ke believed that if he had been stabbed to death by two trash men in the back one day, Xu Wenwu would have felt regretful and would not have felt any joy.

This is called heroes cherishing heroes.

Luke asked Earl to find Xu Shangqi's information last time, and in the past month, he also heard some information about Xu Shangqi's performance in school from Lorna.

Xu Shangqi is basically one of the pigs that can be put on the market in the federal remote breeding technology.

Put it plainly.

Xu Shangqi was also another moisturizer who came to the Federation with a longing for freedom and sweet air.

This guy has been completely brainwashed by the so-called freedom promoted by the Federation on the Internet.

I would rather be a parking boy in this restaurant in the Federation than go back to the Eastern Kingdom and be the young master of his Ten Commandments Gang.


He felt a little regretful when he thought that Xu Wenwu, who could be regarded as the overlord of the generation before him, would be killed by such a simple-minded Runwu who was brainwashed by the federation.

Lu Keru thought, then looked at Xu Wenwu: "If you don't mind, I can help you educate him."

Xu Wenwu saw the expression on Lu Ke's face that didn't seem to be joking, smiled, and said thank you, then looked at Lu Ke with some disbelief: "You know, when I knew that he had run out of money, there was no When he called me instead of working as a parking boy, I wasn't interested. Until just now, when I saw it with my own eyes, I thought he had grown up."

Lu Ke sneered: "This is not called growing up, this is called a path. If you get to the end, your son has been brainwashed."

Xu Wenwu sighed and looked at Mrs. Viper: "Maria just told me the same thing. If Yingli is still alive, she will be very sad to see her son like this."

Luke: "..."

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