A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 308 The two people whose peace talks failed (second update!)


A woman as gentle as water.

His woman.

Whenever Xu Wenwu mentioned this name, a smile would appear at the corner of his mouth unconsciously, and then, the soft part in his heart would feel as if he had been hit by a fist, and he would feel a heart-breaking pain.


Yingli is dead.

Died in his arms.

Xu Wenwu still can't forget what his wife said to him before she died.

Before Yingli died, she asked him to look at her and make him swear.

"Promise me, Wenwu, that you will take good care of Shangqi and Xia Ling."

"I certainly will."

Xu Wenwu also remembered his promise, and in order to take revenge and protect his and Yingli's two children, he took up the ten rings that had been retired and no longer used.

That night.

He slaughtered all the people who participated in this assassination operation, leaving no chickens or dogs behind. Then he held the young Shang Qi in his left hand and held the infant Yingli in his right hand. Under the welcome of the Ten Commandments gang, he Returned to the headquarters of the Ten Commandments Gang.

In order to prevent the tragedy that happened to Yingli from happening again to his son and daughter, Xu Wenwu conducted extremely rigorous training on them from the beginning.

The rest of the gang needs to reach ten rings, so Shang-Chi must reach ten rings and one hole.

He passed his martial arts skills to his son Shang-Chi without reservation.

When Shang Qi first started, he was growing vigorously according to his wishes.

Xu Wenwu remembered that he had been drunk many times in his room, looking at Yingli who kept her ageless appearance in a thousand-year ice coffin, and whispered that he had not failed Yingli's entrustment.


Ever since Shang Qi started to have access to outside cultural classes, went outside, and went to school, it seemed that a 180-degree change had occurred all of a sudden.

Xu Wenwu didn't understand how all this happened, but it seemed that his son, who he was originally proud of, began to spurn local culture and began to worship the free culture across the ocean.

He originally wanted to let Shang Qi take a closer look at what the free culture he admired was like, so he arranged a mission for Shang Qi.


As soon as Shang-Chi arrived in the Federation, he immediately started to work.

Xu Wenwu couldn't help but shook his head and looked at Lu Ke: "Actually, you are right. The main purpose of my visit this time is to see my son."

Luke smiled and said nothing.

Xu Wenwu said: "After Shang Qi disappeared, I asked Maria to help me find him, because I knew that as long as my people showed up, Shang Qi would definitely disappear again. A month ago, Maria told me that the Los Angeles Federal Investigation Xu Shangqi’s name is listed in the bureau’s files.”

When Luke heard this, he looked at Mrs. Viper who had already stood up from her seat and sat on the other side of the sofa.

Mrs. Viper looked at Luke's gaze and shrugged with a smile.

Lu Ke chuckled, looked away, and looked at Xu Wenwu: "Speaking of which, when you found out your son's name and appeared in my bureau, were you shocked, thinking what I would do to your son?"

Xu Wenwu nodded: "Frankly speaking, yes, but you didn't do that. That's why I showed up to have a peaceful dialogue with you."

Luke shook his head and snapped his fingers.

The waiter outside opened the door and walked in. He didn't seem to be surprised at all why there was an extra man in the room, and walked straight to Luke's side.


"Have a bottle of Thunder Bourbon."

"OK, just a second!"

The waiter nodded in response, turned around and left. After a while, he came back in with a bottle of Thunder Bourbon and three wine glasses.

Luke drove away the waiter who was about to open a bottle for him, stood up, took the Thunder Bourbon, opened it, and looked at Xu Wenwu: "Then I just saw your son working as a parking boy here, have you ever thought about it? Why don't you let me slap you to death?"

It's not that the son of a dignified villain boss can't work part-time.


If you want to be a parking boy, can't you do it in Dongguo?

Run to the Federation to work as a parking boy?

An indescribable smile appeared on Xu Wenwu's face, he took the bourbon handed over by Luke and took a sip: "There is no way, he is Yingli's son."

Lu Ke also sat back down and shrugged: "My children, what else can we do? We can't fight again and again, and we can't kill again and again, right?"

Xu Wenwu chuckled.


This is why Shang-Chi is still alive so far.


It wasn't because Shang Qi was his son that he didn't take action.

During Xu Wenwu's long years, it can be said that his descendants were as numerous as a certain mutant villain boss.

But these sons are basically used as tools.

But Shang Qi and Xia Ling are different.

They were born from Yingli.

Xu Wenwu really loved Yingli, otherwise, he would not have chosen to abandon the Ten Commandments Gang and live in seclusion with Yingli for Yingli.


Love the house and the bird.

Because he is Yingli's son, Xu Wenwu will tolerate Shangqi's actions of escaping, running away, and being willing to work as a parking boy in the Federal Building, repeatedly jumping on the edge of death.

Xu Wenwu's eyes flickered, and then he looked at Luke curiously.

"Luke, do you have a son?"


Lu Ke said with a smile: "However, if my son goes abroad in the future and would rather be a parking boy than come back, I will chop him up myself without anyone else doing it. If you don't want to be my son, then don't Do!"

With his current status and strength, his children, without any boast, were born in Rome.

If they thought that they would let the good Roman go and work as cattle and horses, they would not respect him anymore, and there would be no need for Luke to keep them.

Xu Wenwu looked at Luke.

He had reason to suspect that Luke was encouraging him to kill his son.


Xu Wenwu was unmoved: "No, he is Yingli's son. I don't want Yingli to wake up and find that her son is gone."

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu curiously: "I don't believe you don't know that Jiaying doesn't have the ability to bring your wife back from the dead. Why are you so determined to get Jiaying?"

The reason why he and Xu Wenwu were connected was because of Jiaying.

Xu Wenwu believes that the immortal Jiaying may be hiding a password that can bring his wife Yingli back to life.


Jiaying's immortality is a special binding ability.

I didn’t see Daniel Whitehorse’s old dog. Even if Jiaying’s organs were replaced, although he had returned to his youthful state, wouldn’t he continue to age as time goes by?

Lu Ke said to Xu Wenwu: "The reason why you sit down and chat with me now is probably not only because I didn't touch my son, but also because you heard about the strength I showed in the matter between me and Whitehorse. .”


Luke's eyes once again fell on Mrs. Viper, who was leaning on the sofa, tasting her red wine: "Even if you didn't know before, I'm afraid Maria already told you about this when she brought you here. Alright."

Mrs. Viper met Luke's gaze and smiled charmingly again: "One is my man and the other is my partner. I definitely don't want you two to fight."

Lu Ke chuckled and turned his attention to Xu Wenwu again: "So, since you know Whitehorse, you should know that Jiaying's ability can't bring your wife back to life."

When Whitehorse died, he looked older.

This is why Whitehorse is desperately looking for Jiaying.

When Xu Wenwu heard this, the pleasant expression on his face suddenly disappeared, and he looked directly at Lu Ke: "I will not give up any hope."

When he was angry, his momentum was very strong, and the temperature of the entire space seemed to drop by about five degrees in an instant under these words.

His wife is his counterpart.

Resurrecting his wife is his obsession, and even now, it has evolved into his inner demon.


Xu Wenwu's anger was terrifying to others, but to Lu Ke, Lu Ke didn't care.

If Xu Wenwu is willing to sit down and chat, then let’s chat.

Many friends are better than many enemies.

But if Xu Wenwu wants to fight, Lu Ke will be right.

Lu Ke sneered at Xu Wenwu's words and looked directly at Xu Wenwu: "If there is a possibility of success, that is called hope, but if there is no possibility of success, then it is not called hope, but a dead end."

Xu Wenwu narrowed his eyes: "So, you still don't plan to give Jiaying to me."

Lu Ke also looked directly at Xu Wenwu: "Yes, that's right."

Xu Wenwu smiled.

"No need to talk?"



Xu Wen took a gulp of the bourbon in his cup, then stood up, buttoned his suit, looked at Luke, and stretched out his right hand: "Is it not harming my wife and children?"

Lu Ke also stood up and shook hands with Xu Wenwu: "It won't harm my wife and children, but I still suggest you take him back first. After all, in the free world, if anything happens to him, I don't want to take the blame."

Xu Wenwu nodded: "I will consider it, thank you."

Luke smiled and said, "You're welcome."

The friendly expressions and attitudes of the two people showed that the conversation had completely broken down and they could only move towards fighting again.

Xu Wenwu retracted his right hand, nodded politely to Mrs. Viper over there, then turned around, opened the door, and disappeared into the private room.

Luke sat down again and drank from his glass of bourbon.

Mrs. Viper stood up from the sofa, walked back to her seat with her long legs, and shook her head: "I didn't expect this ending."

Lu Ke smiled and said: "After you knew that I decided to let Anna retire, shouldn't you have thought of such an outcome?"

There was a pause.

Luke looked at Mrs. Viper curiously: "So, how did you meet Wenwu?"

Mrs. Viper smiled and looked at Luke: "My business in the island country was introduced by Wenwu."

Luke suddenly realized.

"So that's it."

"Have you eaten yet?"

Mrs. Viper crossed her hands, held her chin, and looked at Luke with a smile: "I can eat my dessert."

Luke stood up with a smile: "Of course, you can taste the dessert I prepared for you anytime."

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