A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 309 Luke: “Get your son away” (Third update!)

When Luke got home, it was already eight o'clock the next day.

Rachel was wearing home clothes and cooking breakfast at the bar.

Lorna, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged on the sofa in a somewhat unhappy mood.

Luke entered the room, took off his coat, and looked at Lorna with some curiosity. She didn't go out early in the morning or sleep in bed during the weekend. Instead, she got up so early and sat on the sofa watching TV: "You didn't go out today. Looking for Clarice?”

Lorna glanced at Rachel over the bar, and then looked at Luke eagerly.

Luke understood instantly and glanced at Rachel, who was turning a deaf ear and making breakfast quietly at the bar. Then he looked at Lorna and lowered his voice.



"for what?"

Luke was a little curious about the reason why Lorna was grounded: "She didn't go home before nine o'clock yesterday, or was she secretly playing on the computer without sleeping after ten o'clock at night?"

Lorna shook her head: "No, Rachel found out that I drank that bottle of beer last night, and then, I was grounded."

My weekend.

Lorna wailed in her heart, and her whole face fell.

When Luke heard Lorna's reason for being grounded, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lorna suspiciously: "I didn't betray you."

If he promises others, he may sell them back.

But that is to outsiders, but to family members, Lu Ke can still keep his promise.

Lorna sighed and looked at Luke with resentful eyes: "I know, but why did you call Lorna yesterday to discuss the taste of beer."

If it weren't for Luke's phone call yesterday, Lorna could have sworn that she wouldn't have spilled the beans yesterday.

"What beer..."

When Luke heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then the phone call he reported to Rachel yesterday afternoon flashed through his mind, and he looked at Lorna strangely: "Did you think Rachel and I were talking about beer?"

Lorna looked at Luke suspiciously: "Otherwise, what are you talking about?"

Luke smiled.

Who said beer? The content of the chat is about wine.

As everyone knows.

Women are water, and they can also be wine.

When Luke heard that Lorna had self-destructed and grounded herself because of yesterday's phone call, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, just when he was about to speak.

Rachel shouted from the other side of the bar without looking back.



Luke responded quickly, then made a helpless expression towards Lorna, who looked very sad because of her grounding, and then turned and walked towards the bar.

After all, he had just finished drinking beer outside last night. These two days were a special period. It was the best choice for him to do whatever Rachel said.

Luke walked into the bar.

"Ma'am, do you need help?"

"You come."

Rachel put down the knife and fork in her hand, untied her apron, put it on Luke directly, tied it, and looked at Luke: "It does smell like new beer."

Luke looked at the inexplicable smile on Rachel's face and said sincerely, "It's not as good as the bourbon at home."

Rachel gave Luke a straight look, turned around and left the bar, sat on the high stool opposite, and looked at Luke who was taking over her job and cutting fruit.

"So, how does it taste?"

"There is sweetness in the bitterness."


"Old acquaintance."


Rachel raised her eyebrows, and when she was about to speak, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and caught a glimpse of Lorna, who was lying on the sofa, her eyes quietly looking towards this side.


"You can't blame me."

Lorna turned around from the sofa, faced the bar, and said to Rachel: "I don't think you are really talking about beer."

Rachel looked at the time on her watch and pointed directly upstairs: "Little girl, your hour of TV time in the morning is over. It's time to do your homework."

Lorna opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something more, but was defeated by the sharp eyes of Rachel, the head of the family. She reluctantly went up the stairs and returned to her room wearing her own slippers.


They certainly weren't talking about beer.

After Lorna returned to the room, she rolled her eyes, ran directly to her desk, and turned on the computer on the desk.

Over there at the bar.

Rachel waited until Lorna returned to the room, thinking about the "old acquaintance" that Luke just said, turned around and looked at Luke: "Are you from Dongguo?"

Luke smiled.



Rachel's expression was a little speechless: "As for what, they are coming one after another, will they be finished?"

First is Chen Huaxing.

Chen Huaxing died and another Mandarin came.

it's good now.

The Mandarin is dead, and another one will come?

What is this thing called?

Rachel couldn't help but shook her head and covered her forehead.

"Okay, who's coming this time?"

"The Mandarin."


Rachel raised her head with a swish and looked at Luke: "Master Mandarin, wasn't he killed by you last time?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "The person who died last time was Mandarin Fenman. This time it is Mandarin Benman who came, that is, Mandarin's real body, Xu Wenwu."

Rachel was slightly startled: "Min...I found that since I met you, my world view has been continuously refreshed."

She used to be just a happy little anchor.

Although I know that this world is a little different, no matter what, it is still in a category that ordinary people can understand and everything can be explained by science.

But since following Luke, countless things have continued to refresh her worldview.

The mutants are coming, the Inhumans are coming.

The aliens are coming, Hydra is coming.

Hydra is coming, the devil is coming.

Now that the devil's matter has not been completely resolved, what kind of evil clone is coming again?

What about next time.

After the clone left this time, will it be time for aliens to come next time?

Rachel silently prophesied in her heart.


Complaints are complaints.

After Rachel heard that there was trouble again, or trouble from an old acquaintance, she said to Luke, "Do you need me and Lorna to ask for leave?"

Luke handed the fruit salad in his hand to Rachel.

"No need this time."

"Need not?"


Lu Ke looked at Rachel who seemed a little shocked by this and smiled: "Wen Wu and I made an agreement yesterday that the harm to my wife and children will not be harmed."

Rachel frowned, not quite understanding: "Why?"

Lu Ke then recounted yesterday's conversation with Wen Wu in a simple and clear way to Rachel.

After Rachel brought the fruit salad to the table, she walked over again and frowned: "Shang-Chi, is that the transfer student from Dongguo who led Lorna into evil and taught Lorna to drink?"

Luke thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

Rachel laughed angrily: "Like father, like son. Father is not a good person, and son is not a good person either."

Luke had no opinion on Rachel's comment.

Rachel combed her hair and sat back on the high stool: "So, this is civil and military, how are you going to play with you this time?"

Luke shrugged: "Not so fast."

Rachel blinked.


"Let him finish the housework first."

Luke said: "His son, it is said that when he came to the Federation, he brought about half a million US dollars. In less than two years, he spent it all, and even worked as a parking boy in a restaurant. According to If this trend develops, I will believe him whenever he is stabbed to death on the street. Therefore, I first asked Xu Wenwu to take his son away and not keep him in Luo City."

With the intelligence of this guy who came to the Federation to work as a parking boy, it is quite possible for something like this to happen.

Even if he finds the murderer who stabbed Shang Qi to death, Xu Wenwu will probably still doubt whether he ordered someone to do it.


Get out of here quickly, this Shang Qi can go wherever he likes, just don't stay in his Luo City.

Luke didn't want to be inexplicably saddled with such an unfounded blame.

Rachel heard the words and nodded: "Yes, I also learned about that family named Katie yesterday. That family is not a good one. I heard Lorna say last night that she was tricked by these two guys into drinking. , I almost want to call the school board, has the school fallen to this point now, what kind of thing is it, can I just pay for it?"

Luke looked at Rachel curiously: "That one with squinting eyes? I also asked Earl to find out about her family's situation. It seems that there is nothing special except the D visa."

Rachel smiled and said: "You are the FBI, so of course you understand it. It is definitely different from us in the media. Let me tell you..."

When talking about gossip, Rachel's eyes looked much brighter than before.

Rachel's Columbia TV station is an entertainment channel host, and the reporter responsible for collecting news has been involved in the preparatory process for Katie's parents and family's D visa.

To put it simply.

The reason why Katie's family got the D visa was just like what Luke thought, it was through scolding.

But that wasn't what sickened Rachel the most.

"You know what's the most disgusting thing?"

"It seems like a year ago."

"This family was caught by the public safety and health department for selling food without a license."

"Aren't you going to be fined after that?"

When Rachel said this, she looked at Luke with a speechless expression: "Do you know what they did?"

Luke shook his head.

Rachel shook her head and was speechless for a while: "They later called my colleague's young reporter, and it turned out that the young reporter saw it at the Dongguo embassy and consulate. That Katie, who is now Lorna's new classmate, Since you want us to report that the Dongguan embassy and consulates don’t care about the lives of their own citizens, and then spread the rumors over there, our reporters came back directly.”

What a joke.

They are formal media.

What we do is credibility.

This kind of reporting will only damage your credibility, so I will definitely not do it.

"It turned out that the family pestered our reporter for a while, but after two months, it seemed that they suddenly stopped pestering them."

"One year ago, two months later? Haha, this is the sponsor coming online."


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