A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 313 Go to the Eastern Kingdom and slay the dragon! (Second update!)


"Did you just say Tarot?"


Seve nodded and looked at Luke, who had just shaken his body: "I checked in the Spear Bureau's system, but before they found me, they couldn't find an address that could correspond to this Tarot. You Do you know this place?"

Luke's expression was a little strange.

"Is there a dragon in Tarot?"

"That's not true."

Sever clicked on the secret file of the Divine Spear Bureau: "The Divine Spear Bureau's speculation is that the silver dragon that appeared in the Yunnan forest is suspected to be from Tarot. It also stated that a follow-up investigation will be carried out, but the subsequent investigation, I did not find it."

Luke looked at the information on the computer screen in front of Seve, his eyes flickering.

Is there a dragon in Tarot?


It does seem possible.

After all, the Eastern Dragon, the Eastern Dimension.


Dragon in Tarot?

Luke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then quickly recalled the few things he knew about Tarot in his mind.

He really didn't know much about Tarot.

It can be said that there is almost none.

Luke can still recall some knowledge about Tarot, which is basically based on a video blogger's complaints about the Ten Rings movie before entering the Lord God Space.

He only had three impressions of Tarot.

First, the Tarot dimension, although it is a fairy-tale style, is just a superficial dimension.

Put it this way.

Suppose that in the Marvel Universe, a most rubbish inventory of all dimensions is made, then this Tarot dimension says it is second, but no dimension dares to say it is first.

Second, the gatekeeper of Tarot is called Yingli. She married Wenwu and then lived in seclusion with Wenwu. Because Wenwu was not at home, Wenwu's enemies came to visit her and died later.


When you are not married, you have to fight with civil and military forces back and forth. Even if civil and military forces do not wear the ten rings, they may not be able to fight you.

As a result, after you got married and had children, you were killed by a bunch of weaklings?

It's noisy.

The reason why those enemies came to visit Wenwu when he was not at home must have been because they couldn't defeat Wenwu head-on, so they chose to attack secretly.

As a result, you were killed by these guys?

And there's the third one.

Because Wen Wu felt that his wife was not dead, he attacked Tarot under the influence of his inner demons, but was eventually killed by his son and daughter.

Tsk tsk.

This was the most disgusting thing about Luke.

It's not that wenwu is disgusted, but his son Shangqi is disgusted.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

The hatred between parents is irreconcilable.

This is the simplest and most respected thing among Dongguo people.

Although Wen Wu is a villain, and a big villain at that, Wen Wu has true feelings for his family and children, and he has indeed fulfilled the role of a good father.

Where is Shang-Chi?

Damn it!

When a normal person sees his mother being killed by an enemy, he will actively and conscientiously devote himself to training, wholeheartedly wanting to avenge his mother.

But what did Shangqi think?

He was extremely frightened and uneasy about the heavy training. He even felt that his hands were stained with blood and he was no longer a good person.

It's noisy.

And what's the most ridiculous thing.

Shang Qi always felt that Wen Wu had provoked his enemies to kill his mother, so instead of hating his enemies, he hated Wen Wu, and even thought about killing Wen Wu to pay for his debt with blood.

After Lu Ke listened to the video blogger's explanation, he deleted the movie he had just downloaded without any hesitation.

He watches movies to relax, not to find fault for himself or to cause discomfort to his eyes.

Therefore, Luke’s knowledge of Tarot is very sparse.

Apart from these three bits of knowledge, the most he knew was that there were many magical little animals in the Tarot dimension, but nothing else.

He didn't even know how Wenwu found Tarot, and he didn't even know that dragons existed in Tarot.

But now he knows.

Tarot has dragons!

This is enough.

Luke looked away, looked at the video of the red-haired silver dragon appearing on the computer screen, and asked Seve: "Do you have the specific coordinates?"

Although he doesn't know the way to open the Tarot dimension.


Tarot is there.

The silver dragon is there.

That was his way to restart the second level of gene lock.


Why do you think so much?

Just do it and that’s it.

Once there, it’s not too late to look for ways to get to Tarot.


Because the red-haired silver dragon appeared during the day, Seve quickly found a matching place after opening the satellite map.

The location is located deep in the forest of Yunnan in the Eastern Kingdom.

After finding out the specific coordinates, Seve looked at Luke and said, "Dongguo is not another place. I need a day to apply for a route."

Luke was slightly startled and looked at Seve: "I didn't say let you go."

Seve looked at Luke seriously: "But I want to go."

Luke frowned, then shook his head.



"I still don't know how to enter this Tarot dimension."

Luke told the truth and looked at Seve: "Besides, I don't know if I can find the entrance to this Tarot dimension."

Dimensional passages are different from cave passages.

Dimensions exist as a space that is attached to the earth but independent of the earth.

Their approximate positions will not change, but the passage to this dimension is not static, but will change due to various reasons.

After Luke came up with the idea of ​​going to Tarot to slay the dragon, someone who might know the entrance to the Tarot dimension immediately popped into his mind.

Xu Wenwu.

In the movie that caused him to have an uncomfortable reaction just listening to the narration, Xu Wenwu ended up going to Tarot.

Because he was killed in the Tarot dimension by his son who had assimilated to the Holy Mother of the White Zuo.


That is Xu Wenwu several years in the future, not the Xu Wenwu now.

As soon as Lu Ke thought about this, he gave up the idea of ​​asking Xu Wenwu for help or cooperating with Xu Wenwu.

Because even though he and Xu Wenwu were so friendly, they were inseparable. After Xu Wenwu brought his idiot son home, he made an appointment with Xu Wenwu to compete.

And it's still the kind of competition that determines both victory and defeat, as well as life and death.

At this time, Lu Ke ran to Xu Wenwu for help and suddenly said something.

"Oi, Brother Xu, do me a favor and take me to the Tarot. I want to go to the Tarot to slay a dragon, take a dragon blood bath, and open another level of my genetic lock."

How Xu Wenwu would answer, Lu Ke didn't know.

But he knew that Xu Wenwu would definitely fight to the death with him on the spot after knowing that he was also looking for the Tarot dimension.

Because Xu Wenwu regarded Tarot as his own taboo.

Lu Ke ran to Xu Wenwu to help him find Tarot. This was similar to Xu Wenwu saying that your wife is very moist and you can play with it for me.

Xu Wenwu will definitely explode.

Not to mention that since his wife Yingli died, this guy has become increasingly obsessed with thinking that his wife is not dead, but that his wife must have been discovered by the Tarot Dimension and then transferred. His wife has already He was imprisoned by the Tarot Dimension, so he has been holding on to both hands, trying to find a way to resurrect his wife, and at the same time thinking about finding the Tarot Dimension to rescue his wife.

Just like a schizophrenic patient, after searching for so many years, he has not found a way to resurrect his wife, nor a way to go to the Tarot dimension.

The most important thing.

That's from the Eastern Kingdom.

Enter the village quietly and don't want to shoot anyone.

Lu Ke went over to slay the dragon this time, not to socialize. Why did he bother so many people?


When doing tasks, the most taboo thing is that there are too many people and too many eyes.

Luke still likes to walk alone when doing tasks.

He has already planned it.

Go to the Eastern Kingdom, find Tarot, then go in, slay a dragon, take a bath, and then withdraw directly.

The plan is as simple, crude, and efficient as ever!


Luke flatly refused Seve's invitation to accompany him.


"I didn't ask for your permission."


Luke looked at Seve.

Seve shrugged and looked at Luke with a smile: "This is my plane. I can go wherever I want. No matter what, I will apply for a route to Dongguo now, and then I will stay in the sky there."

When Luke heard this, he looked at Seve speechlessly.

"I'm here to slay dragons, not socialize."

"I know."

"If something happens, I won't necessarily protect you."

"rest assured."

Seve raised his hand and swore, looking at Luke: "I promise, I will stay in the Sky Fortress while you are doing things, and I will never go down to cause trouble for you."

The next second.

Seve pretended to be a little girl, clasped her hands together, and looked at Luke pitifully: "Please, you and Rachel have gone to Switzerland for vacation. You haven't spent the vacation with me yet. Just treat this time as a vacation with me." , I promise not to mention competing with Rachel for position this year, that’s okay.”

Luke's thoughts were spinning and he looked at Seve.

"You promise that you will be obedient if you go there?"

"I promise."


Luke looked at Seve, whose face was full of seriousness and earnestness, and who held up three fingers as if to swear, and thought for a while: "Okay."

Unless he detonates a planet in his own small universe, he can teleport directly from Los Santos to the Eastern Kingdom of Yunnan.


Not a good deal.

If we can definitely find Tarot on this trip, it doesn't matter if we explode a planet. After all, effort and reward are directly proportional.

But if you don't find Tarot on this trip, then this planet will be wasted.

And if he doesn't teleport there, he can only take a plane. But if he goes by plane, with his current identity and status, he will probably be invited to have tea by the local law enforcement officers when he lands.

never mind.

Seve can go if he wants.

And he was not at a loss, at least this year, he no longer had to listen to Sever's words about wanting to usurp Rachel's position as Queen from time to time.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Seve's face.

Luke shook his head, smiled, and told Seve to apply for a route first.

The next second!

Turn around!

The figure instantly disappeared from the Sky Fortress and returned to the black Audi A8 parked in the parking lot of the international airport. His eyes fell on the front of the car.

Na was outside the car and stopped Earl in front of Wenwu.

Lao Mi has been suffering from diarrhea for five days, and he can't lift his spirits. Let's update 2 first, waiting for Lao Mi to recover!

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