A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 314 A call from Homeland Security (first update!)

Luke pushed the door open and got out of the car.



Earl, who was stopping Xu Wenwu and his subordinate Razor Fist, heard the sound, turned to look at Luke, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Wenwu also looked at Lu Ke who appeared, and nodded politely.

Luke smiled back and walked over to Earl.

"What's wrong."

"That Shang-Chi and Katie entered the airport."


When Lu Ke heard this, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Wenwu. The expression on his face was that he was hesitant to speak.

As if to say...

"Really or not, I've already tipped you off. Just this, how can you still let your traitorous son run away?"

"That Katie...isn't right."

Xu Wenwu seemed to understand Lu Ke's eyes and expression, and looked directly at Lu Ke: "This woman can't be a fool, right?"

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu expressionlessly: "I feel like you are insulting me."

Xu Wenwu said sorry directly.

Luke looked directly at Earl on the side: "Forget it, just let the airport federal police control those two people."

Today he, Lu, plans to do something.


Earl shook his head.

"Director, it's too late."


"Their plane has already flown away."

"……So fast?"

Luke was slightly startled and looked at Earl: "It takes them fifteen minutes just from the airport to the security check and then to the boarding gate."

Earl shrugged: "They used a special channel. As for the name, I have asked Debbie to contact the airport."

Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu again.

He finally understood why Xu Wenwu had just said that he suspected that the descendant of the narrow-eyed moisturizer was his.

After all, the special passages at the airport are not something that the descendants of a moisturizer can enjoy.

Generally speaking, only two types of people can enjoy the special passages at the airport.

Krypton gold players and privileged players.

But Xu Wenwu's traitor has used up all the money he brought and has been reduced to working as a parking boy in a restaurant, so even if he was a krypton gold player before, he is not now.

As for authorized players.

As a permissioned player, as the name suggests, at the very least, you must be in this permission system before you can play this game.

Such as Luke.

Even ordinary junior federal agents do not have this authority.

This Shang-Chi and Squinty Eyes Katie are even more impossible.

at this time.

Earl's phone rings.

Debbie called.

She and Jack also returned from a business trip to Europe at seven o'clock this morning.


"Special Access Authorized by Homeland Security."


Earl hung up the phone and looked at Luke: "Director, the Department of Homeland Security gave the authorization, but Debbie is still checking who gave the authorization."

Luke frowned: "Homeland Security Department, this Katie is still related to them, didn't we find the previous information?"

Department of Homeland Security.

This is a federal law enforcement agency like the FBI, and, to some extent, the authority of Homeland Security is still above that of the FBI.

Because after the September 11, 2001 incident, the then temporary worker president transferred the law enforcement departments of many law enforcement agencies and reorganized it.


A descendant of Run people.

A Homeland Security Agency.

How are these two connected?

The most important thing.

Was this a spur-of-the-moment move, or was it prepared?

Lu Ke's thoughts were spinning and he looked at Xu Wenwu: "Homeland Security Bureau, do you still have business dealings with them?"

Xu Wenwu looked at Lu Ke: "You have chopped off all my people on the West Coast. You are the only acquaintance I have on the West Coast."

Luke smiled.

"What about the East Coast?"

"No one from Homeland Security."


Luke looked at the expression on Xu Wenwu's face. After two or three seconds, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Earl: "Where is the flight information?"

Earl retrieved the message on his phone that Debbie had just sent.

"Los Angeles flies directly to Macau."


Lu Ke thought for a while and looked at Xu Wenwu: "Going to find his sister Xia Ling?"

Xu Wenwu squinted his eyes and looked at Luke.

Luke smiled and said: "Don't look at me like that. I know you from the time I met the Mandarin, so you shouldn't be surprised that I know other things, right?"

Xu Xialing.

Wenwu's daughter and Shangqi's sister.


Like Shang Qi, he seemed to have been brainwashed by Bai Zuo's Madonnaism and chose to leave Wen Wu's side.

However, Shang Qi went to the Federation, while Xia Ling went to Macau.

"Did it take off, the plane?"

"It took off fifteen minutes ago."


Lu Ke nodded, then looked directly at Xu Wenwu: "As I said again, I will not interfere with your family affairs. Whether you have business dealings with the Department of Homeland Security has nothing to do with me. I will give you time to deal with it. It’s a family matter, I’ll wait here for you to settle our grudges.”

Xu Wenwu said expressionlessly: "Okay."

Luke didn't linger anymore, he said hello to Earl next to him, then got in the car again, started the vehicle, turned around, and left Los Angeles International Airport.

The purpose of following him was to prevent Xu Wenwu from causing trouble at the international airport and causing him trouble.

Now that Shang Qi and the squinty-eyed Katie have flown away, Xu Wenwu has no reason to make a fuss at the airport.


Luke is not interested in staying here anymore.

He is now interested in Katie's identity.

In the past, it was actually quite normal for a descendant of Runren to be involved with the Homeland Security Bureau.

After all, the Department of Homeland Security also has a "spy" business in its business dealings.

It doesn't appear on the surface, but it does exist.

Just like the CIA apparently has no domestic law enforcement powers, in actual operation, the CIA's various secret bases and safe houses in the country are no less than the safe houses built by Nick Fury.

The difference is that the CIA was built openly with its own funds, while Nick Fury did his own thing by stealing the funds of the five overlords.

I have to say that Nick Fury is indeed a ruthless man.

He is probably the first person in history who dares to steal money under the eyes of the five overlords.

That's too far.

It is normal for the Department of Homeland Security to like to develop some descendants of Run people as its spies. After all, the spies so far in a mysterious eastern country are all these Run people or their descendants.


Did this Katie join the Department of Homeland Security before she came into contact with Shang-Chi, or was she attracted by the Department of Homeland Security after she came into contact with Shang-Chi?

this is the key of the problem.

Luke was driving, thinking in his mind, and looked at Earl in the passenger seat: "How's it going? Have you found out?"

Earl hung up the phone: "There is no information about Katie in the Department of Homeland Security, but we found the person who gave the authority, the director of the Department of Homeland Security's office in Los Angeles."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

The next second.

He turned the steering wheel, drove Earl, and sped towards the address of the Department of Homeland Security's office in Los Angeles.

Half an hour later.



Luke took Earl, led by the Secretary of the Los Angeles Director of the Department of Homeland Security, to his office, and then hugged and said hello to the fat white director Zate who stood up and came to greet him.

After Zate let go of Luke's hug, he said jokingly: "It's just fifteen hundred dollars. As for coming to the door, the card game hasn't started this week yet. It's not yet certain who will give it to whom."

Luke smiled and said: "Zate, I'm thinking about the fifteen hundred dollars you lost to me in the poker game last week, but that's not why I'm here today."

Since he became the FBI director in Los Angeles, he has naturally established contacts with the directors and directors of other federal law enforcement agencies in Los Angeles.

The contact information is that the heads of several of their federal law enforcement agencies will get together once a week to play a small game, and by the way, they will close the door to make big things into trivial matters during the week due to work conflicts and so on. .

Upon hearing this, Zate also put away the teasing smile on his face.

"What's up?"

"Ask someone."

Luke said this, and then looked at Earl aside.

Earl then told Zate that an hour ago, there was a call from this office to the international airport, granting special passage authorization to Squinty Eyes Katie.

"Here's the phone number."


Zate took the phone, frowned, and looked up at Luke: "This is my office phone number."

Luke smiled and said, "Did you hit him?"

Zate shook his head and said: "I just came back from outside fifteen minutes ago..."

Speaking of which.

Zate seemed to have thought of something and shouted outside.

His long-legged blond secretary wearing black stockings and glasses walked in from outside.

Zate did not avoid Luke and Earl, and directly asked about the call made from his office an hour ago.

The secretary nodded and acted very candidly.

"Yes, I did it, sir."


Zate looked at the secretary who admitted, his face darkened: "Who asked you to beat him?"

The secretary replied: "You asked me to do it, sir."

Zate's face darkened.

"how do I……"

"It's the number you gave me that told them to call me. It doesn't matter if it's a principle request, it can satisfy them."


Zate seemed to have thought of something and waved his hand.

The secretary then turned and left the office.

Wait for the secretary to pass by.

Zate wiped his face and looked at Luke: "Has something happened to you?"

Luke looked at Zate thoughtfully: "That's not true. From a certain perspective, it helped me with something."

After all, Shang Qi and the squinty-eyed Katie ran very fast, thus eliminating the possibility of Xu Wenwu going berserk inside the international airport.

After hearing this, Zate breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, went to the wine cabinet, poured two glasses of bourbon, handed one to Luke, and took a sip: "I didn't really want to take the money at the time, but , the above took it, but I won’t take it, that’s not good.”

Luke smiled and clinked glasses with Zate: "Be content. It's always a good thing to get the licensing fee. Unlike me, I haven't had the chance to get it yet."

He already knew who made that call.

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