A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 315 Aegis Cavalry Melinda May (Second update!)

Chapter 315 Aegis Cavalry Melinda May (Second update!)

When Luke was driving, he had already made some guesses when he heard Earl mention that the authorization call came from the Department of Homeland Security's office in Los Angeles.

If Earl said the call came from Washington, he would still think that the squinty-eyed Katie might have been recruited as a spy by Homeland Security.

But if the call comes from the Homeland Security Office in Los Angeles, that's a different matter.

One sentence.

Luke knows the director of the Homeland Security Office in Los Angeles.

That is Zat.

Zate is the kind of old guy who has no ambitions and just wants to find a successor in this position and then retire safely.

Nowadays, when it comes to espionage cases in Los Angeles, the FBI is basically putting a lot of effort into it. The Department of Homeland Security doesn't even want to take action, let alone take the initiative to develop spies.

As for the secretary's explanation just now, Luke understood and guessed who was the privileged person who actually called the airport to let the narrow-eyed Katie go.

Is there any other law enforcement agency in the federation that needs to use someone else's name to do things?

This is a single choice question.


S.H.I.E.L.D. claims to be able to handle anything in the Federation, and in any case, they can produce any identity document that best suits the jurisdiction of that case.

If a gunfire case is involved, SHIELD agents can pull out the ID of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is the ID of the ATF.

If it involves national security, there is no doubt that they can take out the certificate of the National Security Agency, that is, the NSA.

If it's an espionage case, it's the Department of Homeland Security where Zate works, that is, the DHS certificate.


This doesn't come at any cost.

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the credentials of these agencies to handle cases, and the credit and honor it receives belongs to these agencies, S.H.I.E.L.D. still needs to pay an "authorization fee" to these law enforcement agencies.

After all, you use my name to show off outside. It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, I will take the blame.


Someone from SHIELD called just now. In the name of Homeland Security, they called the airport and asked the airport to give the narrow-eyed Katie quick access.


Luke took a sip of wine and looked at Zate: "Who contacted you?"

Zate looked at Luke: "You don't know?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "Did I just say that you at least still have a licensing fee to get?"

What he said was not just talk.

Because he did not receive the licensing fee from SHIELD.

Anyway, since he came to power, no one from SHIELD in Los Angeles came to his office to pay homage to the dock.

Luke looked at Earl: "Have we received the licensing fee from SHIELD?"

Earl shook his head.



Luke spread his hands and looked at Zate: "Obviously, people may look down on me as a small character."

Zate directly rolled his eyes at Luke: "Little guy, I think I'm afraid of you. After all, the last time the director came over, you set a trap and disabled him."

He was talking about what happened to Nick Fury when he returned to Los Angeles last time.

After such a long period of time, Nick Fury, as the current director of SHIELD, has almost all of his authority taken away by Commander Maria Hill. The matter of becoming a mascot has already spread throughout federal law enforcement agencies.


Theoretically speaking, Zate's explanation is tenable.

Anyway, there are so many federal law enforcement agencies on the West Coast with so many licenses. You have disabled our director. We are still rushing to send you authorization fees. Who knows whether we will be slapped in the face by you again.

Zate continued to complain, but still told Luke about SHIELD's contact on the West Coast.

After all, when it comes to relationships, a true son of the Federation must be attracted to his own brother, not a half-brother.

"Melinda May."

Zate directly named a person and said to Luke: "She was transferred from Washington at the beginning of this year. She is the one who will be responsible for paying the licensing fee this year."

Luke raised his eyebrows: "Melinda May?"

That Aegis Trooper?

Zat nodded: "By the way, Luke, speaking of this woman, she seems to be of Eastern descent just like you."

After hearing this, Lu Ke came back to his senses, looked at Zat, and said with a smile: "Not all people with yellow skin are worthy of being like me."

He is ten layers of yellow skin and yellow heart.

This Melinda May?


Just banana people.

Zate smiled and asked proactively: "Do you need me to set up a line or help you ask the reason?"

Luke waved his hand: "No."

He just knew it was S.H.I.E.L.D.

If nothing else, SHIELD should be targeting Xu Wenwu.


Luke thought to himself.

This time he went to Yunnan, intending to slay the dragon, but he never thought of taking Xu Wenwu with him.

As everyone knows.

SHIELD is like dog-skin plaster. Once it gets stained, it's hard to get rid of it.

If he takes Xu Wenwu with him, he might also be targeted by SHIELD. Once there, who knows if SHIELD will cause any damage to his dragon-slaying plan.

Wait a moment.

At that time, no one from SHIELD would be watching him connect with Xu Wenwu, right?

Luke was suddenly startled.

Just then, the phone rang.

The call was from Jack.

after awhile.

Luke hung up the phone and looked at Zate: "There's no need for you to call, the other party is here."

Just now Jack asked on the phone when he would return to the office, because Natasha and that Melinda May came to visit him.

Federal Building.

As soon as Luke returned to the office, Jack sneaked in sneakily. Then, rubbing his hands, the mountain-like man smiled like a little daughter-in-law.

"Hey, boss."


Luke took off his coat and put it on the chair. He looked up at Jack and frowned: "How is your relationship with Natasha lately?"

Jack's expression was sad and he couldn't help but touch his nose: "Boss, Natalia and I are in a healthy relationship."

You’ve heard your pet names, but are you still healthy?

Luke chuckled, pulled out a chair and sat down: "By the way, you went on a business trip to Europe this time. Didn't Natasha come to see you?"

Jack nodded, then lowered his voice and said: "Boss, she went to find me, but don't worry, she definitely doesn't know why Debbie and I went to Europe."

Lu Ke chuckled and said, "It's okay if you know."

He already had clues about Long and Ming Yi's backup plan.

If it weren't for the fact that Hydra only had the option of joining and not quitting, he would have wanted to quit now.

Luke said this and then changed the topic.

"Where are they?"

"meeting room."

"Let them come."


Jack responded quickly, then turned around and left the office.

after awhile.

Jack led Natasha in, followed by Melinda May, who didn't quite fit Luke's aesthetics, but fit very well with the Federation's.

"Chief Dane."

Natasha smiled and shook hands with Luke: "Long time no see."

Luke shook hands with a smile, listened to Natasha's name, glanced at Jack next to him, and teased Natasha: "I hope that in the near future, you will also call me boss."

Whether Jack or Debbie hooked up with Natasha, or Natasha hooked up Jack or Debbie.

Anyway, Luke will not suffer.

Because he is a big boss, Natasha has to admit it even if she doesn't want it.

Natasha smiled slightly when she heard Luke's teasing, and did not choose to answer the call. Instead, she smoothly introduced Melinda May to Luke: "Director Dann, this is Mei, Mei. Linda May is our chief executive in Los Angeles."

Melinda May held out her right hand: "Hello, Director Dane, nice to meet you."

Lu Ke shook hands: "Director of Administration, I thought Director Mei was the Director of Operations."

Melinda May smiled.

She was a former operations agent.


She changed careers.

If Commander Maria Hill hadn't transferred her to Los Angeles this time, she would still be doing office work at Sanfei Decoration.

After some introductions, Luke did not ignore the two of them. After all, he did not care about Natasha's face. He also wanted to care about his younger brother Jack's face, and invited the two women to sit down on the sofa.

After the two women sat down, Natasha also told Luke the reason for her visit.

License fee.

Four million U.S. dollars in the first quarter, which is one million more than Zat's Department of Homeland Security, allows SHIELD to use the FBI's name when necessary when performing tasks in Los Angeles in the future.

Luke leaned on the sofa, took a sip of the bourbon that Jack was pouring, looked at the two women, nodded, and said nonchalantly: "Okay, if you need to borrow your name in the future, just report it to Jack. The premise is that this The phone call was made by Natasha, no one else!"

Although Nick Fury was disabled by him.

But if Natasha can stay in Los Angeles, she must not let Natasha go back and let Nick Fury regenerate her right arm.

As for borrowing a brand?

Four million yuan, don’t give it up in vain.

This year.

Don’t fight against anyone, but don’t fight against money.

Although Luke is not short of money, he has a bureau of agents under his command, and secretly also supports those Hydra agents. These subordinates need money to support them.

The most important thing.

He knew that this time S.H.I.E.L.D. came to visit and sent money just for a reason. I am afraid that the real purpose of these two people coming here is closely related to his meeting with Xu Wenwu at the international airport not long ago.


Natasha and Melinda looked at each other and did not dwell too much on Luke's use of this title. After nodding in agreement, they immediately talked about another thing.

"Chief Dane."

"What's wrong?"

Natasha took out a photo that was still warm from her arms and handed it to Luke: "Does Director Dan know the people here?"

Luke reached out and took the photo handed over by Natasha, looked at the person in the photo, and smiled.

This second-tier stream feels even more uncomfortable than the new coronavirus!

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