A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 316 Aegis Tahiti and Ziyuan (first update!)

The person in the photo is exactly as Luke guessed.

It was Xu Wenwu.

And the location where this photo was taken was none other than outside the Los Angeles International Airport.

If nothing else, Natasha should have a few more photos.

And in those photos, there should be not only Xu Wenwu, but also him.

Luke glanced at the photo in his hand, looked at Natasha, and asked thoughtfully: "Why is SHIELD interested in him, Xu Wenwu?"

Natasha heard this.

"So, Director Dane does know him?"


Luke returned the photo to Natasha, and did not evade anything. He chuckled and said, "How could I not recognize him? After all, I killed him not long ago, and his clone was full of Sir, it is very difficult to kill."

Speaking of which.

He paused, then looked at Natasha: "By the way, Director Alexander Pierce should bring the Mandarin's body to you."

Natasha nodded: "Yes, the Mandarin's body is indeed with us."

Luke smiled: "So, why did SHIELD target him?"

Natasha was about to speak.

Melinda May on the side was the first to speak up. She looked at Luke and said in a low tone: "Because he is an extremely evil person, even more evil than the destroyed Hydra."

Luke looked at Melinda May who made the noise and chuckled: "Really, I think he is quite fond of me. So, I am also a very evil person."

Melinda May's slender eyebrows raised.

"Of course not Chief Dane."

Natasha spoke quickly, interrupted Melinda May who was speaking, looked at Luke, smiled and changed the subject: "Director Dann, how did you get to know this Xu Wenwu, and what is your relationship with him? , seems... quite good?"

Luke smiled, leaned on the sofa, and looked at Natasha sideways.

"Want to know?"

"Can you shed some light on this for us?"


Luke raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Natasha: "If you are willing to call me boss."

Natasha was stunned.

Luke looked at Natasha with a smile.

He wanted to know how SHIELD could target Xu Wenwu.

SHIELD wants to know the relationship between Lu Ke and Xu Wenwu.


SHIELD's interest is obviously higher than Luke's.

After Natasha was silent for a while, she met Luke's gaze with a smile on her face.


"Yes, it's just a bit stiff, but it's okay. I'll call you a few more times in the future and you'll get used to it."

With a bright smile on his face, Luke commented on Natasha's title just now, and then pointed to the photo of Xu Wenwu in Natasha's hand, true to his word: "Xu Wenwu came to see me for a fight."

He didn't hide anything and talked about the relationship between Xu Wenwu and him.

Xu Wenwu came to him to make a fight, but because Lu Ke knew about his son Shang Qi in advance, Xu Wenwu could only fight with him, not with force. He made an appointment with Lu Ke to fight "two tigers." After the rule of "no harm to the wife and children", Lu Ke also said that he asked Xu Wenwu to take his son away first, so that he would not take the blame if something happened.

Lu Ke said with a smile: "I won't tell you what happened next. You guys should also know that Shang Qi and his girlfriend Katie ran to the international airport. In order to prevent Xu Wenwu from causing trouble for me inside the airport, I specially Go to the airport, don't you have photos of me meeting him?"

Natasha did not speak, but took out three other photos from her arms.

Enter the eyes.

In the photo, it is Lu Ke and Xu Wenwu who appear on the same screen.

The three photos are from different angles, but the person who took the photos was very professional. If someone who didn’t know better saw these three photos, they might have thought that Lu Ke and Xu Wenwu in the photos were allies rather than mortal enemies. Coming.

Luke played with the three photos in his hand, raised the corner of his mouth, and looked up at Natasha: "Who took these photos? The technology is good, can I get to know each other, Natasha, you also know, I and I The second anniversary of Rachel’s acquaintance is coming soon, and I’m worried about a photographer.”

Natasha smiled and did not answer Luke's question. Instead, she said, "So, Director Dann shouldn't mind us investigating Xu Wenwu."

Luke shrugged and handed the three photos back to Natasha: "Of course I don't mind. If you can chop him up before me, I will still thank you."

He and Xu Wenwu were just rivals who cherished heroes, not allies.

SHIELD wants to deal with Xu Wenwu.

Dealt with it.

As Luke just said, if S.H.I.E.L.D. can chop or imprison Xu Wenwu before Xu Wenwu settles his traitorous son and daughter before they come to settle accounts with him, it will be a huge gain and no harm to Luke. of.

Just right.

With S.H.I.E.L.D. restraining Xu Wenwu, he didn't have to worry about outsiders knowing about his plan to go to the East Kingdom and slay a dragon.

The purpose of Natasha coming here this time, besides sending money to obtain the FBI license, was to test the relationship between Lu Ke and Xu Wenwu.

Now that they see that Lu Ke doesn't mind them investigating Xu Wenwu, their purpose of coming here has been achieved.

It doesn’t matter if what Luke is telling the truth or lies.

What SHIELD wants is for Luke not to stand in the way of their investigation.


Seeing that her goal was achieved, Natasha and Melinda May, who came to the side and said very little this time, looked at each other and then chose to stand up and prepare to leave.

Luke didn't try to stay, but looked at Jack next to him and asked Jack to send the two of them out.

After Jack led Natasha and Melinda May out of the office, Earl walked in from the outside: "Director Pierce is on line three."

Luke hummed, got up from the sofa, walked to the desk, and grabbed the phone on the table.



On the other end of the phone, Alexander, who was in his office, rubbed his eyebrows: "You really shouldn't have crippled Nick Fury."

Lu Ke said with a smile: "He provoked me first. I didn't chop him up because it was for your sake."

Alexander shook his head: "I know, but keeping him is better than now. After all, the current Maria Hill is not an idiot like Nick Fury."

Although after Maria Hill came to power, because she could no longer run around in various branches around the world as before, Alexander could better transform Hydra in other SHIELD branches.

But everything has pros and cons.

Hydra's actions in the SHIELD branch are greatly freed, but in contrast, their actions in the SHIELD headquarters are relatively stagnant.

"Especially since the beginning of this year, after Maria Hill implemented the Agents of SHIELD reform system."

Alexander couldn't help complaining: "According to Maria Hill's current reform work, we don't even have an agent above level six."

Because of the level-affiliated information, it has become almost geometrically difficult for Hydra to obtain information at its headquarters.

Luke asked curiously: "Don't you object?"

Alexander shook his head: "Objection, how can I object? There is nothing wrong with her reform plan. Not only can I not oppose it, I even want to support it."

Who made him a federal director?

If Maria Hill's plan was even close, he could oppose it, but for that plan, even the Eastern Director and the Russian Director, who always liked to abstain from voting, voted in favor.

If he votes against it, what is the difference between this approach and Minglang?

Luke smiled when he heard the complaints in Alexander's words, and turned the topic to the matter at hand: "So you don't know why SHIELD is suddenly interested in Xu Wenwu?"

Alexander rubbed his eyebrows: "It's not all without gain. SHIELD is interested in Xu Wenwu, and it seems to be related to a mission plan."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Plan, what plan."

"Project Tahiti."


Luke was slightly startled.

Plan for Tahiti?

This name...why does it sound so familiar?

Luke blinked.

Alexander put down his right hand that was rubbing his eyebrows, grabbed the cigar placed aside, and continued: "I also got a name, Ziyuan."

Lu Ke heard the name: "People from Dongguo?"

Alexander shook his head: "Then I don't know. After all, I am a director now, and I can't take the initiative to ask about many things."

Luke nodded.

hang up the phone.

Luke looked up at Earl: "Let Debbie check..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Luke quickly reached out and waved to Earl, who had already taken out his cell phone and was about to contact Debbie. He said "No need" and then grabbed the phone beside him and called Seve: "Check someone, Ziyuan, it seems that she is related to SHIELD contacted.”

If you use the federal system to check, there is no chance that SHIELD will know about it.


Let Seve investigate, if nothing else. At the very least, it can ensure that SHIELD will not know that he already knows Ziyuan.

But does the Tahiti Project have anything to do with Ziyuan?

Luke just recalled the contents of this Tahiti plan in his mind.

Nick Fury's right-hand man Phil Coulson died once, and then came back to life through this Tahiti plan.

It is said that the Tahiti Project is based on a mysterious corpse. It is said that the liquid extracted from this corpse has the effect of resurrection from the dead.

But what exactly does the Tahiti Plan refer to?

Luke had no such content in his mind. After all, Marvel is a superhero movie, not a scientific research documentary.

Could it be that this Ziyuan is a researcher or leader of the Tahiti Project?

Luke was a little curious.

But one thing is certain now.

Xu Wenwu, he wanted to resurrect his wife Yingli and bring his wife back from the dead.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Tahiti, is also a study in returning from the dead.

From this perspective.

There seems to be a connection between SHIELD and Xu Wenwu.

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