A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 317 Only when the family is well fed can one go wild (second update!)

Xu Wenwu and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Tahiti Project actually have one thing in common.

In other words, a common goal.

They all want to raise the dead.


Xu Wenwu wanted to resurrect the dead because of love.

Luke didn't know why SHIELD wanted to resurrect the dead, but he was sure that it couldn't be because of love.

"Ziyuan? Who is this?"

"I don't know. If you find it, tell me."


Luke thought about the name Ziyuan again in his mind, and after confirming that there was really no memory of this name, he hung up the phone with Seve.

Not long after he hung up the phone, Jack, who had just sent Natasha and Melinda May out, also came back.

Earl turned to look at Jack who entered the room, a little curious.

"So fast?"

"When I was going downstairs, I met Debbie. It happened to be good, so I asked Debbie to help me deliver it."


Earl silently glanced at Jack, and then silently withdrew his gaze.

Like Luke, she didn't quite understand the structure of the three people between Jack, Debbie and Natasha.

Earl felt that she should know, and she was sure that between Jack, Debbie and Natasha, there must be two people who knew what game they were playing.


Whether Jack knew or not, Earl wasn't sure.

Earl wanted to ask Jack, but she thought about what if Jack liked this kind of tone, what if she broke the news?

So she weighed it up and chose, like Lu Ke, not to get involved in other people's private affairs.

Jack caught Earl's strange eyes and expression at that moment, and looked at Earl suspiciously.

"Any questions?"


Earl waved his hand quickly: "I'm just curious, why don't you send Natasha out? I remember you are not in love?"

When Jack heard this, he immediately stood up and looked at Luke: "Wherever the boss is, I have only one sun."

Old Lu Ke is my only sun!

Jack was furious.

Earl's lips twitched!

Good guy.

She didn't know who was more powerful on Natasha's side, Jack or Debbie, but she was sure that in terms of ability to compete for favor in front of Luke, she, Debbie and Natasha, the three of them together. , probably not even half as good as Jack.


The boss is my only sunshine.

Just open your mouth and come.

It is worthy of the MAX level of loyalty.

Earl looked at Jack beside him, who showed his loyalty to him without any hesitation and took the opportunity. He had no intention of competing with him and looked directly at Luke: "Director, if there is nothing else, then I will..."

Luke interrupted and looked at Earl: "By the way, starting from tomorrow, I will be out of the office for about fifteen days."

He did the math.

I will set off early tomorrow morning, run to Yunnan in the East, and then spend about seven days a week looking for the entrance to the Tarot. In terms of time, it should be enough.

But for the sake of being conservative, Luke increased this time to half a month.

Just in case.

Reserve enough time so that if something happens, the probability of fault tolerance can be higher.

As for slaying the dragon?

Slaying dragons quickly.

Find the dragon and kill it on the spot. If time is tight, bathing in the dragon's blood on the spot will actually work.

Luke is not the kind of picky person, as long as there are dragons.

Earl, who had already turned around to go out, stopped when he heard Luke's words and looked at Luke: "Half a month? Sir, where are you going?"

Earl and Jack were both his right-hand men, and Luke had no intention of hiding it.

"Eastern Kingdom."


Hearing this, Earl looked at Luke and raised his eyebrows: "Director, is it because of that Xu Wenwu?"

Lu Ke waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with Xu Wenwu. My visit this time is purely a personal matter."

Earl and Jack looked at each other.

Jack looked at Luke: "Boss, I'll go with you."

Earl on the side also nodded and looked at Luke: "Director, let Jack follow..."

Luke interrupted directly and looked at the two of them: "What are you thinking about? I'm going to the East Country, not the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. Besides, do you think it's appropriate to help you there? Can I still do things?"

Definitely inappropriate.

He had never thought of entering Dongguo through formal channels.

Because, if he wants to go to Dongguo through regular channels, and even takes Jack with him, there is no need to think about it. Dongguo Guoan will already be waiting there when he lands.

Even if he won't be deported or anything like that by then, there is no doubt that if he wants to do anything within the borders of the Eastern Kingdom, he will definitely be out of luck.

Even if he ran to kill the dragon under the watchful eye of Guoan, Lu Ke had no doubt that after he killed the dragon, Dongguo's Guoan would turn him into a dragon and kill him.


Lu Ke explained: "When I went over this time, I wanted to have a quick victory. It's not good to have too many people, and it's not good to have too many eyes. Moreover, the effect of the two of you staying at home is greater than the effect of going over with me."

Earl seemed to understand what Luke was trying to say.

"Sir, you mean S.H.I.E.L.D.?"


Luke nodded: "Let you two stay here, and you can also provide me with a cover, making the SHIELD people think that I am still in Los Angeles and haven't gone anywhere."

Now he already knows that SHIELD is paying attention to Xu Wenwu.

Who knows if SHIELD is secretly driving a satellite to spy on him in space?


Luke didn't want to, so he ran to Dongguo, and SHIELD followed suit and followed suit.

Earl nodded: "Understood, sir."

She already knew what she was going to do for Luke in the next fifteen days.

It was nothing more than creating the illusion that Luke was still in the company.

Jack on the side couldn't help but shook his head and looked at Luke: "Boss, why don't you take me with you? I still want to follow you."

Luke looked at Jack and smiled: "No, you have more important tasks."

Jack's eyes lit up.

"What mission."

"Use your charm or figure, I don't care about you. In short, use the shortest possible speed to get out of that Natasha the reason why SHIELD is so concerned about Xu Wenwu. If necessary, you can exchange information for information. Be careful. You know it yourself, just take care of it yourself."

Jack opened his mouth, and then, seeing Luke's determined expression, he could only give up: "I know, boss."

In the afternoon.

After Luke returned home, he also talked to Rachel about this trip to the Eastern Kingdom.

After Rachel heard this, she didn't have an overreaction. She just looked at Luke and frowned: "Crossing the border to Dongguo in private?"

Lu Ke nodded: "I can only cross the border privately. If I enter the country formally, I won't be able to do anything."

Rachel nodded: "Indeed."

As Luke is currently the director of the Los Angeles branch of the FBI, it is hard to say whether he will be able to obtain a visa for East China, let alone land in East China.


"Do you have to go?" Rachel looked up at Luke.

Luke nodded again.

Restarting the second level of gene lock will not only push his current combat power to a higher level, becoming a truly extraordinary combat power.

At the same time, after the second layer of gene lock is opened, the migration speed of his small universe will speed up again.

Because the physical body becomes stronger, the power of the soul that he can mobilize becomes more, and as the power of the soul becomes more, the pulling power of the small universe will be deepened.


"must go."


Seeing that Luke had made up his mind, Rachel did not try to persuade Luke to give up, but nodded: "Will Jack and the others accompany you there?"

Luke told Rachel that SHIELD came to him today because of his meeting with Xu Wenwu, and then said: "Although my purpose of going to Dongguo this time is different from theirs, there are still some connections. It's inside, so it would be best for Jack and Earl to stay here just in case."

Rachel nodded thoughtfully, then looked up at Luke: "So, who will accompany you this time?"

Seeing that the trick of changing the subject failed, Luke smiled in the face of Rachel's unblinking gaze and did not hide anything: "Seph."

Rachel's expression was astonished.

"No wonder."

"But that's right, Seve has his own plane."

Rachel said this and looked at Luke: "So, was it you who suggested it, or was it Seve who suggested it?"

Luke shook his head.

"She suggested it."

"And you agreed."



Rachel looked at Luke thoughtfully and chuckled: "What did she promise you?"

Luke didn't hide anything from Rachel: "Take her there. She won't force me to have a baby this year."

Rachel's expression suddenly dawned again, she smiled, then put down the red wine glass in her hand, turned around, and walked up the stairs.

Luke looked at Rachel who turned and left without saying a word, and blinked.

"I'll leave tomorrow."

"Then why don't you come up quickly?"

Rachel, who was standing at the top of the stairs, turned around and looked at Luke: "Why, you plan to raise your sperm and give it to other women... Oh!"

Before Rachel could finish her words, she saw Luke disappear over the bar and then suddenly appear in front of her eyes, startling her.

Luke held Rachel's waist and looked at Rachel with a smile: "How is it possible? I always maintain the most basic principle."

Rachel leaned in Luke's arms, looking at Luke intently, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"What principle?"

“Only when the family is well fed can we go out to play in the wild.”

"I'm not full."

"I know."

Luke said with a smile: "So, I will not leave until you are satisfied."

Say it.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Ke took Rachel directly with him and appeared on the big bed in the master bedroom with a hiss.

Immediately afterwards...

While dealing with Luke, Rachel grabbed the phone on the side and called the bureau, saying that she had something to do tonight and asked the backup host to keep an eye on her.

After making the call, Rachel turned over and began to concentrate on fighting with Luke.

"I'm going to drain you dry even if I don't sleep tonight."


Woohoo, I want to go out for New Year’s Eve, but they won’t take me, saying I’m a big virus (crying!!)

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