A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 318 Let’s go and slay the dragon!

Stayed up all night!

the next day.

Luke almost held his waist and went out.


He originally thought that it would only be five or six times at most, but who knew that Rachel would not let go and said that she was full.

Luke immediately fell into disrepair.


If you speak out, the water will be poured out.

What else could Luke do, he could only keep working hard.


Rachel was considerate of him. After the fourteenth battle, she finally said she was full and let Luke go.


Luke thought that his waist might shrink by more than half.

The bar on the first floor.

After Luke went down the stairs, he came to the bar. While taking out his bourbon, he greeted Lorna who was already sitting on the high stool.

"Good morning, Lorna."


Lorna held her chin listlessly and responded.

Luke poured himself a glass of bourbon.

Bourbon in the belly.


Luke only felt that his energy was recovering rapidly, and then he looked curiously at Lorna, who was sitting on a high stool, holding her chin with one hand and grabbing a fork with the other hand to eat her own fruit cereal. He was a little curious: "What's wrong? , so early in the morning, so listless?"

After hearing this, Lorna raised her head and looked at Luke expressionlessly.

Unblinking eyes.

"My earmuffs broke yesterday."

"so what?"

Luke shrugged.

When Lorna saw this, she didn't say anything, but silently took out her mobile phone from her arms, then silently opened it, and clicked on the audio clip recorded in her room at 3:45 at night. for a moment, and then selected play.

The sound burst out of Lorna's phone instantly.

"Who is your father?"

"who is your daddy!"



Luke snorted, reached out and grabbed the phone in Lorna's right hand, and then crushed the phone on the spot to shut her up completely.

Lorna was stunned.

"Hey, my phone!"

"I'll buy it again for you."

"...Then I want the latest model."

"Okay, how much."

"Five thousand!"

Lorna blinked and quoted the price of five thousand dollars without thinking.

Luke nodded, did not bargain, and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he already had a dozen bundled Franklins worth ten thousand dollars.



Lorna took the flying knife in disbelief, put it on the tip of her nose, smelled the smell of the knife, then moved her right hand, split the banknote in her hand into two, and looked at Luke curiously: " What does it mean if you give me 10,000 for a new mobile phone?"

Luke sipped the bourbon in his cup expressionlessly, and said in a very calm tone: "The rest will be used as your mental damage fee. In addition, you can use this money to buy better earmuffs."

Lorna beamed with joy and happily put the dozen Franklins in her hand back into her backpack.

It's like Luke became energetic with the blessing of bourbon.

Lorna seemed to be in high spirits because she got ten thousand dollars, and she ate all the fruit cereal in her hand in three strokes.


Lorna seemed to have thought of something. After passing the bowl and spoon to Luke at the bar, she blinked and looked at Luke: "Luke, you know Clarice's new boyfriend, right?"

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"The new boyfriend, the one who knows the mind..."

"We're divided, but that's not important."

Lorna waved her hand, looked at Luke, and said with a serious expression: "I want to say that I am seventeen this year. Luke, I should understand. I understand too. You don't need to be so nervous."

Luke glanced at Lorna with a strange expression.

Tell him directly.

He should call Rachel down now to take his place in the conversation.


"what do you want to say?"

"I mean, I'm not a kid anymore, Luke."

Lorna laughed, pointing slightly with her right hand at the phone that Luke had just thrown into the trash can, and then looked at Luke: "Isn't it because you and Rachel were too loud when they were at Sykes yesterday? You accidentally made a noise. It’s my turn, I don’t mind.”

Speaking of which.

Lorna paused and looked at Luke, feeling very magical.

"But, have you always been like this before? Are you really or not not sleeping at all? You are iron..."

"Ahem, cough!"

Luke couldn't stand it anymore, so he put the bourbon cup in his hand aside, made a fist with his right hand, put it to his mouth and coughed a few times, and then interrupted Lorna, who was getting more and more furious.

Lorna looked at Luke helplessly and shrugged.

"I'm really not a kid anymore."

"I see."

Luke nodded expressionlessly and looked at Lorna: "But I still don't want you to talk to me about this kind of topic."

Lorna was curious.

"why not."

"I am your brother."

"Not related by blood."

Lorna shrugged, and then when she said this, she suddenly seemed to think of something and looked at Luke: "By the way, Luke, I seem to have thought of something again in the past few days."

Seeing that the topic was brought to an end, Luke breathed a sigh of relief and picked up his wine glass again.

"whats the matter."

"I don't seem to be Victoria's daughter."


Luke was silent for a while. Under Lorna's gaze, he swallowed the wine in his mouth with great effort, and then looked at Lorna.


"I'm not kidding, I'm really not Victoria's daughter."


"My mother seemed to have told me, no, it doesn't count as my mother said it."

This matter was suddenly remembered by Lorna when she was bored these days.

Lorna sat on a high stool, holding her chin with her hands, and said thoughtfully: "Although Victory has been in my memory since I was born, I remember one time, it seems to be 2008 At that time, wasn’t there a financial crisis at that time, do you remember?”

Luke nodded.


"At that time, Victory's store was also affected by the financial crisis and was about to go bankrupt, but my mother suddenly took out a sum of money. After that, the two of them seemed to have a quarrel over the money. I was confused at that time. Listen next to me.”

Lorna tried to recall the scene at that time.

"Mum and Victoria were in the house at the time."

"I'm outside."

"Victoria's voice seemed a little excited and he said he would not use that person's money."

"Mom said why not, after all, this is what he owes me."

"Victoria said she didn't want to be associated with people like him. We don't have much money, so we have ways to get by with less money."


Lorna recalled the scene at that time. After describing it, she looked at Luke: "Lu, do you know about this?"

Luke sipped the wine in his glass and analyzed what Lorna just said.

The person Victory and Susanna were talking to was, if nothing else, Lao Wan.

Susanna's personal inheritance is several million, most of which was paid by Lao Wan.

Luke already knew this.

But for now.

Luke looked at Lorna, smiled and said, "I don't know if you are the daughter of Victory and Susanna, but you know, do I know something?"

Lorna suddenly stared at Luke with twinkling eyes.

"whats the matter."

"You are my sister."

Luke smiled slightly, stroked Lorna's head, and looked at Lorna: "You suffered a brain injury and even forgot about me, remember."

Lorna frowned and patted away Luke's claws, and looked at Luke: "I'm not joking, I'm serious. My biological father may not be Victory."

Luke shrugged and looked at Lorna.

"Even if what you say is true, then what?"

"Aren't you curious who my biological father is?"

"Not curious."

I already know your father is Magneto, but I don't want you to be curious.

Whether Lao Wan retires or not, he is still a big trouble. Lu Ke is going to the East Kingdom to be busy slaying dragons. At this juncture, he really doesn't want to worry about anything else.

Especially the trouble with mutants.

Luke didn't want to touch any of them.

Luke drank the wine in the glass and appeared directly behind Lorna. He helped Lorna get up from the high stool, then prepared her schoolbag, and then pushed Lorna towards Walking out the door, he said: "Now, for you, the most important thing is to study. Don't forget, there are only two months left. Can you help me find a few less people to ask for recommendation letters? But just It depends on your grades this semester, so work hard and come on."


Luke sent Lorna to the door, then waved goodbye to Lorna with a smile, watched Lorna walk to the corner of the street, then returned home, closed the door, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"So do you know who Lorna's biological father is?"


Luke, who was leaning behind the door, opened his eyes, looked at Rachel coming down the stairs in pajamas, and raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you going to sleep for a while?"

Rachel smiled and said, "How can you leave if I don't wake up?"

Luke smiled and said nothing.

Rachel walked into the bar, made herself the first cup of coffee, and then looked at Luke: "When are we leaving?"

Luke sat on the high stool where Lorna was sitting just now, and looked at Rachel inside with a smile: "I'll have a cup of coffee with you before I leave."

Rachel gave Luke a look and said, "No, you only cooked for me. Okay, go ahead and come back soon."

Just as Lu Ke was about to speak, the phone in his arms rang.




"I found Ziyuan above you."


Luke hung up the phone.

Rachel, who had already made a cup of coffee, took a sip of the hot coffee and looked at Luke who hung up the phone.



"Is she anxious?"

"Asked her to help find information on a guy, and found it."

"All right."

Rachel nodded, holding the coffee cup with both hands, looking at Luke sitting opposite, smiling: "Okay, seriously, let's go, come back early, I'll wait for you to go home."

Luke nodded and looked at Rachel: "Okay, wait until I get home."


His figure gradually faded on the high stool until it disappeared!

...(End of chapter)

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