A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 322 The Fountain of Youth is in the Tarot (First update!)

After another gunshot.

This time.

The one shot between the eyebrows was Rick O'Connor.

Rick O'Connor retained a stunned expression on his face, leaning on the seat behind him, his hands lowered, motionless.

Following the sound of the gunshot, everyone else present could not help but have their faces twitching.

The next second.

"Dad!" Alex O'Connor looked at Rick and shouted.

Lin O'Connor, the daughter-in-law who had changed her surname, looked at this scene in disbelief, and then roared at Luke: "You devil!"

Hearing this, Luke raised the corners of his mouth, looked at Lin O'Connor who called him the devil, and said thoughtfully: "Devil?"

Lin stared at Luke with wide eyes.

Gritting teeth.

"Devil, if you can, kill us all. No matter what you want, we won't tell you."



Lin O'Connor was stunned when he saw Luke raising the muzzle of the gun again.

Luke listened to Lin O'Connor's words and nodded obediently. Then, he grabbed the surviving Alex O'Connor and Lin O'Connor, including their son. The trigger was pulled once.


The number of corpses in the cabin directly increased to five.

The O'Connor family was neatly reunited.

Seve on the side recovered from the shock and looked at Luke, who was drinking a glass of wine with a smile on his face after shooting. Then he looked at the somewhat messy cabin and shook his head helplessly: "You don't have to bring them here to kill them."

It made her have to think of ways to clean the cabin later.


We haven't reached Dongguo's airspace yet, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

Seve thought this in his mind, then shook his head helplessly, and called two men over, intending to have someone come over to drag the body out from here and throw it away.

Luke stopped Cypher's move.

Sever looked at Luke in confusion.

The corners of Luke's mouth rose.

"No hurry, wait a moment."

"Wait a moment?"

Seve frowned: "What are you waiting for?"

Luke's eyes fell on the body of Jonathan, who had just been killed first, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"Wait until they are resurrected."



Luke nodded and drank his glass of wine in one gulp.



He didn't see the five fresh souls in front of him reporting to Haier Hades.

And these five souls should not have signed any contract with any devil.

In addition, the actual age of these five people does not match their apparent age.


These five people looked dead, but they probably weren't.

Luke thought in his mind.

About half an hour later.

Sever frowned and looked at Luke.

How can a person come back from the dead?

Just when Seve thought that Luke might be suffering from some serious illness, suddenly, the body of Jonathan, who was originally executed by Luke, suddenly had his fingers trembling.

The next second.


The hole between Jonathan's eyebrows squirmed like a worm, and like a sprout of flesh, a bullet was squeezed out of the hole.

The bullet squeezed out of the hole and fell to the floor, making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards...

Jonathan's eyes opened with a snap, and then he suddenly sat up from the floor, breathing heavily as if he had been fished out of water.

"Thick and greasy Xie Te!"

Seve was completely shocked when she saw this. She watched Jonathan resurrected from the dead in front of her eyes, and looked at Luke in disbelief: "Water sent Falk, how could it be possible?"

Luke was thinking slightly and did not answer Seve.

He did think of a possibility.

Fountain of Youth.

After considering that the O'Connor family in front of me participated in the story of defeating his lovely and charming ancestor, and that the O'Connor family does not seem to have an old appearance, this answer can be easily guessed.

The execution just now was just to verify this point.

Luke got up from the sofa and walked to the resurrected Jonathan. He stretched out his right hand and pinched Jonathan's neck. After lifting him up from the floor, he stared at this moment and looked at him as if Looking at the devil, Jonathan, with eyes full of fear, said with a smile: "You must have soaked in the Fountain of Youth."

Upon hearing this, Jonathan became even more frightened when he saw the look in Luke's eyes.

The corners of Luke's mouth rose.

at the same time.

Rick O'Connor and Evelyn O'Connor of the O'Connor family, as well as Alex and Lin, also squeezed out the bullets one after another, opening their eyes and gasping for air as if they were fished out of water.


They were completely dumbfounded when they saw that instead of throwing them out of the plane after they died, they were still there.

Because they understand.

Their biggest secret was completely exposed.

Unlike the O'Connor family, whose faces were full of fear at the moment, the Hydra agents who were looking at them on the plane, including Seve, were looking at O'Connor and others with feverish eyes.

the reason is simple.

Since the O'Connor family can rise from the dead, why can't they?

Seve's eyes were even brighter.

Immortality may not be very attractive to women, but if immortality is preceded by immortality, the allure will be MAX.

Seve's eyes fell on Luke, who was wiping his hands, taking Jonathan upstairs just now, and now walking down the stairs alone.


"The Fountain of Youth was brought back to Tarot by Ziyuan."

Luke knew what Seve was going to ask, and after directly telling the answer Seve wanted, he sat back on the sofa, then continued to wipe the remaining blood on his hands with a towel, and then faced a Hydra The agent said: "In the bathroom upstairs, clean it up and throw it out."

One Hydra agent nodded, turned around and walked upstairs with another Hydra agent.

Evelyn O'Connor saw that there was no trace of her brother, then she saw the blood on Luke's hands, and after listening to Luke's words just now, she seemed to realize something, and her tone began to uncontrollably tremble. : "What did you do to Jonathan?"

Luke smiled slightly and looked at Evelin: "Of course I sent him to the place he should have gone to long ago. That place is hell."

Evelin's eyes shrank.

The reason why he was sure that the Fountain of Youth was brought back to the Tarot dimension by Ziyuan, that is, Yingnan, was naturally because he had already learned about it from Jonathan's soul.

Back then, after the O'Connor family helped Ziyuan, that is, Yingnan, deal with the Dragon Emperor, in return, Yingnan not only gave her daughter to O'Connor as his daughter-in-law, but even invited the O'Connor family to share the Fountain of Youth. .

Afterwards, the O'Connor family returned to London after bathing in the Fountain of Youth, while Ziyuan returned to the Tarot dimension with the Eye of Shangri-La, which contained the Fountain of Youth.

Of course.

Luke also knew another thing in Jonathan's memory.

That is……

"You have no idea where Tarot is."


Lin O'Connor couldn't help but paused in breathing after hearing what Luke said.

After Luke caught this, he looked around the O'Connor family and said in a calm tone: "In this case, you have no effect on me anymore. You can be resurrected if you are shot, but you can be beheaded. No, it’s just like when you chopped off the Dragon Emperor’s head.”

The words fell.

The O'Connor family's breathing stopped completely.

The next second.

Everyone watched as Luke nodded and the Hydra agent pointed his gun at them again. Just when he was about to say something, he died suddenly again.

ten minutes later.

The hatch at the bottom of the aerial fortress opened. Just as the aerial fortress was about to fly into Dongguo's airspace, several unknown objects fell toward the sea below like high-altitude projectiles.

Twenty minutes later.

Luke, who was sitting on the sofa, opened his eyes again. After just asking Hela to extract the memories of the other people, he already knew what happened that year.

To put it simply.

This is a very clichéd story, and it is completely different from the stories Jonathan remembered hearing.

Back then, Ziyuan, also known as Yingnan, was the gatekeeper of the Tarot dimension.

But just like Yingli who fell in love with Wenwu and eventually eloped with Wenwu, Yingnan, who was a gatekeeper at the time, also fell in love with a Dragon Kingdom general named Lin, and later eloped with this Dragon Kingdom general. .

Later, the two also gave birth to a daughter named Lin Na, who is now Lin O'Connor.

But like all sects, they all require their saints to be unmarried. After learning about this, they found Yingnan, who had changed her name to Ziyuan, and gave her two choices.

Either die, or help them get back the Eye of Shangri-La, which contains the Fountain of Youth, from the Dragon Emperor when he conquered the Dian Kingdom.

Ziyuan agreed, but when she stole the Eye of Shangri-La, she was discovered by the Dragon Emperor.

That General Lin begged hard, hoping to exchange his life for the Dragon Emperor's forgiveness.

The Dragon Emperor also agreed.

But Ziyuan disagreed.

She issued a curse and cursed the Dragon Emperor who had just obtained the Fountain of Youth into terracotta warriors and horses. The soldiers who surrendered to the Dragon Emperor also turned into terracotta warriors and horses.

But the Eye of Shangri-La was also buried underground along with the Dragon Emperor.

In order to regain the chance to return to the Tarot dimension, Ziyuan searched hard for a way to break the situation. Then she finally found a way. With the help of the O'Connor family, she completely destroyed the Dragon Emperor and returned to the tower with the Eye of Shangri-La. Luo.

The reason why she didn't take her daughter Lin Na back to Tarot was actually very simple.

Ziyuan didn't dare.

Because she found the Fountain of Youth for the Tarot Dimension, she could be exempted from the guilt of marrying a saint, but it could not absolve her of the guilt of giving birth to a daughter.

And once Tarot Dimension finds out that she has a daughter, her fate will be the same as Yingli's today.

That is……


...(End of chapter)

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