A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 323 The enemy of my enemy is my friend (Second update!)


She will die.

Ziyuan is also Yingnan. It is precisely because of this that she entrusted her daughter Lin Na to the O'Connor family instead of taking Lin Na back to Tarot.

Because once people from the Tarot dimension discover that their saint has given birth to offspring with outsiders, the only outcome will be death.

Xu Wenwu's wife, one of the gatekeepers of Tarot, and Yingnan's sister, Yingli, is the best proof.

After Yingli eloped with Xu Wenwu, she was found by the Tarot Dimension, and then it was discovered that she had given birth to a son and a daughter for Xu Wenwu and did not intend to kill Xu Wenwu, so she was disguised by the people of the Tarot Dimension. Xu Wenwu's enemies assassinated him.

This can explain why Yingli, who was able to fight Xu Wenwu back and forth, capsized in the gutter.

Because the person who killed Yingli was not a gangster at all, but someone from the Tarot dimension.


Tsk tsk.

People from the Tarot dimension don't have the courage to directly confront Xu Wenwu, but they have the courage to assassinate his wife?

When Luke thought about this, he shook his head in amusement.


His favorable impression of this Tarot dimension, which was mediocre at the beginning, plummeted, and he could not help but feel a sense of disgust.

Not only because this Tarot dimension broke the Dragon Emperor's eternal heart, but also because this Tarot dimension likes to embarrass women.


"I'm not here to make friends."


Luke thought in his mind.

at this time.

After instructing his men to clean up the bleeding sofa opposite, Seve sat down again, glanced at Luke, who was shaking his head and snorting, and frowned: "Actually, you should have spared their lives, my dear. .”

Luke came to his senses and looked at Seve.


"That woman, even if she doesn't know the entrance, it would be better to use her as a hostage than to behead her directly."

Seve met Luke's gaze and said rationally: "Keeping her is better than killing her."

Lu Ke shook his head in disapproval: "Theoretically speaking, yes, but she has no living value to me. Even killing her would be more useful to me than keeping her."

It is true that Lin Na is Ying Nan's daughter.


Yingnan will definitely not admit this, because if Yingnan admits that Lin Na is her daughter, she will not be killed by Lu Ke in the end, but she will also be killed by the Tarot Dimension.


A saint who gives birth to offspring has no value to Tarot.

Not to mention that Lin Na still doesn’t know where the entrance is.

In this way, the O'Connor family is useless to Luke. Instead of leaving it alone and not knowing what to do with it, it is better to send their souls directly to the Hades of Hel.

In this way, at the very least, he can obtain the memories in these people's souls from the Hades of Haier.

Seve just said it casually.

After all, Luke has killed everyone now, and there is no use in talking about other things.

Seeing that Luke had no regrets, Sever shrugged and changed the subject: "We still have about an hour to reach the sky above Yunnan. What's next, there are no clues. How are we going to find this Tarot dimension?"

Lu Ke frowned and did not answer the question, but looked at Seve: "By the way, Xu Wenwu returned to Dongguo from Macau, right?"

Seve nodded: "I left Macau yesterday, but I don't know if I have returned to China. This is the Eastern Kingdom after all."

The Eastern Kingdom is a restricted area for mercenaries.


Because of his status as one of the five overlords of the East Kingdom, Sever will not rush to the East Kingdom to develop his business in search of excitement. Therefore, Sever has an intelligence network in the East Kingdom, but there is no intelligence network like in Europe. So powerful and extensive.

Luke touched his chin and said nothing.

Seeing this, Seve frowned and said, "Wait a minute, you don't want to cooperate with Wenwu, do you?"

Luke smiled.

"I have this idea."

"Didn't you say before that you didn't plan to cooperate with Xu Wenwu..."

"This time, that time."

Luke looked at Sever with a smile: "Cooperation and non-cooperation are never static."

Sever frowned.

"Speak humanly."

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Luke explained with a smile.

He really had not thought about cooperating with Xu Wenwu, but planned to spend his time on his own in the deep forests of Yunnan to find the entrance to the Tarot dimension, and then after entering, quietly slay the dragon.


This was what he thought before he realized that Yingli's soul had also gone to the hell dimension and was not in Tarot. At the same time, Yingli's death was also secretly killed by people from the Tarot dimension disguised as Xu Wenwu's enemies.

at the moment.

Yingli's soul is not in the Tarot dimension, but in hell.

Moreover, Yingli’s death was secretly done by Tarot Dimension.

What a coincidence!

For example, Xu Wenwu wants to avenge his wife, while Luke wants to slay the dragon; Xu Wenwu wants his wife's soul, and Luke also wants to find hell to get Daniel Whitehorse's soul.


He felt that he and Xu Wenwu suddenly had a common language.

Luke was thinking, and after taking a look at Seve sitting opposite, he took out the phone from his arms and dialed directly.

He has Xu Wenwu's private number.

That was the number he and Xu Wenwu had left each other for when they were saying goodbye outside the airport in order to have a good date next time.

Just like Luke just said.

He and Xu Wenwu are both decent people.


The call is connected.

Xu Wenwu's voice came from the other end of the phone, having returned to the headquarters of the Shijie Gang with his naughty son and the naughty girl who followed the naughty son's example and ran to Macau.


"Civil and military."

Luke glanced at Seve, who raised his eyebrows when he heard the name. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled while chatting with Xu Wenwu on the other end of the phone.

"Have you returned to Dongguo?"

"Thank you for your concern. I'm back. I'll find you soon after I finish solving the chores at home."

"Don't worry, I'm already here."


Xu Wenwu was slightly stunned when he heard what Lu Ke said.


"I'm already in the Eastern Kingdom."


"In an hour, we will be over Yunnan."

Lu Ke did not hide anything from Xu Wenwu. He said this bluntly and said: "The last time you were in Los Santos, I did my best to be a landlord. Now that I have come to Dongguo, I wonder, Wenwu, are you You should also show your kindness as a landlord."

Xu Wenwu sat on the seat in his tea room, listened to these words, and said with a smile: "Of course, I'm just worried that you, Lu Ke, may not want me to fulfill my duties as a landlord."

Luke laughed.

"How could it be? Dongguo is your home court, and I don't know anyone else in Dongguo besides you."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Xu Wenwu heard the underlying meaning of Lu Ke's words, and said directly without mincing words: "As long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Luke smiled and said: "You can definitely help me, I want to get into Tarot."

The smile on Xu Wenwu's face froze instantly.

The tone was low.




Xu Wenwu stood up from the seat behind him, then walked out of the tea room, looked up to the sky thousands of miles high, and a smile appeared on his face again: "Can I ask, Luke, why are you looking for Tarot?"

Luke was straightforward.

"Slay the dragon!"

"Slay the dragon?"



Xu Wenwu narrowed his eyes and was a little curious after hearing this.

He knew that there was a dragon in Tarot, it was a red-haired silver dragon, he had heard Yingli say it before.


Xu Wenwu couldn't quite understand why Luke would think of running to the Tarot dimension and slaying a dragon.

Luke laughed.

"I say this just for fun, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe."

Xu Wenwu squinted his eyes and said simply: "If I told you that I don't know how to get to Tarot, would you believe it?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "I believe it, that's why I called you. Maybe, we can join forces."

Xu Wenwu smiled.

"What if I said I didn't want to."

"you will."


"You are also looking for the Tarot dimension. You just think that after Yingli dies, her soul will return to the Tarot dimension. That's why you want to find the Tarot dimension and then bring back your wife's body from there. Soul, right?”


Xu Wenwu said nothing.

But silence itself is an answer.

Luke leaned on the seat behind him, then looked at the hands-free mobile phone on the table, and raised the corner of his mouth: "But what if I tell you that your wife's soul is not in Tarot, but in the hell dimension? .”

Xu Wenwu said in a faint tone: "I will think you are lying."

His wife is a creature from the Tarot dimension.

According to the law of death, as a dimensional creature of his wife Yingli, her soul will definitely return to the dimension first after death.

"Yingli has given birth to children for you, Wenwu."


Hearing this, Wen Wu suddenly paused in his heart: "What?"

Lu Ke smiled and said: "After Yingli has children with you, her soul will not return to Tarot, but to hell."

Xu Wenwu said in a deep voice: "Do you have any evidence?"

Luke smiled all over his face: "I didn't, but if I told you again that your wife's death was not killed by your enemies, but by people from Tarot pretending to be your enemies, would you believe it?"

Xu Wenwu narrowed his eyes, his expression was very dangerous.


"Yingnan's daughter told me."


Xu Wenwu thought of his sister-in-law and frowned: "Yingnan doesn't have a daughter."

Luke smiled and said, "That's not what she said about the person I just killed."

Xu Wenwu's mind suddenly moved and he directly reported a series of coordinates.

"I'll wait for you here."

"Not going."


Xu Wenwu raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, you didn't do anything to me in Shengluo, and I won't do anything to you either."

Luke shook his head: "That's not what I'm worried about."

Xu Wenwu said in a deep voice: "What is that?"

Lu Ke asked back: "Your narrow-eyed daughter-in-law must have gone back with you."

Xu Wenwu: "..." (End of this chapter)

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