A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 328 My daughter is caring and smart!

Wait until Xia Ling finds her brother Shang Qi again.

Shang-Chi is collecting the body of his squinty-eyed girlfriend Katie.

Collecting corpses in a physical sense.

In the headquarters of the Ten Commandments Gang, there are very strict requirements for the disposal of corpses.

Cremated and then dumped into the back garden to be used as fertilizer.

So by the time Shang-Chi struggled to gain strength, he defeated the two members of the Ten Rings Gang who were responsible for guarding him, and when he arrived at the scene, Katie had turned into a ball of ash in a plastic bag.


Seeing this scene, Shang-Chi's eyes were splitting. In the process of snatching his girlfriend, Shang-Chi accidentally knocked away the plastic bag, causing Katie's ashes to scatter almost all over the courtyard like snowflakes.

Xia Ling came over while Shang Qi was collecting the ashes of his girlfriend all over the courtyard with a broom.

Xia Ling, who saw this scene, felt angry and ridiculous at the same time when she saw the sad and sad expression on Shang Qi's face.

Because she suddenly remembered something.

That is, when their mother Yingli died, it seemed that her brother Shangqi was far less sad than he is now.

It seemed that at this moment, it was Shang Qi's biological mother who died.

Xia Ling walked into the courtyard with her thoughts spinning.

"What are you doing?"


Shang Qi raised his head and glanced at Xia Ling, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and then he continued to collect the ashes of his squinting girlfriend without saying a word.

Xia Ling caught the resentment in Shang Qi's eyes and smiled directly.

"Are you blaming me?"

"Why blame me?"

Xia Ling crossed her arms, looked at Shang Qi, frowned and said, "Are you complaining that I didn't stop Dad at that time?"

Shang Qi dropped the broom in his hand with a snap and looked up at Xia Ling.



Xia Lingle smiled: "She is an undercover agent sent by the law enforcement agency."

Although in the past few years, she has been brainwashed by her aunt Yingnan, making her and her father Wenwu not very good at dealing with each other.


The conflict between her and Wen Wu is, at best, the conflict between father and daughter. She can run away from home, but this does not mean that she will help outsiders deal with her father.

Xu Xialing and Shang Qi are different.

She knew very well why she ran away to Macau and was able to get along so well. She was even able to run a black boxing arena on the top floor of the tallest building in Macau.

Is this her own benefit?


Xu Xialing knew very well that if her father Xu Wenwu had not spoken out, and nothing else, the law enforcement agencies in Macau would have raided her home base on the first day of her black boxing competition.


Xu Xialing looked at Shang Qi: "If I knew that this woman was an undercover agent in Macau, I would kill her without my father taking action."

Shang Qi glared at Xu Xialing: "How dare you!"

Xu Xialing sneered, as if she didn't want to dwell on this topic anymore, and said directly to Shang Qi: "Okay, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and I don't want to ruin our relationship because of an irrelevant woman. I’m just asking you if you want to leave. If you don’t want to leave, I’ll leave by myself.”

Shang Qi's expression suddenly froze.



Xu Xialing nodded, and then asked Shang Qi: "Why else would you, why would I obey my father so obediently and go against him like you did, but in the end, you were grounded?"

Shang Qi sneered: "Those losers, they can't stand me."

Xu Xialing twitched the corners of her mouth.

She still knew how much she and Shang Qi weighed.


If she and Shang Qi were not Xu Wenwu's children, in terms of a life-and-death duel, anyone here at the headquarters of the Shijie Gang could kill them within fifty moves.

After all, the members of the Ten Rings Gang headquarters were hand-picked by Xu Wenwu. If they were put outside, all of them would be top-notch killers.

However, Xu Xialing was no longer in the mood to argue with Shang Qi on this issue. She looked at the time on her watch and said directly to Shang Qi: "I told dad that I forgot to take something. You have ten minutes." You have time to pack your things and then come to the backyard to find me. If you don’t come, I will leave by myself.”


Xia Ling shook her head and walked directly towards her boudoir.

Shang Qi looked at his sister's leaving back, then looked at the ashes in the dustpan, gritted his teeth, poured the ashes in the dustpan into the plastic bag in his hand, and turned towards him and his girlfriend Katie ran to the room.

in the room.

Shang Qi put his things into his backpack in a hurry, then thought about it, walked to the drawer on the side, and threw the remaining bundles of knives into the backpack.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw Katie's backpack from the corner of his eye. After thinking about it, he took Katie's backpack and left the room to meet his sister in the backyard.

Xia Ling has been waiting in the backyard for a long time.

Shang Qi walked in: "How do we leave?"

Xia Ling turned around, turned over, and crossed the backyard wall. After landing, she looked at Shang Qi who turned over behind her and said: "I am different from you. You ran away while on a mission, and I A runaway from home.”

The implication is simple.

She, Xu Xialing, ran away from home on her own merits.


Under the leadership of Xia Ling, Shang Qi quickly followed an invisible but indeed existing path and left the area where the Ten Rings Gang was stationed.

Just as Xia Ling and Shang Qi emerged from the bushes and came to the dirt road, behind them, the Ten Rings Gang station hidden in the mountains sounded a piercing alarm.

"Suffer it."


"Go quickly."

Xia Ling turned her head and glanced, exclaimed, then quickly pulled Shang Qi and ran quickly along the dirt road.

When the two of them ran along the dirt road to the nearest town, it was already dark.

Shang Qi originally wanted to rent a car directly in the town, but when he continued running, he was stopped by Xia Ling.

Xia Ling directly took Shang Qi to the door of a house in the town. After knocking on the door, the woman who opened the door lit up when she saw Xia Ling.


"Xixi, I'm here to trouble you again. You should be at home alone."

"Yes, come in quickly!"

The woman named Xixi nodded repeatedly and called Xia Ling into the room.

Xia Ling turned to Shang Qi and said, "I was able to leave last time, thanks to Xixi's help."

Only then did Shang Qi suddenly realize.


In the guest room of Xixi's family.

There was a knock on the door.

Xia Ling opened the door.

Xixi, who went out to inquire about the news, shook her head and said to Xia Ling: "No, you can't go to the bus station."

Xia Ling frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"The men in black you mentioned are watching."

"So fast, obviously last time..."

Xia Ling was a little surprised and seemed to want to say something, but for the sake of Xixi's safety, she said "I'm sorry" to Xixi, then closed the door and said to her brother Shangqi sitting on the bed: "It's over, dad. This time, the loopholes of the last time have been obviously closed.”

In her words, the last time, she was able to escape only under the cover of Xixi and got on the bus at the small town passenger terminal.

But this time, Xu Wenwu obviously sent people to squat at the passenger terminal, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

Shang Qi frowned and said, "What should we do?"

Xia Ling sat down on the bed, looked at Shang Qi, and sighed: "What else can I do? The town has obviously been blocked by dad. If it doesn't work, go back. I just don't know if I will find an opportunity next time. When will it be?"

Shang Qi's eyes flickered and he clenched his fists.

"I will never go back."

"Then how do you plan to leave."

Xia Ling chuckled, then seemed to think of something, raised her eyebrows, and looked at Shang Qi: "By the way, do you have your aunt's contact information?"

Shang Qi was slightly startled and looked at Xia Ling curiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Call aunt and ask her to rescue us. Aunt must have a way to move us out of the town."

"……Let me try."

"Fight quickly."

Xia Ling said quickly, gave Shang Qi the phone number she just borrowed from Xi Xi, and urged him.

She understood one thing from the moment her brother was able to be confused by that narrow-eyed girlfriend.

Shangqi's brain is not working well.


Xia Ling never thought about how complicated it would be to get Shang Qi to call his aunt Ying Nan. As long as he was given a suitable reason, Shang Qi would definitely call.

at the moment.


I'm afraid Shang Qi still doesn't know one thing, that is, Xixi's identity is not just Xia Ling's best friend.

Xixi's father is also a member of the Ten Rings Gang headquarters.


Almost when Shang Qi took the phone from Xia Ling and dialed a phone number, he was in the sky fortress thousands of miles above the sky.

Seve was already tracking the call's signal.

Lu Ke and Wen Wu sat aside and looked at the screen in front of them, which showed Shang Qi dialing the phone number.

The shooting angle of the screen is exactly a button camera on Xia Ling's chest.

Lu Ke looked at Shang Qi who was fooled by Xia Ling into making a phone call. He clicked his tongue twice, clinked his wine glasses with Wen Wu beside him, and sighed: "It's better to have a daughter. A daughter is a little cotton-padded jacket." , smart and thoughtful.”

Everyone likes others to praise their children.

The same is true for Xu Wenwu.

Hearing Lu Ke's sigh, Wen Wu smiled, looked at Lu Ke and said, "Yes, it's better to have a daughter. When will you see your daughter?"

Luke laughed: "Believe me, I've been working hard."

He has never ruled out having children.

The higher the life level, the more difficult it is for offspring to be born.

Luke knew this, so whether it was with Lucy at the beginning, later with Rachel, or with Sever, Luke never took protective measures.


Neither Rachel nor Seve made any move.

...(End of chapter)

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