A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 329 Killing you is a just act!

Luke was actually a little anxious about this.


It doesn't mean that he can be anxious about things like giving birth to children. What he can do is to increase the chance of hitting multiple times and frequently.

Unfortunately, the effect was minimal.

Luke is thinking about it now.

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate.

Especially after he is about to bathe in dragon blood and restart his second level of gene lock, the sublimation of life will make it even more difficult for him to have descendants.

Wenwu didn't know Lu Ke's psychological activities. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll meet you at Bangzi Country another day..."

Just when Wenwu was about to speak.

Seve over there interrupted.

"The signal is located."


Lu Ke and Wen Wu stopped chatting, looked at each other, stood up, and walked behind the female Hydra agent who was tracking the signal.

A satellite map was displayed on the computer screen. On the map, there was a green signal source flashing.


"Shenlong Town."

The female Hydra agent zoomed in on the screen and quickly located the signal source to a location in the small town outside the Shenlong Forest where Luke and others were at that time.

The coordinates where the signal flashed were in an ordinary residential building in Shenlong Town.

Seeing this, Seve looked at Luke: "We left three people in the town and asked them..."

Lu Ke interrupted: "No, this is Dongguo."

In the middle of the night, three crooked nuts appeared in the small town. Any fool knew that these three crooked nuts were definitely not good people.

Put it this way.

Even if a good crooked nut appears in Dongguo in broad daylight, just walking on the road will become the focus of attention.

Lu Ke looked directly at Wen Wu on the side.

Wen Wu had hung up the phone at this moment and looked at Luke and Seve: "I have arranged for someone to come over."

Luke nodded.

At this time, it is most convenient for local snakes to take action.


Just after Shang Qi hung up the phone over there, a middle-aged man who looked ordinary but a little chubby walked out of the residential building. Then, with his head lowered, he walked quickly towards the small building. Walk outside the town.

The middle-aged man who was rushing out of the town did not notice at all that behind him, five men in suits walked out of the darkness, and then hung far behind him without making any movement.

Let’s talk about Xia Ling and Shang Qi.

After hanging up the phone, Shang Qi said to Xia Ling: "We have been contacted. Auntie will call us in about half an hour."

Xia Ling nodded, and then under Shang Qi's gaze, he took out his phone from his arms and dialed.

Shang Qi was slightly startled.

"Who are you calling?"



Shang Qi stood up from the bed with a groan. After hearing Xia Ling's words, he immediately looked at Xia Ling in disbelief.

Xia Ling looked at the excited Shang Qi and made a calm gesture. After answering the phone and hearing that Wen Wu had been followed, she hummed and hung up the phone.

The door was pushed open by Xixi from the outside.

Shang Qi looked outside the door.

Four members of the Ten Rings Gang walked out from behind Xixi and came to the room with expressionless faces.

Only then did Shang Qi realize something, and subconsciously wanted to grab the phone he just had.


Xia Ling had already snatched the phone.

Shang Qi was shocked.

"Xia Ling, what are you doing?"

"What not to do?"

Xia Ling spoke calmly and looked at Shang Qi calmly: "I just want an answer, that's all."

Shang Qi frowned: "What answer."

Xia Ling said in a deep voice: "Who killed my mother?"


Xia Ling ignored Shang Qi, who had a very expressive expression, stood up and walked towards the door.

Outside Xixi's home, the black SUV has been waiting for a long time.

Outside Shenlong Town.

The middle-aged man walked quickly on the concrete path outside the town.

Behind him were the members of the Ten Rings Gang who were following him from a distance, and thousands of miles above his head, there was an aerial fortress watching at all times.

Lu Ke watched the middle-aged man's progress through the real-time satellite and pointed to a land temple not far outside the town.

"His goal should be here."

"Scan this temple."


The female Hydra agent immediately called the detection equipment under the belly of the aerial fortress and scanned the earth temple below.



In the face of metaphysics, science is dead.

The few members of the Ten Rings Gang who were following the middle-aged man saw the man walking into the back of the Earth Temple. One of the Ten Rings Gang members suddenly became transparent. After being perfectly invisible, he quickly followed the man. Entered the Earth Temple.

At the same time, the invisible man's first perspective was also transmitted to the computer screen of the Sky Fortress.

Enter the eyes.

After entering the Earth Temple, the middle-aged man looked around cautiously, stayed for a while, and then walked out of the Earth Temple. After confirming that no one was following him outside, he entered the Earth Temple again, and then When I came to the desk in the Tu Tu Temple, I looked at the Lord Tu Tu who was enshrined behind the desk.

The next second.

The middle-aged man took out a blue gem that seemed to glow directly from his arms, and placed the blue gem between Grandpa Tu’s eyebrows.


The blue light bloomed directly in the Tutu Temple, and the blue light emitted from Grandpa Tutu's eyebrows fell directly on the open space in front of the desk.

The dim light seemed to come alive, squirming like living water, and gradually formed a dim blue portal that could accommodate one person to walk through.

A woman's figure appeared behind the blue portal.

It is Yingnan in the Tarot dimension.

Yingnan looked at the blooming blue portal, walked out of it, and then looked at the middle-aged man.

"What happened?"

"Shang Qi and Xia Ling were captured by Xu Wenwu."


Yingnan was slightly startled when he heard this: "Didn't they leave Xu Wenwu? How could they be caught?"

The middle-aged man shook his head.

Yingnan stopped speaking.

"Where are they now?"

"I'm at the home of one of Xia Ling's classmates, but everyone outside is Xu Wenwu's family."


Yingnan's eyes flickered, and he made a decision immediately. He said this directly to the middle-aged man, and then walked towards the outside of the Earth Temple.

The middle-aged man immediately took back the sapphire between Grandpa Tu's eyebrows, and then quickly followed Ying Nan who had already walked out.

Yingnan and the middle-aged man walked quickly towards the town.


When she was still a hundred meters away from the town, Yingnan's steps suddenly stopped.

The middle-aged man also stopped.


"Something's wrong."


Yingnan ignored the middle-aged man and looked at the empty and dark surroundings warily. Suddenly, he had a not-so-good premonition in his heart: "It's too quiet."

Too quiet?

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and looked around. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat.


It's so quiet.

Moreover, the surroundings were dark and a little weird.


It's so dark.

at this time.

Under Yingnan's gaze, two figures walked out of the darkness in front.

After Yingnan saw one of the figures, his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

"Xu Wenwu!"


Xu Wenwu, who followed Lu Ke out of the darkness, looked at Yingnan expressionlessly.

Ying Nan's tone was low: "Are you plotting against me?"

Xu Wenwu looked at Ying Nan calmly: "There is something that Xia Ling and I want to find an answer from you."

After Yingnan heard Xu Wenwu say Xia Ling's name, her eyes couldn't help but shrink again.

The next second.

Yingnan turned around quickly, trying to break through the dark space here and escape from here.


Yingnan quickly appeared at the edge of the dark space, raised his hands, and in an instant, purple light bloomed along the position where the palms touched and quickly spread towards the barrier of the dark space.

Purple fluctuations stirred up this dark space.

"Don't waste your efforts."

Standing next to Xu Wenwu, Lu Ke looked at Yingnan who was doing useless work, with a sarcastic smile on his lips: "It's still five hundred years before you can break through my dark space."

Yingnan looked at the dark space that could not be defeated even if he tried his best. He turned around, looked at Lu Ke who made a sound, frowned and said, "Who are you."

Lu Ke smiled and said: "An ordinary Dongguo man who wants to avenge his ancestors."

It’s true that he wants to go to Tarot and slay the dragon.


Obviously, going to Tarot to slay the dragon is a standard villain, but if it is done in the name of revenge for the ancestors, then it is an act of justice.

When Yingnan heard what Lu Ke said, he reacted instantly, sneered, and looked at Lu Ke: "The Dragon Emperor is acting in the opposite direction, and there is no possibility of his resurrection."

Lu Ke smiled and ignored this sentence, but looked at Ying Nan: "Yes, so there is no possibility of your daughter being resurrected."

When Ying Nan heard this, he suddenly paused and looked at Lu Ke.

Just when she was about to speak, suddenly Wen Wu appeared in front of her.

Yingnan was shocked and quickly stopped Wenwu's big hand from grabbing her, but it was too late.

There were two crisp sounds.

Wenwu spared no effort and directly broke Yingnan's arms, then pinched Yingnan's neck, narrowed his eyes, pulled Yingnan in front of him, and said in a low tone: "You will tell me, I Wife, the truth about death.”

Yingnan, who had not had time to react from the death of her daughter and the heart-wrenching pain in her arms, heard Wen Wu's words, her eyes widened, and she was shocked again.

Luke raised his hand and directly closed the dark space.


Xia Ling, who had arrived here in a black SUV, saw this and quickly ran out of the car and ran to Wen Wu's side.

Shang-Chi also planned to get out of the car, but two members of the Ten Rings Gang directly restrained Shang-Chi, preventing him from moving.

Lu Ke looked at Wen Wu who had succeeded and said, "Don't kill him, we still have to rely on her to get revenge in Tarot."

Wen Wu looked ferociously at Ying Nan in his hand without looking back.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't kill her!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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