A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 330 At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, slay the dragon!

After Xu Wenwu said this, he grabbed Yingnan in his hand and walked towards the Tutu Temple not far away.

Xia Ling saw this and quickly followed.

The middle-aged man who originally summoned Yingnan was thinking about tiptoeing around and turning around to leave. He was kicked down by a Hydra agent and caught in his hand. Then he looked up at Luke: "grown ups."

Lu Ke looked back at the back of Wenwu who was walking towards the Earth Temple. The middle-aged man who fell into the hands of the Hydra agent chuckled and looked back.

"Kill him."


The Hydra agent nodded in response. As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a crisp snap and the middle-aged man's neck had been broken.

Luke disappeared without looking.

He likes to travel lightly and doesn't like to carry any baggage.



Instead of keeping his life alive and giving him the opportunity to cause trouble for himself, it would be better to chop him into pieces cleanly.

It doesn't even matter if Yingnan dies.

As long as Yingnan is killed by him, then the soul can be owned by Haier Hades.

Because in this way, even if Yingnan dies, he can still learn from Yingnan's memory how to enter the Tarot dimension.

Lu Ke didn't care what Xu Wenwu planned to talk to Yingnan, but returned to the Sky Fortress first, picked up Seve, and then reappeared outside the Earth Temple.

By the time Lu Ke and Seve walked into the Earth Temple, Xu Wenwu's interrogation of Ying Nan had come to an end.

Yingnan's arms were broken off, and he lay on the ground like a pile of rotten meat. The blood at the corners of his mouth and eyes looked extremely terrifying.

Yingnan was lying on the ground, moaning feebly.

Xia Ling, on the other hand, was lying in the arms of her father, Xu Wenwu, twitching and crying.


The father and daughter had already gotten the answer they wanted from Ying Nan.

In fact, if Ying Nan was facing anyone else, that person would probably be unlikely to get the information he wanted out of him so quickly.

But she was facing Xu Wenwu.

He is the number one villain in the East Kingdom, and he is also one of the top super villains in the Marvel Universe.


Even if Yingnan didn't want to say anything, Xu Wenwu had plenty of ways to get the answers to the questions he wanted from Yingnan.

"nailed it?"

After Luke walked in with Sever, he glanced at Yingnan, who was lying on the floor and seemed to have taken in and out of breath, and looked directly at Wen Wu who was holding his daughter: "It seems that you have got what you want." I need the answer.”

Xu Wenwu said nothing.

Xia Ling, who was lying in his arms, opened her scarlet eyes, looked at Yingnan lying on the ground, sobbed and asked: "You obviously have children, why are you so cruel, that is your sister?" ah."

Yingnan struggled like an old cricket, squirming on the ground. She ignored Xia Ling. Instead, after seeing Lu Ke walk in, she pressed her back against the leg of the table and looked at Lu Ke. He asked in a weak tone: "What did you do to my daughter?"

Lu Ke put his hands in his pockets, not feeling any pity because of the miserable situation in front of Ying Nan.

He has compassion, but his compassion is more precious than his fear, and not everyone can obtain his mercy.

Not to mention, the Yingnan in front of him, in the moral system of the Eastern Kingdom, is a complete scum of the ages and a traitor of all ages.

Put it this way.

From the moment Yingnan destroyed the Dragon Emperor's dominance of the world, there was no problem for Lu Ke to massacre the ten tribes of Yingnan.

"I said, I'm here to avenge my lovely and charming ancestor who just wants to live forever."

Lu Ke looked at Ying Nan with a very calm tone: "Moreover, it's not just your daughter, but everyone in the O'Connor family who accompanied you to defeat the Dragon Emperor, including your grandson, every one of them , all buried with the Dragon Emperor."

Yingnan's eyes narrowed.

When Lu Ke said this, he seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Ying Nan and added: "Oh, by the way, in order to prevent them from resurrecting after soaking in the Fountain of Youth, I wanted to ensure that they could be buried with the Dragon Emperor. , to separate their corpses.”

The last chance of luck in Yingnan's heart was defeated.


She roared, tried to struggle to get up, and ran towards Luke.


Lu Ke opened his right hand, and a silver coin flew out of his hand, whizzing, and hit Yingnan's knee.

A thud.

Yingnan's knees were crippled, and with a pop, he knelt on the bluestone floor of the Earth Temple again.

The sound is not loud, but it is also very crisp.

Lu Ke ignored Ying Nan and looked directly at Wen Wu: "Did she tell you how she entered the Tarot dimension?"

Xu Wenwu shook his head: "I haven't had time to ask yet."

Luke nodded: "Then I'll do it."

Say it.

Lu Ke made a move with his right hand, and in an instant, the silver coins floating aside were flying. Then, under Yingnan's roar and disbelieving eyes, he directly pierced the center of his eyebrows. Like a full moon scimitar, it was on Yingnan's neck. Circled around.


The moment her head rolled down on the bluestone floor, Yingnan's soul was directly supported by Haier Hades and entered Haier Hades.

Luke closed his eyes directly on the spot.

quite a while.

When he opened his eyes again, he already knew the method and method on how to enter the Tarot dimension.

Not from the current Earth Temple, but from the Shenlong Forest outside the town.

The passage at the Earth Temple is only a one-way passage. It can only allow people from the Tarot dimension to come out, but there is no way for people to enter the Tarot dimension from here.

Luke's mouth raised slightly as he recalled the ways and means of entering the Tarot dimension that had been stored in his mind.

Seeing Lu Ke's appearance, Xu Wenwu guessed that Lu Ke already knew how to enter Tarot.

Xu Xialing on the side looked at the separated body of Yingnan on the floor, her eyes were red, and her expression was both resentful and sad at the same time.


Lu Ke never intends to get involved in other people's family affairs.

Lu Ke directly met Xu Wenwu's gaze and said, "It's getting late. Let's have a night's rest. Tomorrow morning, we'll enter the Tarot. You kill people, and I'll slay the dragon?"

Xu Wenwu smiled ferociously, nodded and said, "Okay."

Luke hummed.

Just when a few people were about to leave the Earth Temple, suddenly, there was a noise outside, accompanied by the sound of a car engine starting.

Everyone ran out of the Earth Temple in a hurry.

Enter the eyes.

A black SUV from the Ten Rings Gang was started at this moment. The driver was Shang Qi. With a ferocious look on his face, Shang Qi pushed a member of the Ten Rings Gang who was looking at him out of the car, and then whirred. He drove the SUV and sped off into the distance.

Seeing this, Luke raised his right hand.

Seeing this, Xu Wenwu on the side quickly stretched out his hand and pressed down Lu Ke's raised right hand.

"don't want."


Lu Ke looked at Xu Wenwu expressionlessly: "What's the use of keeping such a traitor?"

While Xu Wenwu called the members of the Ten Rings Gang to catch up, he looked at Lu Ke: "He is Yingli's son after all."

Lu Ke smiled and put his right hand back into his pocket: "I don't care if he ruins your revenge plan, but if he ruins my dragon-slaying plan, I won't give you face even if he is your son. .”

Shang Qi is Xu Wenwu's son, but not his.

In Lu Ke's view, Shang-Chi is just like those rebellious naughty children. Because of his father's doting, they feel that his father will pamper him all over the world.

Luke wasn't going to spoil it.

But if this Shang Qi poses a threat to his dragon-slaying plan, he will chop this Shang Qi into pieces without hesitation.

Xu Wenwu said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, he won't do it. See you at eight o'clock tomorrow morning?"

Luke smiled and nodded: "Okay, eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Say it.

Luke no longer looked at Xu Wenwu, but hugged Seve again and disappeared in the blink of an eye, returning to the sky fortress.

The dragon slaying tomorrow will definitely be a big battle, so I definitely need to go to bed early tonight.

But Xu Wenwu may not be able to sleep.

Because their people lost Shang Qi when they chased him and ran to the cliff of Nujiang River.

Xu Wenwu stood on the cliff of the Nu River with a gloomy expression, looking down at the endlessly flowing, roaring Nu River.

Just when Shang Qi was driving, after being rushed here by the people from the Shijie Gang, he drove the vehicle directly into the Nu River without any hesitation.

The raging Nu River instantly swallowed up Shang Qi and his black SUV.

It was late at night.

Even Xu Wenwu couldn't tell where Shang Qi was taken by the rushing Nu River.

More than a dozen members of the Ten Rings Gang ran out of their cars and ran quickly behind Xu Wenwu.

"grown ups."

"try to find."

Xu Wenwu almost squeezed out these words from his teeth: "Find it for me. If you are alive, I want to see the person. If you are dead, I want to see the body."

More than a dozen members of the Ten Rings Gang responded quickly and then dispersed in all directions.

In the Nu River, under the cover of darkness, Shang Qi was holding on to two backpacks in the rapid river, as if he was performing an armed swim.

Fortunately, he was educated by Xu Wenwu since he was a child and learned various fighting skills. At the same time, he also did not forget to develop a strong body.

Almost at the moment when he felt that he was about to lose strength, he finally grabbed a stone on the river bank and pulled himself to the shore.

After landing on the shore, Shang Qi immediately turned over, breathing heavily, looking at the night sky above his head, seeming to reminisce about how wonderful it is to be alive.

At the same time, everything that happened tonight kept flashing through his mind.

at this time.

The sudden ringing of the phone broke his memory.

Shang Qi was startled, came back to his senses, and tried to find the source of the ringing sound. Then, his eyes were fixed on his girlfriend Katie's backpack.

...(End of chapter)

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