A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 331 Cooperation between Aegis and Divine Spear


Shang Qi rummaged through the mezzanine of his late girlfriend Katie's wet bag and found an old-fashioned mobile phone that was still dripping with water but still useful.

This is……

Shang Qi frowned and held the still ringing cell phone in his hand.

In his memory, he had never seen Katie take or use such a mobile phone in front of him.

So where did this phone come from?

Shang-Chi thought to himself, and then suddenly thought about his father's belief that his girlfriend was some kind of SHIELD informant.

The old cell phone still rings.

Shang Qi shook his head, answered the phone, and then put the phone to his ear.

He could hear clear breathing coming from the other end of the phone.

Melinda May on the other end of the phone also heard the sound of Shang Qi trying to control his breathing after the strenuous exercise.

Melinda May subconsciously wanted to hang up the phone.

But Shang Qi spoke at this time.

"……Who are you?"


Melinda May heard the voice, and after identifying the voice, she also asked aloud and then asked: "Where is Katie."

Shang Qi did not answer this question, but continued to ask the previous question.

"Who are you."


Melinda heard a bad premonition from Shang Qi's voice, took a deep breath, and without hiding it from Shang Qi, she announced her family status: "Melinda May, my name, I know you , Shang-Chi, you are Katie’s boyfriend, where is Katie?”

Melinda May?

Shang Qi recalled Melinda May's name in his mind, then listened to Melinda ask about Katie, opened his mouth, and thought of his girlfriend who was cremated, and instantly felt bad.

"Katie...she is dead."


When Melinda, who was in Los Santos, heard this, she stood up from her seat and said in a deep voice: "Dead, how could it be, what happened?"

Shang-Chi actually didn't want to talk to Melinda too much.

Because he knew that even if he jumped into the river, his father Wenwu would not let him go. At this time, people would definitely be sent to search for him along the Nu River.

However, Shang Qi thought of coming back with him, and then his girlfriend was brutally killed by his father Wen Wu. There seemed to be a flame burning in the chest of his girlfriend who died unexpectedly.

Shang-Chi gritted his teeth.

"She was killed by civil and military forces."


"He was told that Katie was an informant for S.H.I.E.L.D."

Shang Qi said in a deep voice, and then said directly to Melinda on the other end of the phone: "You are from SHIELD, you want to deal with civil and military forces."

Melinda opened her mouth after hearing this, not knowing how to answer.

But Shang Qi didn't need Melinda's answer at all. After saying this, he continued: "If you want to deal with Wenwu, I can help you."


After experiencing his girlfriend being brutally killed by Wen Wu, and then experiencing his sister and father teaming up to trick him into cheating on his aunt Yingnan, Shang Qi completely collapsed and turned dark.

He did not hate his sister, but put all his hatred on Wen Wu.

Because in Shang Qi's view, all of this was Wen Wu's fault. It was Wen Wu who turned his sister into the person she is now, regardless of family affection.

He wants civil and military death!

That's right.

I want to kill my father!

Shang Qi's other fist that was not holding the phone was clenched, his eyes were filled with the flames of trying to kill his father, and he said in a deep voice to Melinda on the other end of the phone: "I don't know why you want to kill Wen Wu, but... As long as you want to kill Wenwu, I can help you, but you have to hurry up, because tomorrow Wenwu will conduct the Tarot dimension."

Melinda's eyes flashed after hanging up the phone in Los Santos.

after awhile.

Melinda left her office and found Natasha in another office. Then she followed Natasha to the command and operations center, and then met with the commander who was far away in San Fei and now took over the work of the bureau. Maria Hill got in touch.

Maria Hill, who was playing three-feet, listened to the information from Melinda.

"The Ten Rings Gang is going to attack the Tarot dimension?"


"This is Xu Wenwu's son, Shang Qi. Did he tell you this personally?"


Melinda said in a deep voice: "According to Shang Qi, Xu Wenwu used him to deceive their aunt Yingnan in the Tarot dimension, which caused Xu Wenwu to capture his aunt, and when he was escaping, he heard Another person from the walkie-talkie told Xu Wenwu that they will attack the Tarot dimension at eight o'clock tomorrow Eastern Time."

Maria Hill raised her eyebrows: "The other person, who?"

Melinda shook her head: "Shang Qi didn't see that person, but Shang Qi said that the person's voice was very familiar, and he was very sure that he had seen that person in Los Santos and had dealt with him before. "

Maria Hill looked at the time on her watch.

"In other words, in ten hours, the Ten Rings Gang will launch an attack on the Tarot Dimension?"


Melinda nodded again, then looked at Maria Hill on the big screen with a serious expression: "Commander, I apply to go to the East Kingdom."

Hill came to his senses instantly: "No."

Melinda was slightly startled.


"We do not have the law enforcement authority of Dongguo."

Hill shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Our business in the East Kingdom is limited to sharing intelligence with the Divine Spear Bureau. The East Kingdom will not allow us to send people in to perform tasks."

If SHIELD has the authority to perform tasks in the East Kingdom, then there is no need for the East Kingdom to establish its own Spear Bureau.

They can communicate about Dongguo's intelligence and missions, but when it comes to specific actions, it is the Divine Spear Bureau that takes the lead.


After rejecting Melinda's request to go to the East Kingdom to perform a mission, Hill temporarily cut off the connection with the Los Santos office, and then asked SHIELD agents to contact the East Kingdom Divine Spear Bureau.


A beautiful woman with long twin tails and dressed like an ancient beauty appeared on the big screen.

The beauty looked at the connected video and yawned. After seeing Hill, she smiled and said hello with a smile.

"Hello, Hill."


Hill said hello to the beauty who appeared on the big screen and was codenamed Qin Nu in the Divine Spear Bureau, and then said: "We have just received the latest information about the Ten Rings Gang and Xu Wenwu."

As she spoke, she relayed the information Melinda had just told her to Qin Nu from the Divine Spear Bureau.

Being on duty tonight, Qin Nu, who originally thought that tonight would be as boring as before, listened to Hill's information and the expression on her face gradually became serious.

after awhile.

A man whom Luke had dealt with appeared next to Qin Nu.

It is Zheng Xian, the current director of the Divine Spear Bureau.

After hearing Qin Nu's report, Zheng Xian quickly got up from his bed and said hello to Hill, then asked in a deep voice: "Is the news reliable? Is the Ten Rings Gang really planning to attack the Tarot Dimension?"

Hill directly stated the source of the news: "This news was personally admitted by Xu Wenwu's son, Xu Shangqi. He had just driven his vehicle into the Nu River to avoid Xu Wenwu's pursuit."



That's right.

Hearing this, Zheng Xian quickly said to Qin Nu: "Contact Tarot's contact person."

Qin Nu nodded.

As the Divine Spear Bureau suppresses all ghosts and monsters in the Eastern Kingdom, naturally, the Tarot dimension rooted in the Eastern Kingdom is also within the scope of the Divine Spear Bureau's suppression.

It's just that the Divine Spear Bureau adopts autonomous measures for the Tarot dimension that follow the instructions but not the propaganda.

If there is anything that needs to be solved by the Divine Spear Bureau from the Tarot Dimension, they will contact the contact person in the Tarot Dimension, and that contact person will notify the Tarot Dimension to carry out the task operation.

That contact person is the gatekeeper of the Tarot dimension, Ms. Yingnan.

But Ms. Yingnan is dead.


Qinnu put down the phone in her hand, looked at Zheng Xian, shook her head and said, "Ms. Yingnan can't be reached."

Hill on the big screen heard Qin Nu mentioning the name Yingnan, and immediately said: "I didn't say it just now, Shangqi used him to trick Yingnan out of Shangqi, and Wenwu killed his girlfriend Kai Ti, is that why you asked for our help?”

Hearing this, Zheng Xian glanced at Hill on the big screen and said in a deep voice: "You just said that there seems to be someone next to Xu Wenwu. Who is that person?"

Hill shook his head: "I don't know, we are still analyzing it. According to Shang Qi, he has heard that person's voice in Shengluo."

The words just fell.

Saint-Loduo has sent information about the most likely suspect to Maria Hill.

After Hill clicked on Saint Luodu's information, he looked at the person who appeared on the screen, and his eyes shrank involuntarily.



Zheng Xian frowned and asked.

Hill did not speak, but connected Melinda and Natasha from Saint-Loduo to the conversation.


"Melinda, are you sure the information is correct?"


Melinda also knew that the information she released seemed a bit too bizarre.


Melinda shook her head and said: "The intelligence department has found out information about everyone Shang Qi met during his time in Saint Luodu, but considering that he has this strength and can appear in Dongguo quietly, After meeting the conditions, the only one who meets the conditions is him.”

Maria Hill heard this and said nothing.

Zheng Xian asked again: "Commander Hill, who is the person you are talking about?"

Maria Hill came to her senses and nodded to the SHIELD agent beside her.

The SHIELD agents understood and shared the information and photos of the person who appeared on their big screen with the Spear Bureau system.


Zheng Xian looked at Lu Ke, who appeared on the big screen, wearing a suit and red tie, with eyes as deep as stars, and couldn't help but shrink his eyes.

...(End of chapter)

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