A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 333 Dragon Slaying in Progress

A black SUV parked in front of Luke.

Luke opened the car door directly and took Seve in.

Enter the eyes.

He then saw the ten strange rings on Xu Wenwu's arms.

These are the ten rings for which Xu Wenwu became famous!

Luke just glanced at it and instantly felt the unique aura of the artifact from these ten rings.

"That waterfall."

"The speed is 60 miles, rush in."


Xu Wenwu nodded. Razor Fist, who was sitting in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator. With a bang, he immediately accelerated. He drove the SUV under him and waded directly into the water without slowing down, heading towards the roaring roar not far away. He rushed behind the loud waterfall.


The moment the black SUV rushed behind the waterfall, a colorful light flashed past, and then, the roar of the waterfall disappeared in everyone's ears in an instant.

Even everyone's gaze changed in an instant.

When the colorful light disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, everyone looked at it intently and saw that the world had changed.

blue sky.

White clouds.


Countless exotic animals are resting and wandering on the grassland that seems to be surrounded by mountains.

Horse with antlers.

Cow with wings.

With just one encounter, Lu Ke seemed to see the Book of Mountains and Seas come alive among the countless strange beasts.

The moment twelve black SUVs drove onto the grass one after another from the cave behind them that looked like it was excavated by a shield machine.

In the distance, a piercing alarm sounded instantly over the village built around a lake.

"Beep bell bell!"

"Enemy attack!"

"There's an invasion."

Following the roar of a bald old man, Guang Bo, the current patriarch of the Tarot Dimension, in an instant, countless Tarots holding bows, arrows and swords gathered at the entrance of the village.

Guangbo led the crowd and looked at the convoy of SUVs roaring toward them from the foot of the mountain, trampling on the grass, with serious faces, and a feeling of worry arose in his heart.


The black SUV headed by it braked and stopped directly 100 meters from the entrance of the village.

Luke looked at Sever on the side.

"Stay in the car."


Seve nodded, looked at Xu Wenwu who opened the car door from the right and got out, and then said to Luke: "Pay attention to safety."

Lu Ke smiled slightly, stood up, and followed Xu Wenwu out of the car.

The moment Uncle Guang looked at Xu Wenwu who got off the car, his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

"Xu Wenwu!"

"old man."

Xu Wenwu, who rolled up his sleeves and had ten rings on his arms, saw Guangbo and sneered: "Long time no see. I hope you are well."

Guangbo's eyes immediately fell on the murderous members of the Ten Rings Gang who came out of the car one by one, and his heart suddenly thought: "Where is Yingnan."

Xu Wenwu's face was expressionless.



"Don't be sad, you will go to accompany her soon."

Xu Wenwu said this, and then, without any nonsense, he directly faced Uncle Guang and showed a ferocious smile: "Old man, today I want you to bury my wife with me!"

Guangbo was shocked when he heard this.

Just when he was about to say something, Xu Wenwu didn't give him any chance to speak. Without BB, he directly raised his right hand, and then waved it down under the gaze of the fifty-two members of the Ten Rings Gang who were brought behind him this time. his right hand.


“No one, young or old, will be left alive!”


Fifty-two members of the Ten Rings Gang shouted in unison, and then they all raised the energy weapons in their hands, sprang out behind them like cheetahs, and then all aimed at the group of Tarot people behind Guangbo. He moved the trigger in his hand.

Guangbo was shocked and yelled before he had time to think about it.


"Meet the enemy!"


The Tarot people also roared, and those with bows and swords rushed out from behind Guangbo, and started a firefight with these members of the Ten Rings Gang.

There was no warm-up to the battle, and the battle went straight into a firefight.

And as the Tarot tribesmen fought with the Ten Rings Gang, the strange beasts from the Book of Mountains and Seas that were originally living on the lawn roared in unison, and then followed the Tarot tribesmen to join the fight. In the middle of a war.

Xu Wenwu moved his ten rings horizontally, and with a bang, he punched the horn of a unicorn that was rushing toward him, and then punched the unicorn away.


The unicorn flew out and hit a raised rock, smashing the rock behind it into pieces.

Lu Ke said hello to Xu Wenwu, looked at the huge lake behind Taluo Village, and with a thought, his figure disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already standing on the edge of the lake.

Luke put his hands in his pockets, expressionless.

When he was in the main god dimension, he also slayed a dragon.

And there's more than one.


Luke is also no stranger to the breath of dragons. He has already smelled the breath of dragons in the depths of the lake.

The dragon is under the lake.

found it!

Luke raised the corners of his mouth and took his hands out of his pockets. The moment he opened his hands, sharp blades appeared around him one after another.

A drop of blood and a sharp blade.

This time, he spent more than 500 drops of blood without any scruples, summoning more than 500 sharp blades that looked overwhelming.

Luke blasted out with both hands.


More than five hundred sharp blades were like cannons coming out of the barrel, and they roared directly into the bottom of the lake in the form of fire coverage.

Five seconds later.

A dragon roar resounded under the lake, in the valley, and even in the divine dragon forest outside the Tarot dimension.


The water surface of the lake exploded in an instant with the dragon's roar, and then, a huge giant jumped out of the exploded water surface.

Luke looked up at the giant thing that had appeared.

Antlers, snake belly, fish scales, phoenix feet, human whiskers, elephant ears.

A four-clawed red-haired silver dragon jumped out of the water, danced in the air, and then looked at Luke on the shore with its huge dragon head.

As a legendary creature.

The red-haired silver dragon knew that Luke was coming for him just by meeting him.

Luke looked at the red-haired silver dragon with hot eyes and a thought in his mind.

From the Tarot Village behind him, the iron supplies used for cooking flew straight through the rooms of the village towards him, and then melted and reorganized in the air.

After these iron products melted, the moment they fell at his feet, they had already formed an iron disc.

Luke stepped forward with his right foot and stepped on the disc. In an instant, his whole body rose into the air with the support of the disc under his feet. Soon, he was standing at the same height as Shenlong.

In fact, he can fly without the help of external objects.

Luke also inherited the control power of "Mutation: Magnetism" from his sister Lorna.


To make objects or even yourself levitate, you don't need to borrow any iron supplies.

But flying is not his main purpose, dragon slaying is!

Luke stepped on the disc and looked at the dragon who was looking at him with hot eyes.

The red-haired silver dragon understood Luke's admiration for him, opened his four claws angrily, stared into the huge dragon eyes, and let out a deafening roar at Luke.

The angry dragon's roar once again resounded throughout this world, and even in the divine dragon forest outside the Tarot dimension.

"hold head high!"


The people in the Divine Spear Bureau who were driving the convoy outside and soon reached the other side of the waterfall heard this dragon roar and involuntarily stepped on the brakes.

"Dragon Roan!"

"The Dragon of the Tarot."

In the car, Agent Xu San, who was wearing a pair of glasses, couldn't help but flash a cold light when he heard the roar of a dragon that seemed to come from the void.

Sitting aside, Shang Qi, who was picked up by the agents of the Divine Spear Bureau and followed over, was slightly startled when he heard the dragon roar: "Damn it, Xu Wenwu and the others have already entered."

Xu San did not speak, but grabbed the walkie-talkie and quickly greeted everyone to rush into the waterfall at a speed of 60 miles without any hesitation.

Because the speed of sixty miles is a threshold for breaking into the Tarot dimension.

Only when the speed exceeds 60 miles can one successfully enter the Tarot dimension. If the speed is less than 60 miles, one will end up on the real mountain wall behind the waterfall.

"hold head high!"


The dragon flew its claws, and with a bang, it came into contact with the sharp blade launched by Luke, and bursts of fire burst out.

Luke stepped on the disc and flew directly out of the attack range of Shenlong's claws. With an expressionless face, he shot out sharp blades one after another, covering all directions of Shenlong.

The members of the Ten Rings Gang on the ground were fighting with the Tarot people.

Xu Wenwu fought all kinds of strange beasts in the mountains and seas alone.

Luk and Shenlong were fighting in the air.

"The dragon is attacked."

Guangbo, who directly knocked away a member of the Ten Rings Gang with a spear, turned to look at the dragon roaring in the sky under Lu Ke's attack, and quickly shouted to the tribesmen next to him: "Go and help the dragon."

The dragon is the guardian beast of their Tarot dimension.


The existence of the divine dragon was to suppress the soul-destroying beast in the cave across the lake.

Therefore, the safety of Shenlong cannot be compromised. Once Shenlong is killed, the soul-grabbing beast in the cave that was suppressed by Shenlong will run out.

At that time, not only the Tarot dimension will become a purgatory, but even once the soul-catching beast runs outside, the outside world will also turn into a purgatory.

Several Tarot tribe members listened to their clan leader Guangbo's instructions. After looking at each other, they swept their sticks. Then with a buzzing sound, they flew directly into the air. Then they grabbed the long sticks in their hands and flew towards them quickly. He glanced at Luke who was slaying the dragon.

From the corner of his eye, Luke caught a glimpse of these Tarot tribesmen flying over in the air. Without looking, he shot out a "Variant: Death Ray" plundered from the Mandarin with his right hand.

The death light hit a Tarot tribesman directly.


The Tarot tribesman who was hit was instantly vaporized on the spot.

The next second.

Luke opened his arms, and a dark space spread out directly, all heading towards the dragon shroud in front of him.

...(End of chapter)

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