A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 334 I want the dragon to help me practice


"The Dao Ancestor is on top."

"Look, what is that?"

Almost at the moment when Luke casually killed the few Tarot people who came to interfere, and expanded the "dark space" to include the red-haired silver dragon, the Divine Spear Bureau and his team also broke through the gap between the real world and the dimension. The barrier between time came to the Tarot dimension.

One of the agents of the Divine Spear Bureau pointed to the sky above the lake in the distance and let out an exclamation.

Everyone looked around quickly.

Enter the eyes.

A dark but independent space with no ground or sky suddenly appeared above the lake.

When Xu San, who was leading the team, saw this, he couldn't help but push up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and revealed the origin of this dark space.

"Variant, dark space."

Xu Sanru said, and then his eyes fell on Xu Wenwu who was on the grass, using the ten rings to kill one mountain and sea beast after another, and quickly came back to his senses: "Hurry over."

They, the Divine Spear Bureau, knew that Xu Wenwu, a villain who looked at the entire earth, was based in their Eastern Kingdom.

It was even clear to the Divine Spear Bureau that Master Manman was Xu Wenwu's clone.

at the same time……

They also knew what kind of strange abilities Xu Wenwu's clone, the Mandarin, had.

The dark space currently displayed on the lake is one of the Mandarin's abilities.

Could it be that the people above the lake are Mandarins?

But that's not right.

The Mandarin is dead in Los Santos.

Xu San's thoughts were spinning, and then he looked at the grass, almost suppressed, the mountain and sea beasts and the Tarot people who were beaten violently by the Ten Rings Gang and Xu Wenwu. The moment he quickly regained consciousness, he opened the car door and volleyed directly Flying towards Xu Wenwu.

"Xu Wenwu!"

Xu San shouted condescendingly at Xu Wenwu, crossed his hands, and instantly used his telekinesis to lift up two boulders and threw them directly at Xu Wenwu like a driving arm: "Boom!"

Xu Wenwu blasted out the ten rings on his arms, directly smashing the two boulders into powder. Then he saw Xu San wearing black-rimmed glasses and a suit, and a hint of ridicule appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Xu San!"

The moment Xu San landed firmly, he raised his hands, directly lifted the black SUV beside him, and then smashed it towards Xu Wenwu again.

He is a natural alien, born with the ability to move objects with his mind. Moving objects with his mind is his innate ability and does not need to be learned. As long as his will is enough, he can even move the small broken ball under his feet.

At this moment, a cute-looking woman with long hair also emerged from Xu San's side.

"Let me go."


Xu San looked at Feng Baobao running out, his eyes narrowed. Seeing that Xu Wenwu's ten rings were about to hit Feng Baobao, he quickly moved Feng Baobao with his mind and dragged him back to him.

Feng Baobao thought about the ten rings that were about to smash her head.

"so close."

"Don't be impulsive. This time our opponent is Xu Wenwu."

Xu San said in a deep voice.

Moreover, it was Xu Wenwu who the old Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain failed to suppress even though he took action back then. He could only make Xu Wenwu vow to never cause trouble in the Eastern Kingdom.

Xu San said in a deep voice: "Xu Wenwu, have you forgotten the oath you made with the Heavenly Master?"

Xu Wenwu smiled coldly: "Xu San, don't use Heavenly Master to pressure me. I made an oath and I have always abided by it."

Xu San's tone was low.

"Then what are you doing now? Tell your people to stop."



"I just said back then that if you don't mess with me, I won't let my people make trouble in the Eastern Kingdom. But this time, it was not me who provoked Tarot, but Tarot who provoked me!"

Xu Wenwu's eyes were scarlet, and the anger in his heart was burning unbridled. He said to Xu San: "The hatred for killing my wife is irreconcilable. After today, the Tarot dimension will no longer exist. If you, the Divine Spear Bureau, dare to stop me, Come one and I’ll kill one, come two and I’ll kill both!”

Xu San couldn't help but trembled when he heard Xu Wenwu's murderous words.

While the two were talking.

Not far away, more than a dozen Tarot tribe members and three members of the Ten Rings Gang fell to the ground with blood flowing from their wounds.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Along with more and more corpses on the grass, almost at the same time that the number of souls in the Tarot dimension began to rise, bursts of wailing sounds that sounded like coming from hell were heard in the cliff cave opposite the lake.

Xu San came back to his senses and looked at the shaking cave on the other side of the lake, and then his eyes fell on the dark space above the lake: "Xu Wenwu, who is that above? The Tarot Dragon cannot die."

The words fell.

Xu San once again lifted a few boulders and threw them at the dark space above the lake, trying to break the dark space.


The gravel shattered once again under the blow of the ten rings.

Xu San was angry.

"Xu Wenwu!"

"Xu San!"

Xu Wenwu looked at Xu San expressionlessly: "I said, if your Divine Spear Bureau dares to stop me today, don't blame me for being rude."

Xu San said angrily: "The dragon cannot die. Once the dragon dies, the suppressed dementors will come out."

Xu Wenwu laughed and looked at Xu San with a mocking look on his face.

"None of my business!"


Xu San looked at Xu Wenwu angrily, and then said to Feng Baobao and other agents of the Divine Spear Bureau beside him: "We must break the dark space, we must not let the dragon be slaughtered, do it!"

The Spear agent nodded instantly.

This time, the agents of the Divine Spear Bureau are all natural-born strangers from the special department of the Divine Spear Bureau.

Following Xu San's order, the natural strangers of the Divine Spear Bureau each used their own abilities and quickly rushed towards the lake behind Taluo Village.

Seeing this, Xu Wenwu roared: "Stop them!"

The members of the Ten Rings Gang who were fighting with the Tarot tribe looked up one after another, and then responded loudly, and also pulled the Divine Spear agents passing by them into the battlefield.

Razor Fist fought against two Tarot tribesmen and two Divine Spear agents, and did not lose at all.

The same is true for Xu Wenwu.

Facing the offensive of many mountain and sea beasts, he was still able to entangle Xu San and the cute Feng Baobao, leaving the two of them with no way to rush toward the lake.

The vibrations in the cave across the lake became louder and louder.


Shenlong's seal on the soul-destroying beast is weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The vitality of the divine dragon that sealed the soul-grabbing beast seemed to be weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In dark space.

"hold head high!"


Roads of fire bloomed under the dragon's sharp claws, and along with the dragon's roar, wounds appeared on the body of the dragon.

Lu Ke hissed and disappeared almost as soon as the divine dragon's claws landed.

Shenlong's attack missed.

Luke, who appeared above the Shenlong, flicked his hands, and the more than thirty sharp blades that had just been knocked out by the Shenlong re-arranged in the air, and then once again struck the Shenlong's body like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm.

All of a sudden.

Golden blood spurted out from the wounds on Shenlong's body.

When Luke saw this, a flash of physical pain flashed in his eyes.

The dragon is a treasure.

From the inside out, it's a treasure in every sense of the word.

Luke still remembered that when he was in the main god space, he once passed through a mission world.

That mission world also required them to slay the dragon.

He was actually still a little transparent at that time. At that time, he was just trying to make soy sauce.

Don't believe it.

In the Main God Space, in fact, the reincarnators who have unlocked the first level of gene lock can also be regarded as little Karami.

So that time Luke could not be said to be the main force in killing Shenlong.

But at that time, after those reincarnations killed the dragon, they all went to grab the dragon essence that exploded from the dragon's body. Only Luke was interested in the huge dragon body and the dragon blood in that place.

Luke used the dragon's blood from that place to successfully unlock his second level of genetic lock.

at the moment?

"I want you to help me practice!"

"hold head high!"

Luke looked at the dragon that was drifting in the air and turning around, looking at him with angry dragon eyes, and then opening its mouth directly at him. After saying this in a deep voice, he looked at the dragon that was about to engulf him. Make any action.

He neither hid nor evaded, and allowed the dragon to swallow him in one gulp.


The moment the dragon's mouth closed, a golden light burst out from Lu Ke's body.

"Variant: Golden Body!" 』


Luke stretched out his hands, grabbed the Shenlong's tongue trying to roll it into the dragon's belly, and then pulled hard.

No matter how powerful the creature is, its tongue is always soft.

Shenlong is no exception.

Same reason!

No matter how powerful a creature is, it is not afraid of attacks from external objects, but it is definitely afraid of attacks from within.

I think back then, Princess Iron Fan was captured from within by Monkey King.

Lu Ke plans to replicate Sun Dasheng's feat.

The moment he tore off the divine dragon's tongue with all his strength, the dragon's blood suddenly surged onto his body.

A sound of pain once again made Shenlong involuntarily let out a dragon roar, and with this dragon roar, the seal of the Dementor in the cave outside was completely crumbling.


"Suffer it!"

Xu San made a move with his right hand, and took Feng Baobao out of Xu Wenwu's attack range. He loudly and anxiously said to Xu Wenwu: "We will talk about your grudges with Tarot later, but once Shenlong dies, the shooting will be released." Ghost monster, our trouble is coming, Xu Wenwu."

Xu Wenwu pinched the neck of the mountain and sea beast that looked like a glutton with his bare hands, then broke it off hard, threw the body in his hand to the side, then looked at Xu San, and once again said without any fluctuation in his tone: " It’s none of my business!”

He has a cooperative relationship with Lu Ke, but not with the Divine Spear Bureau.

He even said that if the Heavenly Master hadn't come down from Longhu Mountain and had a fight with him, the current Eastern Kingdom would have been a feudal dynasty.

his feudal dynasty.

When Xu San heard this, he looked anxiously at the cave where the dementors were sealed on the other side of the lake.


A dragon's roar was heard that was extremely violent and also screamed to the extreme.

hold head high! ! ! !

...(End of chapter)

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