"Jin Beisen, what do you want to do!" Zhou Manchun asked uneasily, with some vigilance in his tone.

"Want to get rid of me? As long as you satisfy me tonight, I promise to let you go immediately. " Jin Beisen said with a gloomy smile, then dragged Zhou Manchun outside.

Jin Beisen's strength is so great that he doesn't care to hurt Zhou Manchun at all. Zhou Manchun is also hard spoken and refuses to say a word of pain.

But where will Jin Beisen take him? Seeing that Jin Beisen is about to be crammed into the car, Zhou Manchun feels an unprecedented fear. Her eyes stare at the eldest, struggling to ask: "Jin Beisen, where are you going to take me?"

"Go where you should be and do what you are good at." Jin Beisen opens the door and violently shoves Zhou Manchun into the front passenger seat.

His eyes revealed a firm, tonight, he let Zhou Manchun see his fierce, save her so arrogant.

Zhou Manchun is not a fool. She can hear the danger of Jin Beisen's words. She desperately knocks on the door, but she can't open it.

In an instant, Jin Beisen has been sitting in the driver's seat, and Zhou Manchun completely collapses. She pulls Jin Beisen's arm, tears in her eyes, and cries, "where are you going to take me? I don't go! I won't go! "

"If you dare to move about again, I will throw you into the zoo now and live with the boa all night!" Jin Beisen turned to warn Zhou Manchun that there was no temperature in his tone.

Zhou Manchun is scared. She's afraid of snakes, mice, cockroaches and so on. If she wants to live with a python overnight, it's better to let her die directly. She is holding back tears and dare not struggle any more

At night, Jin Beisen drove his car and disappeared into the traffic.

Royal casino.

One of the biggest casinos in a city, hundreds of people gamble here every day. The black and white streets are here, which can be said to be the most chaotic place in a city.

Zhou Manchun doesn't understand why Jin Beisen brought her here. She doesn't gamble. She just immerses herself in her thoughts. Before she responds, Jin Beisen has pulled her car out.

Jin Beisen was firmly imprisoned in one hand. Jin Beisen had great strength, as if he wanted to crush her bones.

Strangely enough, Jin Beisen stormed into the casino, and everyone saw him and made way for him.

A smell of smoke mixed with wine filled the air. Zhou Manchun hated the smell most. She held her nose in disgust, and on one side of the track: "Jin Beisen You slow down. "

Jin Beisen didn't seem to hear him. He didn't care about Zhou Manchun. He dragged him for a while. Jin Beisen led Zhou Manchun to a box.

Jin Beisen kicked the door open.

In the box, five young men and five young women are performing a scene of passion

Zhou Manchun was frightened, thinking what Jin Beisen wanted to do? She turned to Jin Beisen in astonishment.

Those five men are gangsters of the black way green dragon gang. They come and go here all the year round. This box is their exclusive territory. Jin Beisen has nothing to do with the green dragon gang. But the leader of the green dragon Gang still has to fear him for three points. So those gangsters below also respect Jin Beisen when they see him.

The first reaction of a man with a black airplane head was that he pushed away the women around him, sorted out his messy clothes and said seriously, "go out, all of you."

Five women stand up together. They are wearing bare underwear and underpants. Before they leave, they don't forget to flirt with the little brothers of Qinglong gang.

The little brother at the head of the plane quickly stood up, and the four remaining men also stood up quickly. The little brother at the head of the plane respectfully asked, "I don't know if president Jin is here, what can I do for you?"

Jin Beisen smiled coldly, pulled Zhou Manchun's hand and suddenly tightened. He said coldly, "I've sent you a woman, remember, one by one."

Then Jin Beisen released Zhou Manchun's hand and pushed her to the direction of five younger brothers.

Zhou Manchun is shocked. Jin Beisen wants to give her to these hooligans? And it's still one to five. How should she behave in the future?

Jin Beisen was even more fierce. He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the video to record the wonderful scene.

Zhou Manchun held back her tears and stood calmly in the same place. Her heart was cold and numb. She didn't breathe. Everything around her made her feel sick.

Five hooligans came like hungry wolves. Seeing Zhou Manchun's beautiful appearance, figure and angel's face, they could not bear their excitement for a long time.

Jin Beisen sent women to them. Why not?

The man at the head of the plane squints at Zhou Manchun. Zhou Manchun looks at Jin Beisen in a panic and sends him a distress signal. However, Jin Beisen holds a mobile phone and looks indifferent. From his eyes, she doesn't see any sympathy.

Zhou Manchun didn't expect Jin Beisen to fall in love with himself, but at this moment, his face didn't even have the expression of sympathy. When he saw a beggar in the street, his compassion would rise

"Don't come here." Zhou Manchun's nimble body is running around in the box. He is nervous. Is this really the result Jin Beisen wants?

Tears are like broken pearls. One of them goes down, the other three hooligans rush forward and catch Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun can't move when he is pulled. The man at the head of the plane comes over with a smile, rips off his belt, and says with a silver Dang's bad smile, "little beauty, don't struggle, come on."

"Bah." Zhou Manchun spits on the face of the plane.

Jin Beisen can not cherish her, but Zhou Manchun herself will not not lose her love. Today, she would rather die than let these hooligans touch her.

At that moment, all the anger came to her heart. Zhou Manchun struggled frantically and escaped from the hooligan's clutches. Her eyes had been locked in the bottle on the tea table.

A lunge rushed up, Zhou man raised the red wine bottle in one hand and held it high above his head.

A few hooligans are stupefied for a moment, thinking, this little girl with an empty bottle wants to fight with them? I have courage.

Zhou Manchun finally took a look at Jin Beisen. He was still cold. The dim light shrouded Jin Beisen in the shadow, so he looked very cold.

Zhou Manchun smashed the bottle against the wall, and then gently cut it with the remaining pieces to his right hand.


Is this woman crazy?

The blood gushed out in an instant, dropping to the floor. All five hooligans were scared and had no interest at all.

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