"Will you listen to me? It's not like you think between me and him! " Zhou Manchun is in a hurry. Looking at Jin Beisen, who is on the verge of losing control at the moment, she doesn't know how to explain it, as if her words will only get darker and darker.

"The last time you cried in your dream, ah Sheng was your dear teacher Xu." Jin Beisen also added the words "dear", which showed that his anger had been completely on his mind.

Zhou Manchun is sitting on the sofa, feeling that he can't explain it clearly. Anyway, Jin Beisen is determined that she has a relationship with Xu Ningsheng. What's the point of her saying more?

Besides, he has already known that Mr. Xu is a Sheng. He must have investigated. Since he knows everything and pretends to know nothing, this man is really dangerous!

"Whatever you think." Zhou Manchun said stubbornly.

"If you use this attitude to me again, I promise Xu Ningsheng can't see the sun tomorrow." Jin Beisen stood up with a "brush", and the tablet computer was thrown on the sofa by him. He approached Zhou Manchun step by step, as if Satan had left the net.

Zhou Manchun quickly stood up, but the steps at her feet were soft. She was like a child who did something wrong. Jin Beisen's tall body formed a shadow in front of her, covering her whole person in the dark.

"Jin Beisen, ah Sheng and I are really not what you think!" Zhou Manchun bit her lips. In order to protect Xu Ningsheng, she decided to explain.

But Jin Beisen's explanation is even hotter, a Sheng? What a nice call!

Just now she called him Jin Beisen, but her name was Xu Ningsheng. The relationship between them is obvious.

"Then tell me, what's your relationship?" Jin Beisen raised his eyebrows with a sneer in his eyes.

When the words fell, Jin Beisen drew Zhou Manchun close to his arms. Zhou Manchun's feet were already soft. Now, Jin Beisen yanked her. The whole man fell into Jin Beisen's arms. He tightly imprisoned her with strong arms, like a huge cage.

"We He and I have known each other since childhood. They are good friends There is absolutely no ambiguity in a good friend relationship. " Zhou Manchun's heart pounding madness is speeding up. She knows that Jin Beisen is a man with strong possessiveness, so she must not provoke him!

"Good friend? Eh? " Jin Beisen gave a frivolous smile, which was obviously disbelieving.

Zhou man nodded sincerely: "yes, he is really a good friend."

"Since you are a good friend, why didn't you tell me who ah Sheng was last time? Do you have such a good friend relationship Jin Beisen's bloodthirsty red eyes and delicate facial features were ferocious. His voice was deep, but he was very indifferent.

For a moment, Zhou Manchun was speechless. Yes, at that time, she was afraid that Jin Beisen would misunderstand. After all, she called the names of other men in her sleep, so she lied. If she had known that there would be such a day, Zhou Manchun would have said everything.

"You You believe me. If you really don't believe me, just check it out. He and I are absolutely innocent. " Zhou Manchun looked up slightly and said not lowly or overactive.

Up to now, she can't explain clearly. It was a small thing, but now it makes her look like a playful woman.

For love, Zhou Manchun is absolutely loyal. She doesn't care twice. She just cares about Jin Beisen's feelings. If she cares twice, she would have taken the initiative to seduce Xu Ningsheng.

"Check? Oh, you don't make me waste my time. " Jin Beisen's ink eyes are more and more sinister. It's a fact that Zhou Manchun and Xu Ningsheng kiss me. She even arrogantly asks him to check. It's really funny.

In this sentence, the air around him is frozen. Zhou man's pure heart is cold, and he laughs bleakly: "it turns out that in your heart, I am such a terrible woman. Do you think I have two minds, as long as I am a man, I will like it?"

Zhou Manchun was hurt. Tears rolled down his cheeks to his neck. His grievances were all over his heart. Jin Beisen hated himself so much!

"Yes, in my heart, you are a dissolute woman, a man can go up to you." Jin Beisen sneered and suddenly let go of Zhou Manchun. His thin lips uttered two words, "it's dirty."

These two words, no doubt let Zhou Manchun feel angry, she dirty? Where is she dirty? If it's dirty, it's also dirty by Jin Beisen!

Grievance, anger, shame and all kinds of negative emotions are mixed in Zhou Manchun's heart. Zhou Manchun can't get rid of his inner anger. Jin Beisen has completely let her die, but Zhou Manchun can't get rid of the feeling of being humiliated.

All of a sudden, she raised her arm and slapped it on Jin Beisen's face.

Jin Beisen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Zhou Manchun to beat himself. He felt that he was going mad. He was so big that he had not been slapped. Where did his whole face hang?

Wang Ma hid in a secluded corner and watched the two men quarrel. When she saw this scene, Wang Ma opened her mouth in surprise.

God, Zhou Manchun dare to beat Jin Beisen!

Zhou Manchun said gently, shaking and gnashing his teeth: "Jin Beisen, you owe me all this. I knew it would be like this. I agreed to Zhao Tianyu's request at the beginning. It's better to be his woman than to be humiliated by you here. Why on earth are you always so high above me and despise me? Since you hate me so much, why don't you let me go Me. "

Jin Beisen catches Zhou Manchun's arm with a sinister expression. He warns word by word: "Zhou Manchun, remember, I Jin Beisen never beat women, this is the principle, but if you dare to do it again, I promise you will die."

"What else can you do besides threaten me, my family, my friends?" Zhou mantun shouted angrily, what can end this hell like day!

"Do you really think I have no choice but to threaten?"

Zhou Manchun's shivering and Jin Beisen's alienation emanated from his bones, just like his inborn noble spirit and bullying, which made people feel very stressed.

"You will use some mean means!"

"Well, I'll show you how mean I am tonight. What you just said is that being a woman of Zhao Tianyu is better than being a woman of mine. Since you want to be a woman of others, I'll let you get what you want." The voice of sinister birds spilled from Jin Beisen's thin lips, with a thick ponder. Jin Beisen's warning made Zhou Manchun's goose bumps stand up.

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