Which step is wrong? Yang Yiming frowned and thought hard. These days, he didn't have the heart to go to work, so he focused on the disease of Jinyu desert. Yang Yiming felt that he really failed. He studied hard for so many years, but he couldn't even save a child.

In a twinkling, Jiang Jingqi has been pregnant for four months, and her pregnant stomach is slightly highlighted. She walks into the laboratory with a stomach. Seeing Yang Yiming frowning, she tiptoes over.

Jiang Jingqi wanted to surprise Yang Yiming. Unexpectedly, Yang Yiming was shocked. The whole person almost jumped up from the stool. The measuring cup in his hand was not held firmly for a while, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

The liquid in it flowed out. Jiang Jingqi bent down to pick it up. Yang Yiming grabbed her and helped Jiang Jingqi up. He asked her to sit on the chair and said, "don't pick it up. I'll clean it up."

Yang Yiming picked up the broken glass, but when picking up the glass pieces, he accidentally cut his finger, and his blood flowed out in an instant. The bright red blood mixed with the liquid on the ground, and changed color in an instant.

Originally, the light blue liquid turned to dark brown. Yang Yiming frowned and stopped his action, as if he had found some big secret.

"Yiming, your hand, you hurry up, don't pick it up." Jiang Jingqi's brow was tight, and her face was wrinkled.

"Wait, you see, the antidote on the ground has changed color. I have been thinking about how the antidote can change color. I didn't expect to add people's blood. Do you still need a person's blood in the antidote of Xiaomo?"

"Are you sure this is the antidote?" Jiang Jingqi doesn't think so. She also squats down. Fortunately, her stomach is not big and her movements are light.

Yang Yiming nodded and said seriously, "basically it can be determined."

"Then why is the dark brown color the antidote?" Jiang Jingqi can't understand. She is just a nurse after all, not as professional as Yang Yiming.

"It's just my conjecture. I've seen it in the book before. I've developed it for so long. Xiaomo is like a mouse. I've been testing my medicine again and again. If it doesn't succeed this time, my heart will be very sad. The previous medicine does have some effect, but the effect is not great. If it works, Xiaomo will be better. The only possibility is that One thing is missing from the antidote I developed. " Yang Yiming nuzui, stood up from the ground, by the way Jiang Jingqi also helped up, he went to the hand washing table, turn on the tap, the blood in his hands washed clean.

Jiang Jingqi frowned and said, "does your hand hurt? Let me see. "

Yang Yiming smiled and bent his fingers. A sunny smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "it's OK, it's not very serious."

"I'll bandage you first." Jiang Jingqi hurriedly turned to get the medicine box.

Yang Yiming's wound is still very deep, and the blood is still flowing out. For a moment, it can't stop.

Jiang was so worried that she took out a band aid from the medicine box and pasted it on Yang Yiming's injured finger.

Yang Yiming held her in his arms with a smile and touched her cheek affectionately. "My wife, you are really my lucky star. If the antidote is really successful, it would be great."

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