"Is it true that there is little blood?" Jiang asked puzzledly, still feeling confused.

"Well, I think it's Ouyang who has less blood. Because Ouyang is the person who develops bacteria, he will naturally add something that no one else has in this bacteria. In this way, no matter how we crack it, we can't succeed in research and development." Yang Yiming said calmly.

For so many days, he didn't think clearly. Today, he suddenly realized that Ouyang is really good enough to hide!

"Let's tell the good news to Xiaochun and ask president Jin to catch Ouyang." Jiang Jingqi was so excited that she smiled like a child.

"Yes." Yang Yiming nodded and took Jiang Jingqi's hand to the inpatient department.

In the ward, the sun came in through the French windows, adding a little warmth in this cold winter. Zhou Manchun sat by the bed of Xiaomo, holding a book in his hand, reading a story book to Xiaomo.

Xiaomo listened attentively, with big round eyes staring at Zhou Manchun straight, smiling and saying, "Mom, if you have super power and can go back to the past, what would you say to yourself in the past?"

Zhou man was stunned. He didn't expect a four-year-old to ask such a profound question.

"I will tell myself, no matter what, don't leave my desert."

"Mom, you will always accompany Xiaomo, right?" Jin Yu asked in a tearful voice. The voice was soft and pleasant.

"Well, mom and dad will always accompany Xiaomo, so don't be afraid of Xiaomo. When Uncle Yiming operates on you in a few days, don't be afraid, you know?" Zhou Manchun touched Jin Yu's soft hair, and his right hand was shaking.

In fact, her heart is more scared than the four-year-old child. When can the antidote be developed successfully?

"Mom, when Xiaomo is cured, Xiaomo wants to go to the zoo with his parents again." Jin Yumo said with a simple smile.


"I made an appointment with brother panda last time, and I will go to see him again later." Jin Yu Mo smiled heartless and showed a row of white teeth.

"How do you know it's brother panda?"

"Because the giant panda is as handsome as Xiaomo, Xiaomo guesses that he is his brother."

For a while, Zhou Manchun was amused by Jin Yumo. Unexpectedly, this little boy has a lot of thoughts and a little narcissism. It's estimated that he followed Jin Beisen.

"Xiaochun, we have something to tell you." Jiang Jingqi takes Yang Yiming's hand and appears at the door of the ward panting.

Zhou Manchun smiled and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Go out and talk." Yang Yiming saw Jin Yumo's pure eyes and couldn't bear to let a four-year-old hear them.

"Good." Zhou Manchun looked at the serious expression of the two men and said "clucking" in his heart. He missed half a beat, hoping it wasn't bad news.

"When I was studying in the laboratory..." Yang Yiming repeated the matter in a clear and orderly way.

After hearing this, Zhou Manchun's eyebrows were twisted into a ball, "what? Is there anything else like this? This animal, with its own blood, has made a medicine introduction. No wonder we can't develop an antidote for such a long time. "

"Yes, I guess that's what happened." Yang Yiming frowned and said solemnly.

Zhou Manchun was so heartbroken that he took out his cell phone from his clothes and called Jin Beisen.

When the phone was connected, her hands could not help shaking. "Beisen, our desert is saved..."

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