If it wasn't for her playing that tune, Jin Beisen might not be able to find her. After reading her data, Jin Beisen confirmed that his guess was correct. Zhou Manchun was the person he was looking for.

Four years! He's been looking for her for four years!

With a heartless smile on his lips, Jin Beisen put the information in the left drawer of the desk.

The game begins, everyone's destiny, will compose again.

Back home, the door was open.

Zhou Manchun was wet all over, and dared not go in. Suddenly, she thought of the man who had taken her away from the night. She stood in the door for a long time, lost her soul, until a familiar voice line called her name, "Xiaochun."

It's Zhao Tianyu's voice!

Zhou Manchun woke up in a flash, feeling very broken. She and Zhao Tianyu looked at each other, not knowing why he suddenly appeared here.

Zhou Tinghao and Zhao Lizi are also sitting on the sofa. Zhao Tianyu looks worried and runs towards Zhou Manchun. He asks gently, "where did you go last night, Xiaochun?"

"I I went to my friends. " Zhou Manchun told a lie casually, and his tone was yes. He dared not look up to see Zhao Tianyu's eyes.

Her cheeks were burning, and a sense of betrayal and shame swept over her.

"Which friend? You should at least call me. Do you know I worried about you all night? " Zhao Tianyu showed an anxious look and pretended to be worried about Zhou Manchun's life and death. In fact, he didn't care.

However, Zhao Tianyu did worry about Zhou Manchun for one night last night. Because Zhou Manchun disappeared suddenly, he was scolded by Dong Wang. He couldn't sleep all night. In the early morning, he hurried to Zhou's house. Who knows that Zhou Manchun is back now.

All of a sudden, Zhao Tianyu saw a kiss mark on Zhou Manchun's neck. The red mark announced the end of her career. His eyes touched with a little hesitation. He thought he was wrong.

Long fingers poked away Zhou Manchun's hair, Zhao Tianyu looked at Zhou Manchun's neck carefully, only to see several red marks on the snow-white neck. The crimson color was like a seductive flower, which hurt people's eyes.

Zhao Tianyu's eyes flashed a shock, and he couldn't believe it. "Xiaochun Where on earth did you go last night? "

Zhou Manchun subconsciously covered her neck. She was in a hurry this morning, and she didn't look in the mirror to have a good look. But Zhao Tianyu's eyes were staring at her neck all the time, which scared her deeply. Was there a kiss mark on her neck?

Zhao Tianyu has never planted Zhou Manchun's strawberries, but Zhou Manchun has never eaten pork and has seen a pig run. She knows exactly what strawberries are.

"I I went to live with my friends. " Zhou Manchun covers his neck with his hands in fear. He pinches his fingers very close, leaving several fingerprints on the snow-white neck.

"Which friend?" Zhao Tianyu asked aggressively, but there was anger in his eyes.

Zhou Manchun has just returned to China. Now he works in Jiaru hospital and has no friends. How can he stay at his friend's house for one night?

She was stared at by Zhao Tianyu. Her cheeks were red and hot, as if she had done something wrong.

Last night, Zhou Manchun went to the toilet, but the people disappeared. Dong Wang was pigeoned. He was very unhappy. When the business talks collapsed, the money naturally disappeared. Zhao Tianyu became angry.

Zhao Lizi and Zhou Tinghao on one side were all unhappy. Zhao Lizi rushed up, crazily pulling Zhou Manchun's clothes, and said sharply: "Xiaochun, what did you do last night?"

Wet dada's clothes are very hard to stick on her body. What's more, it's hard for Zhou Manchun to accept what happened. She shook her head and didn't answer Zhao Lizi's question. The voice line trembled and said: "Tianyu, let's break up."

Zhao Tianyu clenched his fist angrily, and his eyes were cold. "Which man did it? Tell me. "

"You don't have to ask. I'm not clean anymore. Let's go." Zhou Manchun hugged her body and curled up on the sofa like a helpless child.

Zhao Tianyu gnashed his teeth and shouted hysterically, "why do you betray me? Why? "

Zhou Manchun didn't say a word. He bit his lips tightly and rushed into his room.

There was a dense mist in the bathtub. Zhou Manchun was lying in the bathtub. Her tears flowed directly. She cried and laughed for a while. She wiped her skin with the bath ball severely, almost wiping a layer of skin.

She felt that she was so dirty that she was so inexplicably sleeping by a stranger who didn't even know her name. Somehow, she couldn't remember the person's appearance, only his eyes were very deep.

After calming down, Zhou Manchun thought about last night's event in the bar. She drank a glass of wine poured by Zhao Tianyu. After playing the piano, she began to feel dizzy. Although she was unable to drink, she would not faint after drinking a glass!

What's more, the way Zhao Tianyu behaved in front of Dong Wang last night is not like a boyfriend's performance at all. Did Zhao Tianyu put medicine in her wine last night? Want to give her to Dong Wang?

Zhou Manchun is afraid to think carefully!

Maybe I think more about it. Zhou Manchun lies in the bathtub feebly. Before there is any evidence, she will not easily doubt Zhao Tianyu. After all, Zhao Tianyu is her boyfriend.

On that day, Zhou Manchun was full of guilt for Zhao Tianyu, but she could not imagine that things would happen so coincidentally.

"Xiaochun." Zhao Lizi knocked on Zhou Manchun's door and stood outside with frown.

After a long time, Zhou Manchun was slow to respond and said, "well, I'm here."

"Are you hungry, baby?" Zhao Lizi looked at Zhou Manchun painfully and brought her a bowl of sweet scented osmanthus and lotus seed soup.

Zhou Manchun is lying on the bed. Fortunately, it's Saturday. She's in such a state that people are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts. If she goes to work in the hospital, she'll certainly not be in such a state.

After receiving the sweet scented osmanthus and lotus seed soup from Zhao Lizi, Zhou man barely smiled on her pure and beautiful face, "I'm not hungry."

"Baby, if you want to cry, you can cry. Tell your mother what's going on. Don't let her worry about it, OK?" Zhao Lizi touched Zhou Manchun's face painfully, and said with an old tearful look.

Zhou Manchun said with a strong smile, "Mom, I'm really OK."

Zhao Lizi sighed and closed her eyes painfully. She didn't know what the Zhou family had done. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Now her daughter is still sullied. She knows that Zhou Manchun is stubborn and can't be forced by nature. After all, Zhou Manchun is more painful than anyone!

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