In the evening, the rain stopped.

Zhou Manchun stayed at home for a day, feeling oppressed. He wanted to go out for a walk.

It's the rush hour of work, and there's a fresh smell in the rainy air. A huge advertisement is posted on the LED large screen in the square beside the street.

The latest set of jewelry posters shot by internationally famous actress Qi Nuosha, Qi Nuosha has a graceful figure and a beautiful diamond necklace around her neck. She looks very beautiful in a noble and elegant dress.

There are many people standing in the square. They take out their mobile phones and take photos of Qi nuosa on the big screen.

Qi Nuosha is the top brand of JS international entertainment company. She looks pure and sweet. Recently, she has become very popular, occupying the screen of major TV stations.

"Sasha is so beautiful." There was admiration in the crowd.

"What's the use of being beautiful? She's powerful backstage. Jin Beisen holds the red actress by himself. It's a rough road. " Someone said very sour.

"Che, isn't it just those men's playthings, no matter how beautiful she is? She must have an affair with Jin Beisen. It's said that the two of them often go in and out of the hotel. "

"That's also someone else's ability. A handsome and golden man like Jin Beisen, who doesn't want to go up?"


Zhou Manchun listened to the voices of the people around him, but smiled faintly. Jin Beisen, the name of Jin Beisen, has been very popular in city a for a long time. The president of JS international, who is 24 years old, is said to have reorganized JS international as soon as he took office and expelled many senior figures. In a short period of three months, JS International's stock rose by seven percentage points. His existence is like heaven Like God, how many women adore him.

However, few people have ever seen Jin Beisen's true face. Jin Beisen rarely goes on entertainment news. Even if he does, those journalists will put him in mosaic. No one dares to offend him, including those who like to make things up.

Zhou Manchun walked forward a little distracted and gradually entered a quiet alley.

She hung her head and thought, who was that man last night? Some fragments flashed in her mind, vaguely recalling the way she told him, Zhou Manchun's face suddenly turned red.

Do not know where to go, the air as if suddenly quiet down.

There are five or six little hooligans swaggering towards Zhou Manchun. With daggers in each hand, Zhou Manchun feels the strange atmosphere and stops abruptly.

"You What do you want to do? " The woman's trembling voice line is mixed with fear. Her fist is squeezed subconsciously and her eyes are twinkling.

The little hooligan of yellow hair smiled very evil spirit and said some dirty words, "I heard that you broke last night, and someone came to let us play with you. I think you certainly didn't have a good time last night."

The group of hooligans under Huang Mao burst into laughter and ridiculed Zhou Manchun.

"How much do you want? I can give it to you." Zhou Manchun holds his bag tightly and looks at those hooligans warily with beautiful eyes, but his steps step by step back.

"Ha ha How much money can you have if the Zhou family is defeated? Be wise, come here to accompany you for fun. Maybe we can pity you later. " The little hooligan with yellow hair spits, looks at Zhou Manchun scornfully, his eyes are full of bad intentions.

"Bah, you dream." Zhou Manchun glared at his eyes and cursed. Then he started running.

The group of hooligans swarmed on, the woman's running speed must not be able to compete with the man, Zhou Manchun has not run a few meters, he has been captured by the group of hooligans.

Although Zhou Manchun had studied Taekwondo in the United States before, now she can't bear one dozen and six. Her hands are pressed tightly by a hoodlum on the head of an airplane and can't move at all.

Zhou Manchun's back is laborious, the bone is aching, the tears are about to flow down.

Yellow haired hooligan walked up to Zhou Manchun, grabbed her chin, said fiercely, "you stinky girl, keep running, why don't you run?"

Zhou Manchun was pale, but he still bit his teeth and said calmly, "who sent you? I'll double the amount he gives you. "

"Oh, I'm talking about business with my brother." The Yellow haired hooligan ignored Zhou Manchun and instead made self mockery.

"I mean it. As long as you let me go, I'll give you money." Zhou Manchun said in fear.

"Do you think money is everything?" he said with a smile? Today, I just don't want to ask for money, so I want to play with you. "

Zhou Manchun stares at his eyes, struggles with pain and roars, "strong, traitors are illegal."

"Is there any violation of the law in the love between men and women? Your woman is so cheap. Now she's crying out, "don't you want it? I'll give you up later." The Yellow haired hooligan reached out and pressed Zhou Manchun's shoulder. With a sudden effort, he began to tear and pull Zhou Manchun's skirt.

"Don't touch me." Zhou Manchun's face was white with fright. He kicked and bit the hooligan in a panic. When the Yellow hooligan was unprepared, he was sure to be stable and kicked his life.

"Proud..." Yellow hair small hooligan eats painful disorderly cry, released Zhou Manchun immediately.

Another little hooligan on the head of the plane rushed forward and slapped Zhou Manchun's left face with a slap. He said, "don't you dare to beat our eldest brother, you stinky girl, to death?"

As a result of the force is too fierce, Zhou Manchun's blood stains on the corners of his mouth are beaten out by the hooligans. She spits at the hooligans at the head of the plane and sneers.

"What do you mean, you smelly lady, with a funny smile?" The hooligan on the head of the plane waved and slapped again, only this time on Zhou Manchun's right cheek.

Her white face immediately showed several blood red fingerprints, which was shocking.

Zhou Manchun's hair has been disordered and her clothes are broken. She covers her chest desperately. A few hooligans are going to roughen up. A flustered sound of footsteps comes from the corner.

Four men in black rushed over at the speed of lightning. Within half a minute, those hooligans had been knocked down on the ground and cried out.

Zhou Manchun was stunned. She shrank into the corner and thought to herself, who are these people?

Uncle Zou moved his neck and elbow and said with a disappointed face, "it's useless. It's just a shame to be a hooligan without fighting."

Zhou Manchun looks at the group of hooligans on the ground who have been hit by several people in black before her. She can't help swallowing her saliva. There's a trace of fear in her eyes. She can't believe that she looks at the release speed of several strong men, just like the police in Hollywood movies.

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