"What's the point of looking at the scenery alone? I'll be with you. " The man smiled, and his lips brimmed with the smile that he would get.

Jin Shuwen looks speechless and turns her head to the other side. She doesn't know what kind of nerves this person is having. She just plays with her mobile phone and doesn't talk.

"Beauty, why is it so cold? Everyone is out to play, add a wechat! " When the man saw Jin Shuwen and ignored him, he still said with good temper. He thought that she was just playing hard to get, which is the most popular trick for women.

"Play with your sister. Go away." Jin Shuwen's clear voice with a faint anger, a pair of beautiful eyes severely stare at the man, the handsome face clearly put on a look of disdain.

"Oh, a girl with a temper, I like it." The man is still laughing. He looks like a man of two hundred and five. He is not serious.

Jin Shuwen turned her white eyes speechless and turned her mouth. The sun made her dizzy. With the provocation of the man, her violent temper could not be controlled in a moment.

"Give you three seconds, and you'll disappear right in front of my eyes." Jin Shuwen stares at him sharply, his face is slightly heavy, and his long fingers are squeezed into fists silently.

Looking at her angry eyes, the man felt more and more funny. The woman had a temper indeed. He liked this stubborn woman. Conquering this kind of woman can bring him an unprecedented pleasure.

"What if I say no?" The man smiled leisurely. He didn't notice Jin Shuwen's calm face. In fact, it was already turbulent.

Jin Shuwen just sneers and doesn't talk. She thinks, why hasn't Ye Junwen come back and bought a drink for so long? Did she flirt with a beautiful woman?

When the man saw that Jin Shuwen didn't speak, he thought she had stage fright, flashed a smirk on her face, simply magnified her courage, and wiped her hand towards Jin Shuwen's arm.

Jin Shuwen reacted quickly. Before the man touched her hand, she stood up abruptly, and with a turn of her backhand, "pa" was a slap on the man's face.

"You stinky rascal, the scum of the society, just because you are such a person, the atmosphere will be so bad. Get out of here before my aunt is angry!" Jin Shuwen's eyes narrowed dangerously, with a sharp smile on her lips, and she glared at the man severely.

The man was slapped and stared at Jin Shu Wen angrily.

At this time, the quarrel of the two startled the tourists on one side, and the eyes of the people looked at them one after another.

Jin Shuwen looked around, suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd, she smiled silently, and ye Junwen came back!

"This pretty girl, she's got a big temper." Ye Junwen holds two cups of fresh coconut juice in his hand, but his lips are slightly raised with a doting smile.

When a man hears someone talking, he turns around to look at him. He thinks that he is more handsome than himself.

"Who are you? It's up to you. " Jin Shuwen still glared at her eyes, and said in a very arrogant voice. She pretended that she didn't know ye Junwen, and had a lot of fun.

Ye Junwen naturally understands her. There's no reason why the girl can be an actress. Her on-the-spot performance is very good, and she can fully enter the role according to each situation.

"You'll know who I am later." Ye Junwen steps forward with long legs and steady steps towards Jin Shuwen.

He slightly bent down, put down the two cups of coconut milk in his hand, and took Jin Shuwen into his arms with a hook in his long arm.

The big palm passes through her thin hair, clasps her head, leaves Junwen lowers his head, looks affectionately at Jin Shuwen. There is no accident. His lips gently fall on her lips, and the corners of his mouth are covered with a deep smile.

The onlookers were stunned. Listening to the conversation just now, they all thought they didn't know each other. They blinked in bewilderment. They couldn't believe looking at the beautiful couple.

The man who just molested Jin Shuwen looked at them angrily. His face was like a palette, blue and purple.

"Brother, see? In the future, I will go straight up to kiss my sister, which is useless. " Ye Junwen hugs Jin Shuwen and goes to the man's side. He claps his hand on his shoulder, but it's very heavy. It looks like a light face, but it has the smell of warning.

The man immediately understood, originally, they knew!

Pinching his fist, the man turned away in the surprised eyes of all.

Immediately the crowd of onlookers broke up and did their own work.

Jin Shuwen's well-developed body is wrapped around Ye Junwen like a water snake. She raises her star eyes and looks at him. "Aren't you afraid that fool will go up and kiss others next time?"

Ye Junwen shrugged innocently. "It's none of my business."

"Hahaha Arvin, you are so bad. " Jin Shu Wen murmured, but she was a little closer to Ye Junwen.

"But I'm only good to you." Ye Junwen lowers his head and looks affectionately at Jin Shuwen.

Jin Shuwen is shy. The setting sun, like a golden elf, falls on Jin Shuwen's slightly drooping eyelashes.

The setting sun has dyed the sky red, the dreamlike golden top is on the head, the fine sunlight jumps into the blue water, the sea level is refracted by the sunlight, the sea water floats, even the surrounding coconut trees seem to be a little greener.

The sea water came up one after another, showing the traces of meandering on the marshmallow soft beach. Ye Junwen held Jin Shuwen's hand tightly, and the afterglow of the setting sun spread on the two people, crossing a layer of golden light

On the beach, they left a string of winding footprints.

Even if they don't have too many words, they have a sharp heart and know what they are thinking about. The best love is nothing better than this. When two people are together, even if they don't talk, they won't feel embarrassed.

Yintai City, city A.

Yu Yina and Lin Qiaoqiao are sitting face to face in a coffee shop, quietly waiting for Yu Shen's arrival.

Last Sunday, Yu Yina wanted to ask Yu Shen to come, but Yu Shen went to go game. Yu Yina almost forgot about Yu Shen. Lin Qiaoqiao reminded her again.

Yu Yina holds a cup of hot mocha in her hand and drinks it casually. She always feels embarrassed about her relationship with Yu Shen. She doesn't know how she will react when she sees Lin Qiaoqiao.

Lin Qiaoqiao took a sip of cappuccino in the cup, feeling nervous and excited. For today's date, she also specially made up a little. Lin Qiaoqiao usually seldom makes up. Today, it's really unprecedented.

"Nana, look at my face. Is BB even? Is there anything strange? " Lin Qiaoqiao, holding a small mirror in one hand, desperately looked at it and asked Yu Yina's opinion.

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