"I don't think it's spread on my forehead. You can spread it more evenly." Yu Yina looked at Lin Qiaoqiao carefully and said with a smile.

"Well, OK, what about lipstick? Will it be too red? "

"Or do you take a sip?" Yu Yina never makes up, and she doesn't know anything about make-up. She just thinks Lin Qiaoqiao's make-up is so heavy. It's strange that they are still high school students and are not suitable for make-up.

But looking at Lin Qiaoqiao's happy appearance, Yu Yina is embarrassed to attack her. She can only give her some suggestions. I hope that when Xia Yushen sees her, he will have a bright feeling.


Yu Yina raises her watch and looks at it. It's almost the time appointed by Yu Shen and her. Yu Shen should be in Yintai city now. According to the original plan, she should go out of the coffee shop first and meet Lin Qiaoqiao.

"Coincidentally, I'll go out first. Wait a minute. Let the waiter put away this coffee." Yuina said with a smile and a backpack on her back.

Lin Qiaoqiao narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "OK, I'll wait for you. Hurry up."

Yuina nodded. "Well."

After going out of the coffee shop, Yu ina walked towards the No. 1 door. Yu Shen had arrived. He was wearing a dark gray medium long woolen coat, a pair of nine point jeans under his body, and a pair of sneakers on his feet. It was very similar to his usual dressing style in school, so Yu ina recognized him at a glance.

"Hello, ashen, I'm here." Yu Yina mischievously walks to Yu Shen and sticks her head out from behind him.

"Nana." Yu deep smile, obsidian like twinkling eyes with light.

It's a very happy feeling to see her. Even in such a cold winter, Yu Shen would like to take Yu Yina's hand on his own initiative. However, due to the fact that they are still students and can't fall in love with each other early, he can't help it.

There are still half a year, half a year later, Yu Shen will be brave to pursue Yu Yina.

"Let's go." Yuina walked in front of her and put her hand in her pocket.

Before walking a few steps, they came to the entrance of the coffee shop. Yuina naturally stopped. She said with a smile, "I want to have coffee. How about you?"

"OK, I'll buy something to drink." Yu Shen's magnetic voice rings in Yu Yina's ear.

"Let's go together."

Yu Shen nodded, smiled and walked into the cafe with Yu ina.

There are many people in the coffee shop. The people who buy coffee line up in a long line. Yu Shen can't bear to let Yu Yina stand in the line, turn around and say gently to her, "you go to a place to sit first, I'll wait for you."

Yu Yina nodded stupidly, with a flickering look in her eyes. She didn't expect that things would be successful so smoothly. She seemed to be a little guilty, and turned to Lin Qiaoqiao's direction.

Lin Qiaoqiao is playing with her head down. Yu Yina pretends to be surprised and finds her. She walks up to her happily and says, "Qiaoqiao, you are here too."

"Nana? What a coincidence. " Lin Qiaoqiao raised his head and said with a smile.

Yu Yina walks to the opposite side of Lin Qiaoqiao, pulls out the chair and sits down. They laugh and chat.

Girls always have a lot of common topics, from gossip stars to easy-to-use skin care products. After about ten minutes, Yu Shen comes here.

Lin Qiaoqiao pretends to be surprised. His eyes are still staring at Yu Shen. "This is What's the situation? "

"Let's watch the movie together." Yu Yina said shyly, with the volume lowered.

"I see." Lin Qiaoqiao's delicate makeup raised a suspicion on his face and began to doubt whether the relationship between them was ambiguous.

"Qiao Qiao, you can go to the cinema with us." Yu Yina found the right time and asked enthusiastically.

"Is that all right?" Lin Qiaoqiao simply smiled and raised his head to ask Yu Shen what he meant.

"I don't mind." Said Mr. Yu Shen, but there was some doubt in his heart. After a period of time with Yu Yina, he also figured out her character. She was not the kind of person who would ask him out. It seems that the meeting between Yu Yina and Lin Qiaoqiao was arranged in advance.

It's just that Yu Shen is very smart, he can see through without saying.

"Let's go. The movie is about to start." Yuina said happily.

Yu Yina walks in front with Lin Qiaoqiao's hand in his hand. Yu Shen follows them, but his eyes are fixed on Yu Yina, as if he can't see anyone except her.

When he got to the cinema, Yu Shen had already bought tickets for three people. They sat in a row.

When sitting in the seat, Yu Yina specially asked Yu Shen to go ahead and let Lin Qiaoqiao in, and she sat in the corner.

Before the movie started, there was an advertisement on the screen. Yu Yina smiled and chatted with Lin Qiaoqiao, "there are so many people watching the movie."

"Yeah, Nana, where are you going after the movie?"

"I didn't think about it It's time to eat. "

At the beginning of the movie, the audience who were looking down at their mobile phones in the cinema turned off their mobile phones, and the people who talked in detail also shut their mouths.

They saw the movie "the third kind of love". Liu Yifei is the goddess of Yu Yina. Yu Yina will come to the stage for every movie she plays. Yu Shen has no interest in this kind of love movie, but Yu Yina likes it, so he accompanies her to see it.

At the beginning of the movie, some sad music was inserted. Zou Yu sat on the plane crying, and Lin Qizheng handed her a napkin. Their love story is like a knot of a thousand turns. Zou Yu's and Lin Qizheng's stories are winding and winding, with tears in their laughter.

In order to see Zou Yu every morning, Lin Qizheng sat in the coffee shop on his way to work on time. The seeds of love had already taken root in their hearts.

The scene in the coffee shop is deeply depicted in Yu ina's mind. Lin Qi is holding Zou Yu's hand under the newspaper, which makes people feel that the girl's heart is bursting. Especially when Lin Qi is laughing, it seems that all the tenderness has turned into the spring season, which is refreshing.

At the airport, Lin Qizheng sent Zou Yu to Beijing. They had a happy time. They loved each other with moths and flames. They loved each other deeply. They loved each other helplessly. They couldn't love each other

At the end, Zou Yu walks on the overpass named by Lin Qizheng, and suddenly sees the plaque of the overpass, squatting on the overpass, crying bitterly. While Lin Qizheng is sitting on the plane, holding the scarf sent by Zou Yu, and crying wantonly, Zou Yu suddenly stands up, looks at the position of the coffee shop, and sees Lin Qizheng sitting in the coffee shop and smiling at her, but this scene is her illusion, But she never saw Lin Qizheng's familiar figure again.

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