Maybe YC group is the future competitor of JS international.

The commercial wine party was held in the Shengmo Hotel, mainly for Zhou Manchun's concert fundraising. In the name of Zhou Manchun, Yu Chen established a charity called Nianqi charity fund, which specializes in helping the newborn children with heart problems. Zhou Manchun herself is an expert in this field. Although she hasn't had an operation in the past three years, she is still reading the medical books That's part of what she can't give up. Maybe it's because of her dead son. The doctor said that her child died soon after birth because of congenital heart disease.

All the people who came to the charity reception were a group of well-off tycoons who had been mixing in the shopping malls of city A. Zhou Manchun was already prepared. She might meet Jin Beisen here. She came back this time to see her parents, not Jin Beisen, and Jin Beisen. She didn't want to have any more relationship.

Zhou Manchun died three years ago. Now there is only Mackie, but some things are unforgettable.

In the past three years, Zhou Manchun has controlled her emotions and tried her best not to think about Jin Beisen. She feels that she is ready. Facing him, she will never be timid again!

The self-cultivation cheongsam makes Zhou Manchun's charming figure more charming. All the guests at the reception have arrived. The banquet hall is bustling and the number of scrolls on the big screen is increasing. This is the amount of donation. The successful businessmen are collecting donations.

"Aachen, this is beyond my expectation." Zhou Manchun stared at the numbers on the screen, which reached more than 90 million, she said with an unexpected smile.

"It's true, I didn't expect them to be so generous." Yu Chen said with a smile, "let's go and say hello to them."

"Wife, this is Mr. Yu of Yu's restaurant." Yu Chen is holding Zhou Manchun's hand generously, with a gentleman's smile on his beautiful face.

"Mr. Yu, I'll have a good time tonight." Zhou man smiled politely and said hello to president Yu.

President Yu rubbed his eyes strangely. He only felt that Zhou Manchun was very familiar with his eyes. It seemed that he had seen him somewhere. Zhou Manchun had recognized him for a long time. Four years ago, at her wedding with Jin Beisen, president Yu also came here.

"Here This is not Jin... " I always want to say and stop, and dare not pick out the words too clearly.

What I want to say is, isn't this Mrs Jin? How can I become Yu Chen's wife?

"My wife and Mrs. Jin do look similar, but they are not Mrs. Jin. Four years ago, I also attended their wedding. President Jin said that Mrs. Jin was travelling in northern Europe a few months ago." Yu Chen said with a gentle smile, which made people feel extra warm and relieved Zhou Manchun.

"I thought the president of YC group was Mr. Yu, my old classmate." The man's low voice line mixed with a shallow smile came from behind.

Zhou Manchun's body was slightly stiff, but it soon relieved. After three years, she heard Jin Beisen's familiar voice again, and her mind was in a state of confusion like an explosion.

A suit made by hand, a neat white shirt, a natural pride in the dignified eyes, the luster of hair care and shape, Jin Beisen has not changed, the only change is his dark eyes, more profound.

Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen looked at each other expressionless. She was not nervous at all. Before she came to the reception, she had been prepared. City a said that it was not big, but small. It was a matter of time before they met in the mall.

"Mr. Yu, you really recognize the wrong person. My wife is still on holiday in northern Europe. My wife is ugly. Mr. Yu's wife is pretty." Jin Beisen said expressionless, but his voice sounded cold.

Zhou Manchun's stomach is dirty at the bottom of his heart. Jin Beisen, you are ugly! Who is your wife? It's shameless.

"Ha ha Yes, yes, I've lost my sight. I'm old and I haven't had a good look recently. Alas, it's useless. " When president Yu saw Jin Beisen give him a step, he hurried down the road. In the shopping mall, who didn't know that Zhou Manchun was missing.

It has been said that Zhou Manchun's falling off the cliff is missing. Although Jin Beisen tried his best to block the news, the incident of Zhou Manchun's falling off the cliff that day has been on the news. Moreover, in these three years, no one has seen Zhou Manchun in city A. people with brains can understand it immediately.

"President Jin, don't worry." Yu Chen did not change his face. He extended his hand and shook hands with Jin Beisen.

Jin Beisen said in a tone of indifference, "you are all well, and of course I am."

Until the words fell, Jin Beisen did not shake hands with Yu Chen, leaving Yu Chen to put his hand in the air awkwardly.

Zhou Manchun is dissatisfied. Jin Beisen is really proud as always. Who does he think he is? It's impolite for Yu Chen to shake hands with him. Such a person should ignore him.

"Honey, I want to eat some fruit." Zhou Manchun's voice was soft. He said that he could melt into people's bones and take Yu Chen's hand in the air.

Jin Beisen's eyes darkened in an instant, but he didn't speak. He had a cold, aloof expression. His brows were full of arrogant arrogance. His handsome face was labeled "keep away from strangers". It was a thin layer of cold air, seeping very much.

Yu Chen hugged Zhou Manchun, put his hand on her soft waist, and said with a doting smile, "what would you like to eat? My husband will get it for you. "


They sang and walked past Jin Beisen. Jin Beisen went to the fund-raising platform and donated 100 million yuan directly, which shocked everyone present!

Zhou Manchun is still eating oranges in his mouth, but he has a sense of infiltration in his heart. So far, none of the elite shopping malls here have donated more than 10 million yuan, except for Jin Beisen. Zhou Manchun has already felt that they are very generous.

"We thank president Jin of JS international for donating 100 million yuan to our Nianqi charity foundation. Thank you very much." The host stood on the stage, stunned for three seconds. In the loud voice, he was full of impassioned joy. At the moment when Jin Beisen wrote the check, he didn't react. He was one hundred million yuan, and the rest was almost innumerable.

"It's great to be rich, upstart." Zhou Manchun's slender fingers picked up Ma Kalong on the table and took a bite gently. The sweet taste melted into his mouth, and he kept whispering.

All of a sudden, the lights in the meeting hall dimmed. Yu Chen was tall and straight, with long straight legs. He walked towards the stage. A bright light suddenly appeared on Yu Chen's body, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

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