Yu Chen picked up the microphone and smiled at the guests. His magnetic and deep voice was like a gentle cello chord. "Good evening, all of you. I'm very happy that you can come to the charity reception of YC group. In order to give back to the society, YC group specially established the Nian seven benevolence foundation. Tonight, the amount of donations and all of my wife Mackie's performances at the concert The box office will be donated to Nianqi charity foundation. Now let's invite my wife to come on stage and say a few words. "

Zhou Manchun smiled and looked at Yu Chen gently. She walked slowly on the stage, like a princess, with noble grace and confidence in every smile.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Mackie. I'm the founder of niang7 charity foundation. With the continuous progress of society, our living standard is getting better and better. But in this world, some of the cherubs are born with congenital heart disease. For an ordinary family, they can't afford expensive medical expenses at all. I founded niang7 to help that Group of children, let them have a brilliant golden childhood, thank you Zhou man stands on the stage in pure and elegant voice.

Under the stage, Jin Beisen's eyes were full of nostalgia. The woman left for three years and finally gave up. I still remember that she fell down the cliff at that time. Everyone said that she could not be alive. The torrential rain of that day also fell deeply into his heart. The search and rescue team searched for the whole week. That week, it was raining all the time. Everyone was exhausted When exhausted, Jin Beisen said one thing: no news is the best news. He believed that Zhou Manchun just left in anger, but he didn't expect that three years after his departure, there was no news!

After the loss of Zhou Manchun, Jin Beisen realized that his love for her had already gone deep into his bones. He was like a terminally ill man. He lived heartlessly. Jin Yumo was his only hope for happiness.

Read seven charity foundation, read seven means Miss seven seven, maybe outsiders don't understand, but Jin Beisen second understand, Zhou Manchun is willing to come back, it means she hasn't completely put it down.

Jin Beisen looks at the woman with boundless scenery on the stage. Her eyes are deep. Zhou Manchun. This time, I will not let you leave again.

Zhou Manchun finished his speech and walked off the stage with a sigh of relief. Everything went well tonight. Even in the face of Jin Beisen again, it didn't seem to be so awkward. She loosened her fist slightly and forcefully. Her red lips raised a smile, which was in sharp contrast with her clear eyes.

Yu Chen came over with two pale blue cocktails in his hand. He said gently with a smile, "wife, to you."

After taking the cocktail, Zhou Manchun drank it all at once, "cheers."

Many big men in the shopping malls are very interested in Yu Chen. Before Yu Chen returned to China, they were guessing who the CEO of YC group would be. How could they have guessed that it would be Yu Chen? In that year, one month after Zhou Manchun disappeared, Yu Chen went to study abroad. Jin Beisen suspected him at that time, but the time when he went abroad was one month away from Zhou Manchun's disappearance, Everything seems to be in order.

"Congratulations, Mr. Yu."

"Yes, Mr. Yu is very young. He is really successful."

A lot of famous businessmen gathered around Yu Chen. Zhou Manchun didn't like doing business very much. She hated those flattering things, such as today's cocktail party. If it wasn't for reading seven charity foundation, she would never come to participate. Zhou Manchun never liked to be busy.

Drink a little more, Zhou Manchun dizzy holding his forehead, toward the direction of the toilet.

As soon as she walked out of the side door, Zhou Manchun's body was pulled by others. A pair of warm hands caught her waist. Zhou Manchun's body was slightly stiff. The smell familiar to her lingered on the man's body. Zhou Manchun's nose was sour, and her eyes were slightly red. She shook her hands violently and broke away from Jin Beisen's arms. A cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "What is Jin doing?"

"Xiaochun, you are back at last." Jin Beisen's voice was full of surprise and indifference. At that moment, he heard his heart beating wildly, as if to burst out from his chest.

"Ha ha Is this about you? " Zhou manpure light smile, the voice of indifference came, that beautiful face but not the slightest expression.

"I used to be bad." Jin Beisen was stunned. He had mixed feelings. He had fantasized about seeing Zhou Manchun's scene for countless times. He repeated his lines in his heart again and again. But when he saw her, he seemed to be speechless.

He raised his eyes and looked at her. The woman in front of him was more enchanting than before, but her attitude seemed to be getting colder and colder, like ice, with deep alienation and vigilance in polite tone.

"Jin Beisen, stop talking about the past, love you, is the thing I regret most." Zhou Manchun, with a smile in her beautiful eyes, was not laughing at Jin Beisen, but at herself. Even though she was stubborn on her mouth, she could feel so heartache when she saw this man.

The harm he brought to her was not clear in three words. When she was with him, Zhou Manchun thought that she had the best love in the world. Until she separated, she found that all the lies were like broken glass. If you are not careful, you will scratch people's hearts.

Jin Beisen's eyebrows were frowning. Before his heart ached, he heard a familiar voice breaking in


"Wife, you are here." Yu Chen pushes open the side door, and the voice of doting has come. Just now he looked around the court, but he didn't see Zhou Manchun. Zhou Manchun is gone, and Jin Beisen is gone, which makes him very upset. When he opens the side door, he just sees two people standing here talking.

"Aachen, how did you get out?" In the face of Yu Chen, Zhou Manchun changed her face instantly. She looked at him with a smile like a flower. Her eyes were shining like stars in the sky. It was very moving.

"The party is almost over."

"Well, let's go." Zhou Manchun ignores Jin Beisen directly and says with his mouth curled.

Yu Chen naturally takes Zhou Manchun's hand, carefully protects her and strides away.

Jin Beisen clenched his fist angrily. He knew that Yu Chen would come out and put in a kick. He should have thrust Zhou Manchun directly into the car just now. It was a mistake!

Yu Chen is Zhou Manchun's wife. Are they married?

In the corridor, only a voice-controlled lamp emits a faint light. Jin Beisen stands in the dark between the light and shadow, his face is ugly and makes people tremble.

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