When I clicked on wechat, Jin Beisen's expression suddenly got angry. Yu Chen sent Zhou Manchun three photos of Yu Xin, with the words: "Xiaochun, Xiaoxin said she missed you.".

What a tireless teacher! Jin Beisen didn't do anything in Zhou Manchun's mobile phone this time, but smiled gracefully and replied to Yu Chen in the past three words: she slept.

Yu Chen didn't reply. When he saw the news, he suddenly smiled and smiled.

Jin Beisen was a little angry. He went through the chat records of next week's Manchun and Yu Chen, and found that they were chatting off and on every day. Yu Chen always had endless topics, but he often took Yu Xin as an article.

This wretch!

Jin Beisen is angry. His long fingers are crisp and sharp. He beats a string of words on the screen. His tone is domineering and full of warning. Yu Chen, you'd better show me your face. Don't harass my wife for three days or I'll let you get away from here.

Yu Chen smiled disapprovingly, the ruffian hooked his mouth and replied, "whatever you want, but are you afraid?"?

Where do you get confidence? Jin Beisen immediately replied to him.

Knowing that Jin Beisen was laughing at him, Yu Chen didn't reply. He locked the screen and went to sleep.

Zhou Manchun takes a bath and comes out wearing an apricot colored silk nightdress. The design of the sling just shows her delicate clavicle. She touches her hair. She happens to see Jin Beisen looking at his mobile phone. His eyebrows are very tight. Zhou Manchun thinks what's wrong. He walks up carefully and asks, "what's wrong with you, Beisen?"

"Your ex husband sent you wechat, asking for help." His voice sounded sour, like a vat of vinegar.

Zhou man looked speechless and said, "are you jealous?"

"Yes, I don't like you two." Jin Beisen simply told the truth and didn't want to get in touch with Zhou Manchun. He didn't know when Yu Chen wanted to get involved.

"I'm just talking to him about the kids." Zhou Manchun is close to Jin Beisen. The soft body of the woman sends a fresh fragrance of shower gel. Jin Beisen is intrigued.

Jin Beisen put his hand on her waist, kissed her red lips jealously, frowned and said: "Xiaochun, can't you not contact him? I really don't like your contact. "

"But we still have one child. Although Xiao Xin is not my own, how can I be ungrateful when her parents are kind to me?"

"Can you talk to your ex husband every day, regardless of your husband's feelings? I've never met such a shameless person. " Jin Beisen said displeased.

"I'll show you my mobile phone, and you can reply him as you want." Zhou Manchun started to show off in a good voice. She knew that Jin Beisen would be angry again if she continued like this.

"I have already replied to him." Jin Beisen hands over his mobile phone to Zhou Manchun. The page is just the dialog box between Jin Beisen and Yu Chen.

After reading the dialog box, Zhou Manchun chuckled mercilessly. She held out her finger and rubbed it on Jin Beisen's dark and shiny head. "You are really naive," she said.

Jin Beisen raised his eyes and stared at her. There was a danger signal in his dark eyes. He touched Zhou Manchun's waist greedily and said with a cold smile, "try again."

"Well If they don't, go to the bathroom. " Zhou Manchun said with a coquettish smile, pushing Jin Beisen away with both hands.

"Well, I'll come out and clean you up after I've taken a bath."

After Jin Beisen went in to take a bath, Zhou Manchun took his mobile phone and apricot eyes gently stared at the screen for a long time. He didn't know what kind of mood Jin Beisen was in just chatting with Yu Chen.

It must be very hard to chat with the enemy. Jin Beisen, such a proud and charming man with black belly, is tall and like a God. How can he bear this tone?

But he really changed a lot for her.

Zhou Manchun is upset to lie on the bed and think about it. He still thinks he should make it clear with Yu Chen.

She holds her mobile phone and taps a string of words on the screen. Xiumei frowns softly: Aachen, it's me. I want to think about it. Let's try to keep in touch with each other as little as possible. I come to see the child once a week. The rest of the time, you don't have to send me the picture of the child. Beisen will be unhappy when he sees it. I'm very happy with him now, and I love him very much. In fact, I'm really happy I hope you can find a mother for Xiaoxin and start a new relationship. Molly is very good. She also likes you all the time. You can try it with her.

Zhou Manchun is typing while her eyelids are squinting. She is very sleepy today. Before she fell asleep, she used her last willpower to send this sentence out. Then, she left her mobile phone and lay down in bed.

After taking a bath, Jin Beisen came out wearing a set of apricot pajamas and the couple clothes of Zhou Manchun. Since Zhou Manchun came back to him, everything Jin Beisen bought, including the cup for brushing his teeth, is for lovers.

Anyway, if he can change the couple's money, he will buy the couple's money. If he can't buy the couple's money, he will buy the best for Zhou Manchun. He only loves such a woman in his life, so he should give her the best things he thinks.

"I don't even sleep honestly. I don't know how to cover the quilt. No wonder I'm not around you. You'll have a cold and a fever." Jin Beisen said to himself, with his deep eyes like dark night.

He stuffed Zhou Manchun into the quilt, then took his mobile phone. He wanted to press the home key to see the time. Unexpectedly, as soon as he pressed his finger, the screen automatically unlocked. The dialog box Zhou Manchun had just been in and Yu chentian came out of his mobile phone.

He opened his eyes wide and let out a warm light in his long and narrow cold eyes. Even his heart was warm. Before that, he had been blaming Zhou Manchun for not maintaining a relationship with Yu Chen. But from today's wechat chat, he could see that Zhou Manchun didn't want to have any relationship with Yu Chen, but Yu Chen had the cheek to remember her.

Jin Beisen smiled faintly, and his eyes were filled with a touch of tenderness. He hugged Zhou Manchun into his arms. The weather had turned cold, and Zhou Manchun was already sleepy. She moved and threw herself into Jin Beisen's arms.

Man's body is like a warm fireplace. Zhou Manchun exhorts and unconsciously makes his body closer to him.

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