Jin Beisen bent down and kissed Zhou Manchun on the corner of his mouth. He was domineering and affectionate.

Good night, wife.

Jin Shuwen and ye Junwen walk home slowly. When they return to the empty villa, ye Junwen turns on the light. Jin Shuwen stands in the porch and wants to take off her shoes. She wears high-heeled shoes all day today. She feels very tired.

Ye Junwen squats down considerately, clasps Jin Shuwen's ankle with one hand, and fumbles her fingers with thin cocoons on her smooth and white heel for a while, and takes the initiative to help Jin Shuwen unbutton her shoes.

Jin Shuwen stood there, propped up on the wall with one hand, and suddenly her thin lips trembled. "Ah Wen," she said

"Well?" The man's deep and magnetic voice sounded in the night.

Jin Shuwen raised her lips and smiled, embarrassed, saying, "I Let's make up. "

"When did we fight? Don't talk about the past. I hope you can put it down. Wen Wen, don't be too stubborn. If we can find out the children's affairs, we will check them. If we can't find them, we can't either. " Ye Junwen got up and stood up, tall and straight body in front of Jin Shuwen, like a shadow on her white and moving cheek.

"No..." Jin Shu Wen frowned and shook her head. "I don't like it. I really don't like it. Why?"

"I don't like to see you like this. When you hate others, you also bring those negative emotions to yourself. Wen Wen, I promise you, I will never let Zhong Xinrui hurt you again. You are good, OK?" The man's magnetic voice is a little dumb, and looks a little bleak in the enchanting night.

Jin Shuwen was stunned for a while, his eyes were dull and dull looking at him. He said sadly, "ah Wen, because she, our children are gone, don't you really care?"

"How can I not care, Wen Wen, my heartache is no less than you, the child is gone, we will have it in the future, but I don't want to see you trapped in hatred all day, you know?" Ye Junwen stretched out his hand, and his knuckled fingers pressed on her round shoulders. He said it carefully, word by word.

Jin Shuwen closed her eyes painfully and took a deep breath. At last, she gave in. She suddenly opened her eyes. The clear pupils were still as bright as before. She only touched some anger that shouldn't belong to her. "OK, but this time, I believe my brother will find out."

"Well," Ye Junwen said with a faint smile and a gentle tone, and he knew that Jin Shuwen could understand. "I mean the same thing. If you can investigate clearly, it's the best. If you really can't grasp the evidence, we can't do it. But you have to believe that the bad guys will be punished eventually."

Jin Shuwen was silent for a few seconds, then she lifted her lips and smiled. Her apricot eyes swept over Ye Junwen's cheek, and she smiled and said, "well, we will find out. Tianwanghuihui is simple and easy."

Ye Junwen hugs her and leads her to the bedroom upstairs.

"Bath together?" Ye Junwen hugs Jin Shuwen's waist, vaguely sticks his hand to her earlobe and gently rubs it.

"No, you go first. I want to watch a TV play." Jin Shuwen gently pushes him away, and the crisp and numb breath sprays on Ye Junwen's clavicle. Ye Junwen's heart is full of thoughts.

"Well, I'll go first." Ye Junwen releases her, takes her pajamas, turns and enters the bathroom.

Jin Shuwen is sitting on the bed watching TV. Recently, there is a very popular TV play. Many people are chasing after it. It's not the little fresh meat that plays this play, and there are no big beauties. Instead, it's all old opera bones. Jin Shuwen is engaged in the actor industry, and she wants to learn how these old opera bones play.

Just as Jin Shuwen was watching hard, ye Junwen's mobile phone suddenly rang, which seemed to be a sound of wechat prompt.

Jin Shuwen's hypochondriasis is not so serious, but it happens that ye Junwen's mobile phone is beside her, because ye Junwen dotes on her very much. The mobile phone computers are all read by Jin Shuwen casually.

Since ye Junwen and Jin Shuwen got married, they have been very conscious. They have never had an affair with a woman. In addition to Zhong Xinrui, Zhong Xinrui has become the most hated object of Jin Shuwen, which is also very powerful.

Jin Shuwen looks at Ye Junwen's mobile phone habitually with a casual attitude. Her eyes suddenly gather on the cold mobile phone screen, only to see the wechat sent by Zhong Xinrui.

Arvin, I don't understand why you take my clothes. Do they smell good? Zhong Xinrui sends this sentence to Ye Junwen, and then adds two bad smiles.

"Shame on you." Jin Shuwen said cursing.

Suddenly, she didn't tell Zhong Xinrui directly that she was Jin Shuwen. Instead, she first learned Ye Junwen's chatting tone and replied to her, "it's a bit urgent to leave. I like your skirt very much. Take it away first. You stay in the hotel tonight. I'll come to you tomorrow morning.".

When zhongxinrui sees the message Ye Junwen sends to her, she always has a kind of strange in her heart. It seems that the person she is talking with is not ye Junwen, but Jin Shuwen, and she doesn't know if she wants more.

What's up? Zhong Xinrui replied.

My ex-wife's lawyer asked me to talk about splitting up the family property. Jin Shuwen's brain hole is wide open, and her fingers are fast typing a string of words on the keyboard.

Oh? Why are you so worried? Zhong Xinrui asked with doubts.

She is going abroad.

Zhong Xinrui is in the hotel. She proudly raises her mouth and thinks that Jin Shuwen, a little bitch, is finally going abroad.

's long fingers were smeared with pine green nail polish. Zhong Xin Lu quickly wrote down a line: which country would she go to?

Jin Shuwen lifted her lips and smiled, raised her eyebrows, thinking that Zhong Xinrui was very concerned about herself, and even asked her which country she had gone to.

You seem to care about my ex-wife. Jin Shuwen replied with a wry smile on the corner of her mouth.

No, I'm just asking. Zhong Xinrui said with a stiff face.

Jin Shuwen shifted the topic and wrote a string of words without expression. Do you know? There is a smell on your skirt.

What's the taste? Asked Zhong Xinrui.

Sao Wei, fox spirit, stay away from my husband. Zhong Xinrui typed word by word, and responded with a strong voice.

Zhongxinrui was furious in the hotel. Her face was blue and white for a while. Unexpectedly, ye Junwen was not the object of her love talk. She was teased by Jin Shuwen!

Zhongxinrui didn't reply unintelligibly. She turned off her cell phone and called sumuni to send her a skirt.

Jin Shuwen narrowed her eyes, kept her mobile phone on the bed, but she put on her slippers and jumped out of the bed, pushing open the bathroom door.

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