Yao Huan's face was blushed with shame. His smooth, porcelain like face was full of smile, and he actively hugged Jin Beisen.

After half a sound, she reluctantly let go of Jin Beisen, raised her chin slightly, looked at Jin Beisen and said with a smile, "have you come to Switzerland in the last two days? Why don't you come to me? "

"I'm busy on business, but I'm not here to play." Jin Beisen's eyes were filled with a smile, and his cheeks were spotless. A round of light sunlight sprinkled on him like a layer of gold.

"Beisen, do you remember our previous agreement?" Yao Huanyu takes the initiative to step forward, hooks Jin Beisen's arm, and the little bird leans on his shoulder, with intimate and ambiguous movements.

Jin Beisen smiled but didn't speak, nodded his head, meaning to remember.

"Then it's settled. This time I come to city a, you should play with me and see all the sceneries of city A." Yao Huan's voice gathered her long hair, and the big chestnut waves gave off a faint fragrance unique to girls.

Jin Beisen has never made any promises to anyone easily. Yao Huanyu is undoubtedly the second lucky man besides Zhou Manchun.

In fact, Jin Beisen would agree to Yao Huanyu's request, but he was grateful for her. Yao Huanyu was the doctor in charge of Jin Yumo. During that time, she took care of Jin Yumo without sleep. She fainted because of excessive fatigue. She hung a little while and insisted on visiting Jin Yumo. This kind of love spirit moved Jin Beisen.

It's just that Jin Beisen doesn't know that Yao Huan Yu is really concerned about Jin Yu Mo because he has moved his mind to him. Although Jin Yu Mo is lovely, it doesn't make Yao Huan Yu so foolish as to give everything selflessly.

In that strange country, the meeting of Jin Beisen and Yao Huanyu is also a fate.

The two walked side by side. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women attracted everyone's attention in an instant. On the way, Jin Beisen and Yao Huan talked and laughed. People who didn't know thought they were a couple.

"Beisen, are you busy with your work recently?" Yao Huanyu sits in Jin Beisen's copilot's seat and looks at him vaguely.

"Busy, but if you want to go for a walk, I can spare time to accompany you." Jin Beisen raised his lips and smiled.

Under his leadership, JS international has reached the peak one after another in recent years. Jin Beisen was not the green and astringent young man who just took over JS international. Years have smoothed his edges and corners, leaving a steady trace on him.

"Doesn't your wife mind?" Yao Huanyu raised his eyebrows, which seemed to be a joke.

"What's our relationship? It's not an ambiguous relationship. Xiaochun won't Jin Beisen raised the corner of his mouth and slightly pursed his thin lips. His dark eyes stared at the road ahead, and his hands naturally rested on the steering wheel. Yao Huanyu was already regarded as his sister in his heart.

"Yes, there are so many women in the world, I only envy her one." Yao Huan's lips were red, and he said something wittily.

Jin Beisen turned his head and gave her a light look. There was not too much expression on her warm cheek. "One day, you will meet such a person."

"What if I said that I came back to rob people with your wife? "Yao Huan said, half joking. He asked tentatively, but he didn't take it as a joke.

She is serious.

Yao Huan Yu stayed in Switzerland before, because there was a very important academic research and research activity in Switzerland. The other day, when the research activity was over, Yao Huan Yu kept flying back to city A. before that, she had been in city a in the future. Yao Huan Yu was not from city a, but from city C. as a matter of fact, she should fly back to city C.

Yao Huanyu is Wensi Yu's primary school sister. Her relationship with Wensi Yu is OK. She had a little good feeling for Wensi Yu before, but she knew that Wensi Yu had a girlfriend, and he loved her deeply, so she gave up naturally.

It wasn't until he met Jin Beisen in Switzerland that Yao Huanyu had the feeling of heartbeating again.

The door of time seems to be opened. On that day in Switzerland, it was drizzling. Jin Beisen was wearing a black suit. He had a sharp face and bright eyes. He walked silently in the long corridor of the hospital, just like the rainy night.

The light in the corridor is dim, and the air is fresh and moist. Yao Huan comes out of the room after checking, and he just meets Jin Beisen. His dark eyes are like the deep sea. The sharp eyes hide the surging waves, which give a feeling of no one entering.

Yao Huanyu was attracted by Jin Beisen's appearance at the first sight. She was wearing a white coat that day, but she didn't know how to summon up courage. She took the initiative to come forward and talk with Jin Beisen.

"Hello, sir. May I help you?" Yao Huan said in fluent English.

"I'm looking for a doctor called Yao Huanyu." Jin Beisen narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and said quietly in a magnetic voice.

Yao Huan's face is pleasantly surprised, and her beautiful eyes are touched with a light smile, "I am."

Jin Beisen glanced up and down at Yao Huanyu, frowned, and collected the chill between the eyes. The woman looked almost the same size as Zhou Manchun. Her height was a little higher than Zhou Manchun. She was dressed in a clean white gown and looked like Zhou Manchun with a smile. When did Jin Beisen see Zhou Manchun for the first time in the hospital, it seemed that this scene was also the same 。

At that moment, the man's expression was a little trance, suddenly thought of her, which made him heartache to suffocate.

In retrospect, that time of heartache was the darkest time in Jin Beisen's life. Zhou Manchun left. Their children, not only were born prematurely, but also had heart problems. Fortunately, Jin Yumo changed his heart later, and the heart replacement operation was very successful. After more than two years of recovery, Jin Yumo was no different from ordinary people.

Yao Huanyu had more than one year's clinical trial experience at that time, but it can't be compared with her tutor, Dr. sisquoc. Sisquoc is Yao Huanyu's University Professor, and Yao Huanyu is her last closing disciple. He almost taught all his life to Yao Huanyu.

Sisquoc receives one disciple every three years. Wen Si Yu is the best one among his many students. Yao Huan's language is no inferior to that of Wen Si Yu. Women are not inferior to men. In terms of medical clinical experience, she is no worse than Wen Si Yu at all. But now, Wen Si Yu abandons medicine and goes into business in order to inherit her family business.

At the beginning, he abandoned his business to become a doctor because a woman, Dr. sisquoc, didn't want to accept wensiyu as a disciple. He always thought wensiyu was not the life of a doctor. This noble young man, born in a rich family, suddenly changed his major when he was a sophomore. All the people were very strange. Only Dr. sisquoc knew the reason. He also loved a person when he was young, Dr. sisquoc was deeply moved by Wen's affection and finally accepted him as a disciple.

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