It turns out that Wensi Yu is a good material for doctors, but people have their own ideas after all. After abandoning medicine and starting business, Wensi Yu still has a good life.

Maybe he will never pick up the scalpel again in his life, but he will never forget that he once picked up the scalpel.

Compared with Wen Siyu, Yao Huanyu chose this industry because she really liked to be a doctor. At the beginning, she said a sentence with Professor sisquoc that the patient would not get sick according to the knowledge you learned. This sentence moved professor sisquoc, and Professor sisquoc accepted her as the last closed disciple.

When Jin Yumo was ill, Professor sisquoc had already retired from the medical field and did not consult any patients. Professor sisquoc's own health was not very good. Yao Huanyu took Jin Beisen to ask Professor sisquoc. Professor sisquoc was willing to go out of the mountain to operate on Jin Yumo, partly because of Yao Huan's face.

Yao Huanyu has been a student for five years and has never asked for anything from Professor sisquoc. Professor sisquoc likes Yao Huanyu's boundless love. Not everyone can be a doctor, but what can become a doctor must be the best among ordinary people.

"Is Dr. sisquoc in good health recently?" Jin Beisen asked with a smile.

"Well, the overall situation is stable." Yao Huan said with a smile, he raised his rose like soft red lips and looked at Jin Beisen with a smile.

"Where do you live? Have you fixed it yet? " Jin Beisen asked with concern, but his face was focused on the front, and his eyes were impartial.

"No, can I live in your house?" Yao Huan said with a heartless smile that the beautiful eyebrows and eyes of the woman had a soft light like water.

"I have several villas in city A. you can live wherever you like." Jin Beisen smiled faintly and threw his mobile phone to Yao Huanyu, saying: "there are pictures in the album."

Yao Huan Yu stared at the unlocked mobile phone screen saver, and her expression seemed to be a little dull at that moment. She was a very beautiful woman with white skin and soft eyes.

As early as three years ago, Yao Huanyu saw Zhou Manchun's picture, but the picture at that time was not this one. It seems that Jin Beisen has changed a screen saver.

"You love her very much..." Women's delicate voice line mixed with a touch of others do not know how to be gentle and jealous, the expression on the face is still with a smile.

"Well." Jin Beisen's magnetic voice resounded steadily, which was a very definite answer, echoing in the carriage.

Jin Beisen really loves Zhou Manchun so much that he can't wait to tie her to his side all the time.

Yao Huanyu had a convulsion in her heart. Unexpectedly, a man like Jin Beisen, who likes to be clean and simple, would set his wife as a wallpaper for her mobile phone. When she saw that the woman in the picture was more beautiful than herself, she was more or less unhappy. She picked up her eyebrow and said, "what shall we eat at noon?"

"I almost forgot. What would you like to eat? I invite you. " Jin Beisen said frankly.

"It's not easy to come back. I want to eat the specialty of city A. I'm tired of those hateful Western food." Yao Huan chuckled and murmured.

"OK, no problem. Have you found a job yet? Which hospital are you going to? " Jin Beisen asked casually with indifferent eyes and eyebrows.

"I've already found it, Jiaru hospital." Yao Huan said with a smile.

Jin Beisen picked up his eyebrows, but didn't say much. It seems that Yao Huanyu was really well prepared before he came here.

After lunch, Jin Beisen took Yao Huanyu to a villa near Haiyan North Road and helped her move home. It was almost 3:30. Jin Beisen wanted to go back to JS international for work, but Yao Huanyu said that he wanted to see the church in city a, so Jin Beisen took her there. After dinner, they went home after 8:00.

Zhou Manchun never stopped working in the office in the afternoon. After eating lunch, Qu Jia also helped her bring sushi and yogurt. Without Jin Beisen's company, Zhou Manchun's lunch was so solved.

After work, Zhou Manchun went to the top floor of JS international to find Jin Beisen, but the Secretary said that Jin Beisen had not come back. Zhou Manchun thought that Jin Beisen was going to meet any VIP, and did not disturb him.

Zhou Manchun went out of JS international with some disappointment. She went to the kindergarten to pick up Jin Yumo from school. When she arrived at Jin Yumo's class, Jin Yumo was making handicrafts. She saw that the little guy was holding a pair of scissors. It was very cute.

Ren teacher saw Zhou Manchun, cordially came up and talked with Zhou Manchun, "little desert mother, you are here."

"Ren teacher, is our little desert obedient recently?" Zhou Manchun also immediately showed a smile, and saw his son sitting in the kindergarten, as if nothing was bothered.

"Xiaomo has been very good. He told a story to the children this noon."

"Is it? What story did Xiao Mo tell? "

"Little prince's story, little desert mother, your little desert must be very smart when it grows up." Mr. Ren praised Jin Yumo very much. He thought that this child was very lucky. First, he was born in a superior position, and his own conditions were good. They said that he was not rich enough for three generations. However, looking at Jin Yumo's diligent appearance, he was not arrogant and coquettish, making people happy.

"That's all good education from your teachers." Zhou Manchun said with a gentle smile.

At this time, Mr. Yu also came over and said politely: "little desert mother, you are so polite. If this is all the case, the parents are the children's Enlightenment teachers. Only when we meet parents who work together like you, can we have a family together and make the children better."

Zhou Manchun and two teachers of Jin Yumo had a good chat. Three women played a play and talked in the kindergarten for a while. When Jin Yumo finished the handiwork, Zhou Manchun took his son home.

"What about mom and dad?" Jin Yumo sits in the safety seat, his head is like a rattle, looking left and right in the carriage, but he doesn't see Jin Beisen.

"Your father is busy, Xiaomo. Do you want to think of Grandpa and grandma? Will mom take you to see them? " Zhou Manchun turns her head and looks at her son gently.

Jin Yu Mo nodded straight and smiled innocently, "OK, I want to eat the veal made by grandma."

Zhou Manchun called Wang Ma and told her that she didn't need to prepare dinner for her in the evening. She didn't come for dinner. Then, she sent Jin Beisen a wechat message, which read as follows.

Beisen, I took Xiaomo to mom's house tonight. You can go home early after work and drink less wine.

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