Zhou Manchun has been waiting for Jin Beisen's reply, but he didn't.

Famous city garden.

When Zhou Tinghao saw Zhou Manchun coming with Jin Yumo, he couldn't close his mouth with a smile. A smile came out of his old face and he said in a warm voice, "Xiaochun, yo, Grandpa's baby is here."

"Good Grandpa." Jin Yumo said very cleverly.

Zhao Lizi, who is cooking in the kitchen, hears Jin Yu desert's milk and milk. She immediately puts down her spatula and runs out with a small step. The smile around her eyes faints and spreads kindness, "little desert."

"Good grandma!"

Jin Yumo is not new to Zhou Tinghao and Zhao Lizi, because Jin Beisen often takes Jin Yumo to see Zhou Tinghao and Zhao Lizi. From the first time Jin Yumo saw them, Jin Beisen asked Jin Yumo to call them grandparents.

At that time, Jin Beisen didn't tell Zhou Tinghao and Zhao Lizi the real identity of Xiaomo. Jin Beisen was not afraid that Zhao Lizi and Zhou Tinghao would rob their children, but that the two old people would think of Zhou Manchun. After all, when Zhou Manchun left, even his parents left him.

"Dad." Zhou Manchun smiles lightly.

Jin Yu Mo smiled and said loudly, "Grandpa, how are you recently?"

Zhou Tinghao picked up Jin Yumo with one hand and carefully protected him in his arms. He took Jin Yumo to the go table beside the floor window. He couldn't close his mouth with a smile. "Xiaomo, who taught you that?"

"It was taught by mom and dad." Jin Yumo sits down cross legged, standing up to Lele's waist. He is going to have a go game with Zhou Tinghao.

"Eh, Xiaomo, where's your father?" Zhou Tinghao looked left and right, only to find Jin Beisen didn't come tonight.

Zhou Manchun holds her cell phone and hears Zhou Tinghao's question, which seems to be a little careless. She says expressionless, "he works overtime tonight."

Zhao Lizi came out with a bowl of fish head soup and deliberately went around to Zhou Manchun. She looked at Zhou Manchun up and down with her smart eyes and said, "are you going to make trouble with him?"

Zhou Manchun took apart a bag of chips in front of him, and a little sullen said: "Mom, look at what you said, how old am I? What's the trouble with him? We're fine. "

Zhao Lizi looked at Zhou Manchun for three seconds, and then said: "that's all right, you girl, you are good at everything, that is, you love face, you need face to live and suffer, women need to know how to be soft, and don't worry about Beisen, you know?"

"I see. I see." Zhou Manchun is a little upset by Zhao Lizi's broken recitation and says with a heavy voice.

"Girl, are you tired of me?" Zhao Lizi squinted her eyes and asked unhappily.

In this family, Zhou Manchun is most afraid of Zhao Lizi, because she is a smart mother, who can always see through her mind at a glance. Zhou Manchun can expose herself in front of Zhao Lizi in minutes.

"No, Ma, I'm hungry. Can I eat?" Zhou Manchun throws the mobile phone aside and asks casually. I don't know which big client Jin Beisen is going to meet today. I haven't paid attention to her since afternoon. This kind of rhythm makes Zhou Manchun particularly uneasy.

"How can I still be like a child? Look at your son. He's calmer than you. If you're hungry, come to dinner and wash your hands first. " Zhao Lizi continued to ramble, a reluctant to give up.

Zhou Manchun regrets bringing Jin Yumo here at this time. Her original intention is just to relax, but how can she get back to her mother's home and be recited desperately by Zhao Lizi?

Jin Yumo, holding a white chess piece in his hand, is concentrating on the board, but when he hears Zhou Manchun calling for him to eat, he immediately drops the chess piece and says, "Grandpa, I'll put it here. Let's continue after dinner."

Naturally, Zhou Tinghao had no problem. He reached out and rubbed Jin Yumo's hair. "OK, let's go to dinner first."

During the meal, Zhou Manchun just chatted with Zhou Tinghao. In fact, Zhou's character is more like that of Zhou Tinghao. When Zhou Tinghao was young, he was very gentlemanly. The meekness of his son attracted many girls to pursue. However, Zhou Tinghao was only interested in Zhao Lizi, who was grumpy. Zhao Lizi never talked in circles and always had a strong point After all, you can say what you want to say. Now when you are middle-aged, you are a little more restrained.

But since they got married, their relationship has been very good. They haven't had a big quarrel in recent years, and occasionally have a quarrel. It's also one of their ways to show their love.

After dinner, it was late, and the night gradually covered the whole city, and the lights around it lit up for the next time.

Zhou Manchun and Zhao Lizi are sitting on the sofa. Zhao Lizi weaves two sweaters for Jin Yumo. Jin Yumo loves them very much. He holds the sweater with a panda on his chest and refuses to let go. He shouts to wear it.

"What do you wear on such a hot day? It's not for today. We'll wear it next time it's cooler. " Zhou Manchun said with a doting face.

"No, mom, let me try tonight." Jin Yu Mo said reluctantly that he couldn't let go of the sweater.

Zhou Manchun's mouth is open, and he doesn't know who Jin Yumo's character is. She is so stubborn about one thing. It's not good. She can't do Jin Yumo's ideological work at last, or she compromises and lets Jin Yumo try on her sweater!

In the early autumn, putting on a sweater is like letting you drink hot water in the hot sun. But Jin Yumo's heart is happy, so he doesn't complain about the heat at all. He runs around in Zhao Lizi's sweater, and his young laughter echoes in the living room

Jin Yumo's smiling face appeared in front of him. Zhou man looked at him in a sweater with a pure face. Suddenly, he remembered that winter three years ago, she had knitted a scarf for Jin Beisen.

But when Jin Beisen received Zhou Manchun's scarf, he was just as happy as Jin Yumo. He would not take it off without it. He said that the man was actually a child. When he thought about it, Zhou Manchun suddenly smiled, and his soft lips made a beautiful smile.

"Xiaomo, stop running. Come here. Mom will take a picture of you." Zhou Manchun looks at the sweating Jin Yu desert and pulls him over with a quick eye.

Jin Yu is sweating. Liu Hai is on his forehead. He smiles foolishly and goes to Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun picked up his mobile phone and took a picture of Jin Yumo. By the way, he looked at the time. It was 8:30.

"Well, desert, it's late. We should go home tonight." Zhou Manchun gently helped Jin Yumo to take off the panda sweater he was wearing and held Jin Yumo's hand.

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