Jin Beisen turned around with a light smile and looked at Zhou Manchun. His eyes were tender.

"I'm in the basement garage of MK Hotel, now I'm sitting in the car." Yao Huanyu doesn't know whether he's drunk or not. He looks at himself in the mirror vaguely, and there is an unreal scene in his mind.

"You send the address to my mobile phone, and I'll have someone pick you up." Jin Beisen hugs Zhou Manchun and smiles at the woman. His eyes are spoiled.

Zhou Manchun also hugged Jin Beisen, took a strong breath, closed his eyes, and greedily smelled the clear Mint smell of the man.

After a long time, Yao Huan said: "Beisen Can't you come and pick me up? " She clenched her lips and looked very upset.

"I've slept. In ten minutes, Kang song will come." Jin Beisen said faintly. When the words fell, he hung up.

Yao Huan Yu's face was unhappy, and her heart was very unhappy. She turned her mouth and asked, "Beisen, isn't your wife refusing you to come?"

"Ah Yu, I think you made a mistake. It's late at night. Even if my wife asked me to come, I won't come out. We are friends. Yes, but we should keep the distance." Jin Beisen said solemnly, squinting his eyes.

Yao Huan said that her eyes were moist in an instant. Her red and long fingers brushed away the tears from the corner of her eyes. She took a breath and said with a crying voice: "Beisen, I'm sorry to disturb you so late. I didn't mean to, but I went to Jiaru hospital for work on the first day today. The colleagues in the Department of Cardiology didn't like me very much. I didn't do anything wrong. They were hostile to me. I felt so aggrieved. At night, the Dean gave a banquet to welcome me to the hospital. They kept pouring me wine all the time. I was a little drunk. I'm really sorry... "

After hearing this, Jin Beisen didn't touch much. He said gently, "you women just love thinking too much."

"I really don't. they really don't like me." Yao Huanyu's eye make-up is crying. He says in a face of embarrassment that the delicate make-up no longer exists. The rest, like the boundless night, is a little decadent.

"Well, don't think so much. I'll ask Kang song to pick you up. Hang up first." Jin Beisen's tone is thin and cool, just like the temperature of this season. He can make people feel a little alienated through the air.

Yao Huanyu is not so unintelligent, she suddenly sneers, "I'm sorry to disturb you, you don't need to send me, I'll find my own representative."

Jin Beisen hung up the phone after saying "yes". He thought to himself, you can call me a valet for a long time. Why wait until now?

Jin Beisen is not a fool either. He can see Yao Huanyu's Thoughts on himself. It is because she has moved her mind that Jin Beisen wants to keep a little distance from her.

After hanging up the phone, it was quiet on the balcony. Zhou Manchun was lying on Jin Beisen's body. Her soft body was limp. She hung his neck like a koala. She breathed and her cheeks were red. She murmured in his ear, "it's Yao Huanyu?"

Jin Beisen raised his Mo Mou and looked at Zhou Manchun. He replied in a real way, "well, she's drunk. Let me pick her up."

"Why don't you go?" Zhou Manchun joked and asked heartlessly.

"If I go, don't you get angry? Then I will have a cold war with you, and I will be responsible for coaxing you. Why should I do more for myself? " Jin Beisen's deep voice, like that of a cello chord, is particularly elegant in the dim night. Zhou Manchun's heart is full of flowers.

"That's right. This is a good husband. This time, you've finally learned how to behave." Zhou Manchun raised her head with a Qiao smile and reached out her hand. She skilfully shaved Jin Beisen's straight nose.

The woman's hand was instantly surrounded by the man's hand. A warm breath touched the tip of her heart. Jin Beisen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "you're learning badly."

"I learned from you." Zhou Manchun reached out and pinched Jin Beisen's strong waist, taking the opportunity to touch his abdominal muscles.

Jin Beisen, like a cat and a mouse, grabbed her hand, as if threatening to say: "touch again, be careful that I eat you."

Zhou Manchun is a good student this time. The sequela of the nap is that she can't sleep at night. However, it's not early at this time. Sleepiness swept her heart immediately. She nodded her head cleverly and shook Jin Beisen's big hand: "mmm No, I'm tired tonight. Besides, the desert is still there. You can't come here without permission. "

Jin Beisen looks at Zhou Manchun's face carefully. The woman's soft and beautiful cheek is more beautiful in the moonlight. However, her delicate eye skin has appeared light dark circles. It can be seen that Zhou Manchun hasn't slept well these days.

In fact, there is still a lot of pressure for Zhou Manchun to take over Manchun mall. Fortunately, she has a powerful assistant who helps her a lot.

"I see. You're tired. You've been staying up too late recently. You're almost a giant panda."

"Beisen, seriously, I would like to be a giant panda in the next life."

"You know what? This fully reflects your laziness and laziness. "

"Ha ha Don't let people be lazy. If everyone is as hard-working and competent as you are, is the world not a mess? It's because there are both good and bad, so there are so many tastes in the days. "

"So Your ideal is to be a national treasure? " Jin Beisen raised his eyebrows and had a convulsion at the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Manchun shrugged and spread out his hand and said, "yes, it's so good to be a national treasure. It's not only cute and soft, but also attended by people every day. There's no need to engage in intrigue. Animals are better than people after all."

Jin Beisen hugged Zhou Manchun more tightly. "If you really want to be a panda, it's OK. But remember, I'll be my wife in the next life."

Zhou Manchun raised her eyes, but she was still in a mood of sudden brightening. She covered her mouth and sniggered, "I didn't expect you to have the same ambition as me."

"If I can choose, I really hope to be an animal. Although the life span of an animal is short, it is much simpler than that of a human being. In short It doesn't matter what you will do in your next life, I will become an animal like you to protect you. " Jin Beisen's long arms bent, raised Zhou Manchun's head, his long fingers inserted into her hair, and his mouth raised a smile.

Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen hugged each other tightly. They stood on the balcony for a while. When they entered the room, Jin Yumo was already sleeping soundly. Looking at the way Jin Yumo slept soundly, Zhou Manchun felt warm.

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