There are Jin Beisen and Jin Yumo. Her life is very complete. It is this simple happiness that makes Zhou Manchun understand what is "home".

In the morning, Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun and Jin Yumo sat in the yard to have breakfast. The reason is that Zhou Manchun felt that the air outside was relatively fresh, and now it's late autumn, which happens to be the most comfortable time. The temperature is suitable and the autumn is crisp.

Recently, Zhou Manchun found a kind of health congee on the Internet. There are more than ten kinds of grains and grains. Black beans, red beans, red beans, millet

Zhou Manchun heard people say that eating this can beautify and beautify the face, but also detoxify, simply pull her husband and son to eat together.

On that day, she specifically told Wang Ma to go to the supermarket to buy these grains. Wang Ma bought them according to the menu. Those beans were put in a whole rice VAT. Zhou Manchun thought that the healthy porridge tasted good in the first two days, but after eating it, she was full of fear of healthy porridge.

Jin Beisen also laughed at her three-day heat. In order not to let Jin Beisen look down on her, Zhou Manchun had to "bear the pain" and drink porridge.

In fact, Zhou Manchun is not a person who likes porridge very much.

Jin Beisen is reading the newspaper while eating the small wonton in the bowl. The flavor of wonton spreads instantly and lingers on Zhou Manchun's nose.

Zhou Manchun turned his mouth and looked at a bowl of porridge in front of him. He felt it was hard to swallow. His eyes turned and he stayed in Jin Beisen's bowl.

Jin Beisen suddenly smiled and looked at Zhou Manchun, who was distressed, and said, "if you have such a grubby porridge, you can pour it out and eat small wonton with me."

Zhou Manchun's mind flickered a little wavering, but after a few seconds, she still said firmly, "I don't want this porridge. Although it's hard to eat, it can beautify and beautify your face. It's absolutely a good thing to have all kinds of grains."

"Mom, why do you have to embarrass yourself?" Jin Yumo is eating a small cage bag. The delicious meat smell spreads in the air. It's special.

Zhou Manchun felt very angry with the father and son. Jin Beisen and Jin Yumo stayed with her for a week. In that week, all three of them had porridge. But after a week, they changed their minds. No matter how intimidating and luring Zhou Manchun was, they would not eat the healthy porridge again.

Zhou Manchun has walked into the kitchen several times and looked at the grains overflowing from the rice VAT. He was really flustered. It's not a problem that she could eat so much porridge for a year!

"Xiaomo, do you want to grow tall? Want to be handsome? " Zhou Manchun put down his spoon and looked at Jin Yumo with a kind smile.

Jin Yumo is a straight boy. He nodded and said with clear eyes, "I want to be as tall and handsome as my father when I grow up."

"Then you should have porridge with your mother, and you will be as handsome as your father." Zhou Manchun's treacherous smile said that he had been cheated.

Jin Yu Mo looked at Zhou Manchun suspiciously, nuzui, and then turned to Jin Beisen. He asked suspiciously, "Dad, is this true?"

Zhou Manchun quickly gave Jin Beisen a wink. Jin Beisen understood in seconds. With a smile, Jun Yan said, "it's true. Dad has been drinking this since he was young."

Jin Yumo pauses for a few seconds, always thinking something is wrong!

"Well OK, but it's too hard to drink. I'd better forget it. " Jin Yumo finally said firmly.

Zhou Manchun is angry. His eyes glare sharply at Jin Beisen, and his tone is full of complaints. "It's all your fault. You don't want to eat it, and your children don't want to eat it. It's true that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked."

Jin Beisen sneers, hurries to coax Zhou Manchun, lowers his posture and says, "OK, I'm wrong. I'll accompany you to have porridge tomorrow, OK? Xiaomo, you will have porridge with your parents from tomorrow. "

Jin Yumo didn't speak, but he lowered his head without any words and chewed the steamed buns silently. There was no way. Zhou Manchun was the biggest in his family. What did Zhou Manchun say? He was totally superior to Jin Beisen. Who made Jin Beisen a wife slave?

Jin Beisen thought that it's good that they don't have a dog. If they have a dog, it's estimated that the dog's status is higher than him.

"Xiaomo, have you finished? After that, we'll go to school. " Seeing that the plate in front of Jin Yumo was empty, Zhou Manchun asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm full."

During the lunch break, Zhou Manchun sat in his office. Jin Beisen held a high-level meeting of JS international. Zhou Manchun didn't attend, because what Jin Beisen wanted to say had nothing to do with her.

When Qian Mu called, he complained with Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun was very happy when she received the call from qianmushi. Since she met qianmushi in city B last time, they have become very good friends. Basically, they chat in wechat every other day, and sometimes have video calls.

"Xiaochun," when Qian Mu was lying on the sofa, ge you was holding a tablet in his hand, "are you free now? Chat with me. "

"Good." Zhou Manchun also put down his work, lying on the sofa, looking at the fine decoration of the ceiling, which is also carved with patterns, mind empty.

"I want to divorce Wen Siyu recently, but that bastard doesn't agree." Thousands of Mu when the mouth, chattering complain.

Zhou Manchun frowned slightly and said with a smile, "when you are young, don't be in bliss. Look how nice your family is to you. You are provided at home every day and don't have to go to work. How many women envy your life now. Please be satisfied."

"He doesn't love me, why doesn't he agree to divorce me? There are other women in his heart. I want to set him free. Since he is so obsessed with that woman, why don't he stay with her? " Qianmu's nose is sour, and his mouth is full of bitter smile.

"Women's ideas are sometimes more sensitive, but when they are young, men's hearts are much harder than women's. when men say they don't love, they absolutely don't love them. Even if Wen Si Yu really loved such a woman, it's already in the past. He doesn't have to hang you." Zhou Manchun with rational analysis, it is the so-called fans of the audience.

Zhou Manchun didn't have a deep contact with Wensi Yu, but he thought Wensi Yu was very good in human nature and polite to people. She could understand Qianmu's mood at this time, just like she suspected that Jin Beisen loved her or not. Once a woman fell into a relationship, she would become very careful.

"Who knows what he's hanging me for? This man has a black belly and a high IQ. I can't play with him."

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