"You're stupid. I'm just kidding." Zhou Manchun's mouth twitches. There is a lack of breath in his words, but he says it hard.

Jin Beisen's thin lips pursed a beautiful arc, and his smile was raging, but his tone was solemn: "you can doubt other men, but you can't doubt me. These years, how can I treat you? You can see clearly in your eyes. You doubt me if you don't move. It really makes me sad."

Zhou Manchun didn't expect Jin Beisen, such a proud man, to say this kind of greasy and crooked words. Her heart was suddenly melted by his words. This taste is like a piece of sugar in her mouth.

"Beisen..." Zhou Manchun cried again.

"Well, I'm here. Just say what you want. I'll listen carefully." Jin Beisen's magnetic voice sounded, but Zhou Manchun was relieved.

In fact, Zhou Manchun didn't really want to touch love. Zhao Tianyu was her first love, but it was a planned "first love". Now think about it, Zhou Manchun feels that he is really bad. Although it's all in the past, it has to be said that Zhou Manchun has a shadow in his heart.

After following Jin Beisen, she always felt that the relationship between them was a little unreal at first. Jin Beisen was cold and hot to her. Zhou Manchun tried hard to control his own feelings, but she fell in love with him inadvertently. Until later, she started to dodge and didn't want to let herself really fall in love with him, but it was too late.

Zhou Manchun doesn't want to be like this. She doesn't want to be abandoned severely by Jin Beisen after falling in love with him. If it is true, she will be ruined. So in the face of love, she always hesitates and is always uneasy. A little details will make this sensitive woman think for half a day.

She's afraid that if she really falls in love with Jin Beisen and Jin Beisen doesn't want her one day, she'll be ruined. She's been spoiled and loved by a man like Jin Beisen. She's afraid that she's fallen ill with a princess. She can't love anyone else in her life.

"I know love is sometimes a moth to put out a fire, but what to do? I am so persistent in love with you, whether we can finally together, I still fall in love with you. " Zhou Manchun pursed her lips and said slowly, but suddenly there was some sadness in her words.

Jin Beisen turned his head and looked at her with a frown. There was no smile on his sharp face? Are you still doubting me? "

"No, I'm just talking to you about my mind." Zhou manchunnu nuzui, said softly.

"I won't leave you, even if one day you don't want me, I won't leave you. What should I do before you believe me?" Jin Beisen's tone was helpless, but he couldn't get angry with Zhou Manchun. He was born in her hands.

Zhou Manchun's eyes light flow, suddenly said with a smile: "I believe you."

Jin Beisen pursed his lips and his handsome face tightened, but he didn't speak.

Zhou Manchun bowed his head, folded his long hair, and looked at him with a bright and warm smile. "Beisen, you know what my character is. I believe you. As long as you say it, I believe it. Besides, if you are sincere or false to me, how can I not see it?"

Jin Beisen restrained the smile on his face and said with some questions in his voice, "then you always doubt me."

"I said, I'm not doubting you, I'm just expressing my thoughts to you. If one day you are tired of me, you can say goodbye at any time, and I won't have half a complaint. That's what I think now." Zhou Manchun smiled a little. Her tone was light and cloudless. It sounded calm. Instead, it was impossible to understand her mind at the moment.

Jin Beisen frowned, his mouth drooped, giving people a solemn sense of not saying a word, but half a day later, he said with a light smile, "there won't be such a day."

When Zhou Manchun heard this, he was relieved at last.

Sometimes it's very difficult to love a person. Even if they have been together for many years, they still haven't grasped the advance and retreat scale, forcing a person to be too urgent. Instead, they will speed up their steps and leave you. When they are together, they don't tie each other, but find a harmonious and natural way to get along with each other. That person can make you comfortable When you sit together, you don't need to look for a topic deliberately, even if you don't feel embarrassed, such love can last forever.


After more than half an hour's journey, the two cars finally drove to the door of the laboratory side by side. The door of the laboratory is gilded and looks very solemn and solemn. If Jin Beisen doesn't say that this is the laboratory, Zhou man can't imagine that this place similar to the ancient castle is actually the laboratory.

Zhou Manchun blinked, her face was unbelievable, and she said softly, "Beisen, is this it?"

Jin Beisen nodded. The European style building in front of him was indeed a laboratory. Before, the personal doctors of Jin family lived here with all kinds of complete medical equipment. Later, more and more personal doctors married and gave birth to children. They didn't live here anymore. Jin Beisen thought, anyway, the house is empty, so it's better to build an experiment Room.

Ouyang has been studying in it for more than a week. Jin Beisen threatened him. If Ouyang hadn't developed an antidote a week later, he would kill him. But later on, Ouyang had to stay. After all, he had to tie the bell man.

With the arrival of Li Yi, they seem to see the dawn, no matter how deep the night, it will eventually pass.

After getting out of the car, four people walked into the castle together. The atmosphere in the castle was a bit gloomy. The walls were hung with authentic medieval paintings. The decoration was also very classical.

As she walked along, Zhou Manchun felt a cold air coming. Her hands circled and touched her arm. Her expression was stiff and she said: "Beisen Why do I feel so cold here? "

Jin Beisen laughed, with a sneer in his voice. "Don't worry, there's no ghost here. It used to be Jin's personal doctor who lived here. They like the feeling of shade. So the walls around are equipped with invisible air conditioners. When we come in, it will inevitably be colder."

Hearing Jin Beisen's explanation, Zhou Manchun's mood suddenly calmed down a lot. She thought that the atmosphere of the ancient castle and the feeling of the operating room were similar. No wonder she felt so gloomy. When the operating room went in, it was such a cool feeling all the year round.

Three people followed Jin Beisen all the way. Every other distance, there were bodyguards patrolling the corridor. When they met Jin Beisen, they greeted him warmly.

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