Jin Beisen's steps suddenly stopped in front of a beige double door. He stared at the door with cold eyes and slowly said, "here it is, Ouyang is in it."

Li Yi frowns and stares at the door. Her eyes brighten. Her mind is too complicated to understand. She raises her lips, but she purses at the corners of her mouth.

"Shall we go in together?" Zhou Manchun asked with a smile.

"Let me talk to Ouyang first. After all, I'm the one he wants to see." Li Yi shakes her head, which is exactly the purpose of her coming here. Ouyang almost ruined Jin Yumo's life for her. Li Yi must be responsible, or she will have a bad conscience.



Zhou Manchun and Sean said in unison, the smile on Zhou Manchun's face froze, but Sean's expression was very silent, his sideburns moved slightly, and he also had a faint anger.

Li Yi smiled helplessly, pinched her eyebrow and said, "how? Can he still eat me

"No I just don't want you to meet him alone. " Sean's tone was sour, and a little jealous.

"Didn't we all just say that? Why did you suddenly change your mind? " Li Yi's voice is not emotional. It just sounds calm.

Sean's psychological activities are very complex, but he knows that he can't stop Li Yi. This woman is more stubborn than he imagined. She has her pride and persistence. She has been in love with her for many years, which Sean still understands.

And Zhou Manchun also knows what kind of person Li Yi is. She has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment, dare to love and hate, and will not flinch when she meets difficulties, not to mention an indifferent person. If she is indifferent, she will not stand here now.

Just as the atmosphere was about to become awkward, Jin Beisen narrowed his ink eyes, and the astute eyes swept over the faces of the crowd. He smiled and said, "don't worry, you all. Let's go to the next room. There's a monitor."

Sean's voice was tight, with a little bit of jealousy in his voice, but he made a step back. He bit his teeth and said, "OK."

Jin Beisen took Zhou Manchun and Sean to the next room, which is a large monitoring room. The castle is full of cameras. Every floor, every room and every dead corner can be monitored.

Li Yi, with uneasy mood, gently opened the door of the laboratory.

Everything in front of her is different from what she imagined. There are all kinds of professional instruments in the laboratory, which is a bit like the feeling of her university laboratory. Ouyang is facing her, wearing a clean white coat, holding a measuring cup and a professional measuring instrument.

Ouyang didn't turn around when he heard the news. He thought it was the bodyguards who came in. These days, he has been used to it. His current interest is to study the antidote. He knows that those bodyguards dare not embarrass themselves. At least they won't do anything to him until he develops the antidote.

Li Yi is wearing a pair of flat shoes, so her voice is very light when she walks. She frowns slightly, clears her throat deliberately, coughs for a while, "cough..."

Ouyang was stunned, and the hand holding the measuring cup suddenly trembled. His eyes were wide. Because he did not hold the measuring cup for a moment, the red liquid was accidentally dropped on the ground.

That wipe sound is familiar, like a dream planted in his bones when he was young. Now when I hear it again, I still feel deeply moved.

Ouyang's back is a little stiff. The red liquid near his feet spreads and flows on the ground like bloody blood

The atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly became strange. Li Yi walked towards Ouyang with steady steps.

The air was very quiet, so quiet that people could hear Li Yi's footsteps clearly. Ouyang's heart "plops" jumped, but he deliberately turned his back to his body and avoided Li Yi.

Ouyang's actions made Liyi feel embarrassed, but Liyi still had a good temper and went around. In a short time, she was standing in front of Ouyang.

Li Yi smiled faintly. Ouyang had a kind of unexpected feeling. She thought Ouyang would be very sloppy, with beard on her face and messy hair. But Ouyang didn't have it. He cleaned his face meticulously, plus the one with good foundation. After plastic surgery, it became more perfect.

In Li Yi's impression, Ouyang is not such a calm person. He used to be a very introverted person, and even dare not talk to his classmates.

Ouyang lowers his head, and after a long time, he musters up a lot of courage to look up at Liyi. Liyi's beautiful eyes are as beautiful and clear as before, but they have a feeling of inhumanity. Ouyang's thoughts are a little confused, and he thinks of Liyi's picture of rejecting herself severely at that time.

"Long time no see." Li Yi said without expression.

Ouyang swallows his mouth. Li Yi's face has appeared in his dream thousands of times. This woman's face has fettered his life. Ouyang feels strange. Why does he like her so much?

His heart beat fast, as if he was about to pop out of his throat. He opened his mouth, and when he spoke, his voice was a little dumb, "long time no see."

Li Yi picked up her eyebrows and suddenly didn't know what to say with Ouyang. She smiled and asked politely, "how are you these years?"

"In general, how about you?" Ouyang answers Li Yi's questions seriously, eyes wide, eyes full of longing, his eyes greedy looking at Li Yi, as if trying to brand her face in his mind.

"I'm fine." Li Yi smiles purely. After she married Sean, she never had a hard day. Sean dotes on her very much. Li Yi also loves him very much. She gave birth to a son and a daughter for him and fulfilled Sean's dream all along. Now both children have grown up, and they can finally fight for their own free life.

Ouyang looks at Li Yi deeply, but the smile on his face is a little embarrassed. His eyes are deeply sunken. Obviously, he is one year older than Li Yi. But his face is not the same as when he was young. Ouyang seems to be a lot older these days. But looking at Li Yi again, she has not changed except that she is a little more mature. Her figure is still as good as before, The skin is still tight and elastic. It seems that Sean has taken good care of her these years.

It can be seen from her foreign trade and dress that Li Yi is almost 50 years old, but she doesn't have the feeling of aging at all. If she is only 30 this year, someone will believe it.

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