Mo Fei “relaxed” the air around her body after a certain distance from Sheshui Yu, and after confirming that the people on the boat could not notice the situation here.

The little frustration just now made Mo Fei understand a simple truth…Even if he is an Ability User of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, he should understand some buoyancy principles.

Being a cultural person can become a powerful person.

Mo Fei floated above the sea, then he stretched out one hand and pressed it on the water.

So next I saw that with his palm as the center, a large amount of seawater was “discharged” in this way. A very regular hemispherical depression appeared above the sea.

It is still about ten meters in diameter.

Then the pit began to extend downward and became a hollow cylinder.

Mo Fei’s body began to float down.

After the “cylinder” has been extended down for more than a hundred meters, Mo Fei released the control of the top, or he lifted the control of most of the air, but only kept it. The ten-meter-diameter “ball of air” around the body…he must leave air for himself to breathe.

Then two “air fins” were extended on both sides of the “air ball”. After the “fins” slide continuously, they continue to move toward the deep sea with the “air ball”…Swimming is of course possible Downstream.

After losing control of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, a large air bubble floated out of the sea.

Use the fruit’s ability to control the surrounding air, and then resist the peripheral water pressure. Although it is a bit old-fashioned, there is no doubt that this is indeed a more convenient way of exercise.

At first, the water pressure is relatively easy to resist, but gradually, as the light gets dimmed, the “air ball” controlled by Mo Fei is not so stable anymore, so try to dive a few more. Ten meters later, he immediately stopped…If he continued to descend, the air ball would collapse.

At this time, Mo Fei has almost dived to the deeper sailing depth of a general submarine. It is estimated that the distance from the sea level should be between 400 and 500 meters.

Mo Fei tried hard to maintain the “air ball” form. Undoubtedly, this is a test of his energy and concentration. If he is not careful, he will easily drown in the water.

But as long as the “air ball” can stabilize again, it means that his ability to apply and control the fruit has improved a little, which is very intuitive.

According to Mo Fei’s common sense, four to five hundred meters is forty-fifty atmospheric pressure. If you compare it visually, it is said that the working pressure of the old-fashioned popcorn machine is like a cannon. It is two atmospheres. If calculated like this, the pressure on the “air ball” at this time is already considerable.

One is to dive deeper, and the other is to gradually expand the scale of the “air ball”. Through these two simple methods, Mo Fei’s ability to control Fuwa Fuwa no Mi will continue to increase-the goal is Swim into Fishman Island by personal ability.

Ten thousand meters of deep sea, one thousand atmospheres, this is a “small goal”.

About an hour later, Mo Fei felt that the pressure on his body was rapidly reduced, and the form of the “air ball” had stabilized again.

He wiped the sweat off his face, can this be considered a small achievement?

Of course, Mo Fei will not be satisfied with this. Next, he is going to make persistent efforts and continue down… In short, another fifty meters.

But what he didn’t know was that not far away, a “deep sea aboriginal” had been staring here with curious eyes for a long time…Why Deep Sea There is a bubble in it? Why are there two “small wings” on both sides of the bubble that keep sliding?

In short, it is very curious.

So just when the “air ball” started to move down again, it couldn’t bear its curiosity anymore, and it slammed its tail and paddled in the water, and instantly appeared in the “air ball” “In front of.

Mo Fei was immediately taken aback. When did this thing appear near here?

Just now, his spirit was all focused on the ability to control Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, and he didn’t notice when a sea creature of this size appeared next to him… Sea King type, or large Kind.

Although it is not a super large species, the creature in front of you is different from the “little fish” that Mo Fei fell to death in South Blue before.

It’s too big, so it’s not the same.

This Sea King looks a bit like a Green Dragon in its external life form. The crocodile mouth in front of its head looks very hideous, and its body length is not so exaggerated, but it is especially strong.

The big head suddenly appeared in front of Mo Fei’s eyes. After that, it did not rush to attack. Instead, it tilted its head a bit, seeming to want to observe it with one eye. What is it in front of?

Uh? So what should Mo Fei do at this time? Do you make friends with each other?

He knows that the super large Sea King class has a fairly high level of intelligence, but what about the large Sea King class? Can you understand the “goodwill” of human beings?

In the seabed battle, the situation seems to be a bit unfavorable for Mo Fei, and it is obvious that the vitality of this large creature will be more tenacious, and it is not easy to be killed… Or directly control the sea to float this thing into the sky?

It’s not so good. If you don’t do this, the Seaman on the Battleship will see the problem. At this time, Mo Fei can’t float that many seas at once. He has to It is enough to make a circle around this Sea King, and in the process of making a circle, he will probably be attacked by the opponent.

Just when Mo Fei was thinking about what to do, it would take a lot of effort. The Sea King class outside seemed to have seen the situation in the “air ball” clearly, and then saw that the corners of its mouth were very human. If you exhale a blister and place it on a person, this emotion should be a feeling of “a light sip of disdain”.

And Mo Fei also seems to understand what the Sea King class is expressing:

“I thought it was a good thing, it turned out to be just a person.”


The two or two pieces of meat on the body are not even enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

But even if a little, it’s still better than nothing, and then the Sea King suddenly opened its mouth, trying to swallow the surrounding sea water, air bubbles and Mo Fei inside.

“Your sister, can’t humans and nature get along well, Sea Kings actually discriminate against humans?”

Mo Fei cursed secretly, thinking that he still had to do it.

Next moment, Mo Fei gave up control of most of the “air bubbles”, leaving only the circle around his body, and then he plunged his palm into the sea.

At the same time, he seized control of a part of the surrounding seawater.

Next, a water blade shot out from his hand, and in a flash across the deep waters in the middle, it suddenly pierced into one of the eyes of the Sea King…blood, all kinds of Body fluids and some eyeball tissues spilled out from the wound in an instant.

The huge screams began to echo in the deep sea.

Well, probably when Mo Fei was thinking about making friends with each other, he was also thinking about how to deal with this huge monster at the same time.

Either make friends or die. This is such a simple multiple choice question.

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