“What’s that?”

The huge movement on the sea not far away quickly attracted the attention of Archerfish, the watchman on the night shift. Holding the Telescope, using the faint moonlight to stare at the dark sea there.

“Attention everyone, there are large creatures violently moving underwater in the near-north-east direction of the ship. It may be of the Sea King type. Please turn on the searchlight!”

The sound was transmitted to the command room through the copper pipe, so the Archerfish who was still asleep just now came back to life…this is their emergency reaction ability.

Whether it is a merchant ship passenger ship, or a Pirate Ship and a Battleship, as long as it is a vessel sailing on the Grand Line, it must have this rapid reaction ability in the face of emergencies.

The searchlight was turned on, and then a circular spot of light shone in the direction indicated by the watcher, and quickly carried out precise positioning…The waves over there were surging violently.

Such a violent activity, according to common sense, either two Sea Kings are fighting, or two Sea Kings are fighting.

After being exposed to light, you can see a large patch of red in the dark sea water. The sea water is dyed red, and then these reds are quickly diluted with the surge of the waves, and then are dyed red and diluted again.

Well, it must be a fight.

“Fighting? Are two Sea Kings fighting near the surface of the water?” someone shouted.

But then the crew found a strange thing…this kind of emergency, they could not find their captain.

Mo Fei is certainly not in his room.

“At such a close distance, maybe the Battleship will be affected, and will it be anchored? But the captain is not…where is he going?” Robert Cao said with his hands on the ship’s side, a little anxiously.

Just as he said this, he immediately felt a chill from behind him.

“Raise the anchor, raise the sail, and cruise at a slow speed.” Afriel said.

I don’t know when she also appeared on the deck.

Isn’t it speeding up to escape… This question Robert Cao only dared to put in the heart, and did not ask it out.

In a sense, he thinks Afriel is more difficult to get along with than Mo Fei. But when Mo Fei suddenly disappeared, she was the highest Sir of the ship. Obeying her orders is the basic principle of being a soldier.

“Yes, Captain Afriel… do you want to prepare cannon?”

Afriel did not answer this question immediately. She walked to the side of the ship and stared attentively. After watching over there for a while, he said, “Cannon fills up, it is forbidden to fire.”


Robert Cao thought for a while. Then I understood that this command probably meant “fill the cannon to ensure that you can fire at any time, but you must not fire until you get the fire command.”

The Sheshui Yu hoisted the anchor and sailed, and began to move slowly.

And during this period, the underwater battle not far away seems to have become more intense. The huge body of the Sea King will rush out of the water from time to time, and then use a painful twisted posture. Drop it back.

Immediately afterwards, there was a dull loud noise, a column of water that seemed to be caused by underwater blasting rose into the sky, and when it fell back under the action of gravity, there The sea began to calm down… the battle seemed to be over.

Robert Cao Chang is slightly relaxed, and the Sea King is fighting near the surface of the sea. This kind of scene is still quite rare, but it makes people feel thrilling. But in any case, the battle is over.

Afriel still maintained a focused look. After the side calmed down, she regained her former expressionless look.

“Remove the guard, unload the shells, head northeast, and advance slowly.”


Although the fight is over there, it is a Only the Sea King is dead, but there is another one, and even the remaining one should be enjoying a wonderful meal time at this time.

To disturb each other in the past? Is it too arrogant?

Robert Cao Changgang wanted to make his own suggestion, but he didn’t expect that he was immediately glanced at by Aphrel.

“Go ahead slowly.”

She repeated the command just now.

“…Yes.” Sergeant Robert can only execute orders. Who can tell him how to get along with this Sir? At this time he actually missed Mr. Captain a little.

Battleship slowly sailed towards that side.

Afriel returned to her room first, and soon returned to the deck.

“Attention, a Sea King-like corpse was found on the sea? Its life and death cannot be confirmed, but it is half-floating on the sea surface, covered in blood.”

Quickly, a new report came from the watchman.

Then his tone changed rapidly, “Hold on… There seems to be a person sitting on the Sea King… attention! Who is there!”

“Captain!” Robert Cao immediately turned to face Afril.

The battle between the Sea King type and the Sea King type is spectacular, but if humans have just fought with the Sea King type, the nature of the matter is completely different… Humans are comparable to the Sea King type. It’s more dangerous, even more how, it’s a human who can defeat the Sea King.

“It’s okay, it’s the person on the boat.” Aphrel said.

“The people on the boat? Could it be…”

After the Shuiyuyu slowly approached the body of the Sea King, he saw the fuzzy silhouette standing on the Sea King jumping. When he got up, as he kicked two feet casually in the air, he crossed the middle space and landed on the deck of the Battleship.

It is a standard skill for Geppo, Marine and even World Government. No one should not know this.

So a wet person appeared in front of everyone like this.

“Captain? Major Elindel?” Robert Cao recognized the identity of the opponent.

Afril walked over, and then handed a towel to the person who had just boarded the boat.

“Thank you.”

Well, besides Mo Fei, who else?

Mo Fei wiped his face and wet hair. Except for himself, probably no one knew that the water stains on his body were caused by the battle, or for not causing suspicion that he was wet on his own initiative. .

“Captain, is it you who fought this Sea King just now?” Robert couldn’t hide the incredible in his tone.

“Well, it’s me. At night, this thing has been circling around the Battleship. In order to avoid possible danger, I took action to solve it… It’s just that this thing is more difficult to deal with than imagined. Some.”

Mo Fei…like the truth.

Speaking, he tilted his body, and he could see marks of bruises, bleeding and bruises on one of his arms.

The medical soldiers have come to Mo Fei’s side, ready to help him deal with the wounds on his body.

“How did you do it?” Aphrel asked.

“I tried something new, some of my tricks are more restraining large creatures.” Mo Fei said vaguely, he hung the towel around his neck, and then handed the arm to the medic .

Robert looked at the Sea King-type corpse in the sea below, and then at Mo Fei… The captain’s injuries are not incomprehensible. When dealing with that kind of creature, he is basically not injured. Either the skeleton doesn’t exist.

“I’m fine, but then we have to transfer. No one knows if Sea King blood will attract other things…Supplements are not needed, the flesh of this fish It looks very old at first glance. It is estimated that except for the scales, there are muscles.” After bandaging his arms, Mo Fei said to everyone.

Uh, listening to what he said, did you plan to kill the Sea King meat? Are you really here to hunt?

But the first half of the sentence still makes sense, Battleship will set sail at night.

“I’ll change my clothes.”

Mo Fei left the deck and walked to his room.

After he left, everyone on the deck still seemed very quiet.

In the past, the crew on this ship only thought that the captain from the Seaman school was a bit crazy. To put it better, he called newborn calves do not fear tigers, but at this moment, everyone has started. Some respect him… Those who can fight against the large Sea King and can still win can’t help but disrespect them.

even more how just now the captain went into the water to fight with the Sea King type, it was to protect the Battleship, but also to protect them…

Mr. Mo Fei, started to learn the master of success Go on the road.

In short, his battle with the Sea King became a hot topic on the ship, and everyone was still discussing it until the 2nd day.

Although the Sea King class was not provoked by Mo Fei, it was the first hand of the Sea King class, but this matter from start to finish is all Mo Fei’s business, who asked him to do it.” “Deep diving training”, however… this is the art of language, and Mo Fei just a few words made this matter for everyone.

It has become a qualitative “Danger belongs to everyone, but I solved it”.


2nd day.

As the surveillance ship gets farther and farther from the Marine Headquarters, the chance of seeing Pirate Ship on the sea is also increasing.

After the Sheshuiyu saw two cargo ships, five mixed ships and a cruise ship from a distance, they finally found a Pirate Ship.

“Captain, see Pirate Ship on the starboard side!”

“Where is the Pirate flag, can you identify it?”

An atlas, and then stopped on a certain page. After comparing the pattern on it with the Pirate flag on the Pirate Ship in front, he said, “To confirm the identity of the enemy ship, it’s Pirates, and the captain is Bounty Gold 30 million. Beli’s Pirate Chaxuzap, commonly known as the “huge saboteur”.”

“30 million?”

Although it is not advisable to judge the opponent’s strength based on bounty gold, it is not advisable to use it at sea. There are so many Pirates, and most of the time everyone can only use bounty gold as a reference for strength.

“Order the battery to be in place, we are ready to pursue.”

Mo Fei decided to chase the 30 million Beli Pirate.

It’s not that everyone is Luffy, 30 million, so-so, East Blue Mountain Bandit King can be worth 8 million.

“Yes, Captain!”

If Mo Fei issued such an order before last night, many crew members would definitely be slandered. This ship is a surveillance ship, and Not a battleship, the number of cannons on board is even less than that of the medium-sized Pirate Ship. But it’s different now, because everyone has already seen Mo Fei’s personal battle strength.

Mo Fei estimated that he didn’t expect that his battle with the Sea King also brought unexpected harvest-people will always follow the powerhouse and obey the powerhouse. This is a kind of inertia.

Although Mo Fei is not actually a powerhouse, he is already a powerhouse in everyone’s eyes.

After chasing for a while, Mo Fei heard the sound of cannons coming from a distance, followed by a report from the watcher.

“The Pirate Ship is attacking a merchant ship… They found us and started to flee at an accelerated rate.”

When they saw the merchant ship, they went to fight, and when the Battleship turned around, they fled. Yes, this is very Pirate.


Most Pirate Ships run faster than large-scale Battleships, but it is difficult to run high-speed sailing ships like surveillance ships, but in general, surveillance ships Wouldn’t be involved in naval battles… Find Pirate Ship, and then report, this is the job of monitoring the ship.

And Sheshuiyu is a surveillance ship that likes to fire artillery…maybe it was not before, but it is now.

So it quickly narrowed the distance with the Pirate Ship. After a while, even Mo Fei, who was standing at the bow and could only look up, saw the poop of the Pirate Ship.

The main artillery of Sheshuiyu was aimed at Pirate Ship. The rear firepower of the sailboat is very weak, only a few tail guns at most, or no tail guns at all.

Mo Fei simply drilled into the turret, and then directly commanded the main gun battery, “Is it possible to hit their rudder?”

“It is possible, Captain, you are optimistic.”

“Okay, if I hit it, I will reward you with two catties of sweet potatoes.”


Cannon The group’s gunner kicked the gunner in front of him, “I heard it, don’t load the bullets… the captain ordered to stab the Pirate Ship in front of the ass.”

“Boss, this is not a trivial matter. One, the ship in front of the hips is high, and the speed is the same as the turtle crawling. The angle on our side is just right… The three gun tubes are thick and long, and there are enough shells!”

“Poke , You can poke.”

“Then poke hard.”

No matter whether it is Pirate Ship or Battleship, no one can expect how elegant ordinary seamen can be. That is simply unrealistic. …Full of yellow jokes, three sentences without leaving the lower body, this is a kind of ocean culture.

In fact, because Mo Fei is here, the conversation among the crew members has been quite restrained.

But they said this in front of Mo Fei, which also shows that the crew members recognize him as the captain.

Mo Fei glanced behind him, thanks to Afriel not being here, otherwise he would have to shut up these guys… She stayed in the command room, the Navigator, the communications officer Class members can be regarded as “highly educated persons”, and they will certainly not speak like ordinary seafarers.

Strictly speaking of which, the gunner must also be relatively proficient. He has to know the distance and ballistic calculations, but… this guy has already become one with the people here.

After firing four rounds and hitting twelve shells, another shell finally hit the Pirate Ship’s rudder…Although the shooting angle is good, it is really good. It’s time.

In this way, the Pirate Ship ahead can no longer turn…Without the rudder, it is not a ship, but a piece of wood floating on the sea.

“You drive the ship to the side of the Pirate Ship, I will go over and see the situation first.”

After giving a new order to the command room, Mo Fei kicked his legs. , Took off from the Battleship, went straight to the Pirate Ship.

Although Mo Fei has learned a lot from Vice Admiral Garp, no matter how close to actual combat, the learning in school is different from actual combat after all.

Mo Fei has to “use what he has learned” from what he has learned from “Hero of the Marines”.

So in the surprise and panic of the Pirates, Mo Fei fell on the Pirate Ship.

“What are you…”

“It’s you.”

Mo Fei’s gaze immediately fell on the person who was talking, and then He drew out the dagger behind him casually and threw it at the opponent!

The speed of the dagger is very fast, but that Pirate is not a general, he slammed sideways, avoiding the attack comparable to a bullet.


Mo Fei swung his palm back, and the dagger that had crossed the opponent’s side instantly turned 180 degrees and pierced the opponent directly from behind. Shoulders.


Is this a fart “to apply what you have learned”? Did Vice Admiral Garp teach Mo Fei the “Sword Art”?

“Bounty 30 million Beli, Zaxiu Zaku, you have been arrested.”

Mo Fei standing on the ship’s side, looking down at Pirate, said.


First, he remembered the name of Pirate incorrectly.


“Deputy Captain, what’s wrong with you, Deputy Captain?”

Secondly, he admitted the wrong person.



It seems a little embarrassing.

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