Only two days later, the coating work of Archerfish was completed.

During this period, Mo Fei also briefly observed Herru Grim, and found that she was extremely sensitive, and she was shocked when she heard some turbulence. She didn’t trust the people around her and talked about it. When she arrived, she always bowed her head with low self-esteem, and there was no other problem.

Neither a human being nor a fur family, she has also been a slave. Her current mental state is closely related to her experience, but Mo Fei believes that these problems will be improved soon.

Mo Fei is certainly not an expert on psychological issues, but he knows that after he gave him a sword, she has been holding the sword and has never let it go… experienced all kinds of It was a tragic thing, and then understood the truth of having to protect yourself, which shows that Grim has at least not been completely numb because of the slave experience.


Two days later, the Archerfish was ready to set sail for Fishman Island.

Mo Fei and Navigator are standing on the deck, with a transparent film as thick as jelly under their feet.

The Seaman were lining up to board the ship. Mo Fei watched the guys boarding the ship and praying. It seemed that the voyage to Fishman Island really made them trembling in fear.

Then his eyes moved away from the Seaman. The Seaman’s performance was a bit outrageous, which made Mo Fei as the commander hard to see… Go to Fishman Island, just trust the Navigator The technology.

“Have you learned to operate a coated boat before?” But in order to guard against the unexpected, Mo Fei still asked the Navigator in front of him.

“Captain, I am a regular graduate of Marine Headquarters’ Navigator School. Operating a coated boat is one of the basic courses… although that was more than ten years ago.” Navigator said.


The other party’s way of answering questions reminded Mo Fei of some experiences in his previous life. It was after he graduated from college, someone asked him when he was in college. What he learned, his answer was “I have learned all of them, I will.”

Mo Fei has checked the coating boat operating manual that Navigator is holding in his hand… You know, now he too I want to start praying.

After the Seaman got on the boat, Mo Fei said to them:

“Everyone, Seaman, say three things before sailing.

First, This is Mr. Tsunami from the main island of Fishman. Next, he will guide us on the route. With Fishman’s guidance, we can avoid most dangerous zones along the way.”

Mo Fei first pointed to the new A middle-aged Fishman who boarded the boat introduced that the other party is a human figure, without many hands and feet, but with a bluish complexion, a sturdy body, webbed fingers between his fingers, and a beard on his lips.

So Mr. Fishman greeted the crew.

It may be because his image is very close to human beings, so he doesn’t appear terrifying compared to ordinary Fishman, but he feels a little polite.

Mo Fei himself does not discriminate against Fishman. I don’t know what the other Seaman on the ship think, but he doesn’t ask for unifying everyone’s thinking. He just hopes that everyone can develop their brains and go to Fishman. It is enough to treat this Fishman equally during the course of the island.

“Secondly, this is Herru Grim, who will come to this boat as an intern Seaman from today. Gentlemen, I hope you can maintain a minimum of respect when treating ladies. “

Then Mo Fei pulled Grim to the front. At this time, she had changed her clothes and looked fair, petite and cute.

Faced with such a group of people, Grim was a little bit afraid to raise his head, so Mo Fei commanded her: “Look up.”

Grim raised his head subconsciously , But when she found that a large group of men were looking straight at her, she immediately lowered her head again.

But at this time, I just listened to Mo Fei continuing to say, “Ears stand up.”

So the pointed ears on the top of Grim’s head bounced.


Then her tail also stretched out.

Mo Fei is certainly not meant to embarrass a little child, but if they are in the same boat, these things need to be displayed generously.

The Seaman had already heard about Grim, but when they really saw her ears and tail, there was still a burst of discussion in the crowd.

“After the introduction, if there is anyone on the boat who would say something strange because of your origin, you can bite him… You can use sharp claw with fangs, but try not to use the knife.”

Mo Fei motioned Grim to return.

“Third…Third, those who did not buy accident insurance should remember to buy it. If you bought it, think about whether the beneficiary wrote it correctly…

Now it’s sailing. “


Your sister, this last point is really superfluous. Who has time to buy insurance after all sailing?

Next, Shooting Fish sailed for a distance towards the outer islands, and then the coating on the ship began to inflate. After a large bubble wrapped the entire ship, under the operation of the Navigator, it Began to sink slowly to the bottom.

When the entire ship was submerged in the water, a slight sound of ocean current was transmitted to Mo Fei’s ears…Of course there were a lot of noise outside, but the coating on the ship successfully reduced its noise “Again.

Mo Fei walked to the side of the ship and touched the coating on the outside. He couldn’t figure out how this thing could withstand the pressure of 10,000 meters of water. This is unscientific.

Except for Fishman, everyone on the boat dived into Fishman Island for the first time, so everyone was attracted by the wonders outside for a while.

But the time to enjoy the scenery is actually very short, because after a while, the outside light can no longer penetrate the thick sea water.

The surrounding water is getting darker and darker, and the hearts of the people on the boat are getting more and more bottomless.

Whether it is the deep sea or the universe, similar environments can always make human beings feel insignificant, because death is only a stone’s throw away.

Mo Fei asked people to move the table and chairs and put them on the bow deck. He and Fishman sat on both sides of the table, and then started drinking tea.

Fishman is quite content. First, this diving activity is his daily life. Fishman Island is his hometown. Second, the outside environment is harmless to him. Even if the boat’s membrane is broken, that’s it. Do not cause any harm to him.

But Mo Fei’s attitude made him feel curious.

“Mr. Elindel, this is the first time you go to Fishman Island. Don’t you think the deep sea environment outside is terrifying?”

“Alright, terrifying is also terrifying , But not so terrifying.”

Mo Fei said in his heart that I have practiced diving for more than two months. I haven’t added anything in the water? What’s terrifying about this… Well, the reason for Mo Fei’s calm attitude is actually the same as that of Fishman, that is, he can’t drown him even if the ship’s membrane is broken.

Glim was climbing on the mast, she turned into the observation room above in three or two. The peculiar journey made her forget her bad experience for a short time, but the environment of dark bron winter And the narrow indoor space is still the place where she feels the most secure.

The Archerfish dived in a zigzag pattern on the ocean currents. With the guidance of the Fishman, they did not pass through the dangerous Sea Territory, and they were fortunate not to encounter a large sea monster.

So this dangerous journey seems to be a sightseeing trip in the end.

About fourteen hours later, a very natural light suddenly appeared in the dark, bottomless sea. At this time, I only heard the Fishman Tsunami say, “Fishman Island is about to arrive, just ahead. “

Mo Fei stood up and walked towards the bow. After a while, he saw a huge “ball of light”… Uh, a glowing ecological ball.

So he couldn’t help muttering to himself, “Why are you so round, 10,000 meters deep in the sea, without any deformation, and the water pressure doesn’t save face?”

“Captain, I received a notice from Fishman Island, asking us to inform the ship number, the number of people and the purpose of entering the island.” At this time, the correspondent ran to Mo Fei and said.

“Daily reporting is enough, just say we are going to New World.” Mo Fei said.

Fishman Island is a member of the World Government. In theory, Battleship can of course be docked at will. However, the deep sea environment is different after all, so it is necessary to abide by Fishman’s rules.

Of course, the Battleship must enter the island from the front entrance in a completely legal way.

After completing the report, as he approached the front entrance of Fishman Island, Mo Fei saw a group of Fishman swimming out of the bubble. Judging from the other party’s outfit, they should be from this country. The regular army… the Neptune army.

“Mr. Elindell, they are here to lead us into Hong Kong.” Tsuna Yun said, he was worried about any misunderstanding between the two sides.

Mo Fei nodded, to express understanding.

Next, Shooting Fish passed through the double bubbles of Fishman Island from the front entrance, and docked in the island’s habor.

At this time everyone realized one thing. It turns out that air is such a reassuring thing. Many Seaman lay directly on the deck, celebrating their “avoided a catastrophe”.

The ship membrane was damaged when it entered the island. If it wants to float up, it needs to be re-coated next. Therefore, coating is the “top priority” and Navigator is responsible for negotiating with the port.

After coming to Fishman Island, it is natural to take a break and to go sightseeing. However, Mo Fei stipulates that Seaman must be in a team of ten when going out. It is forbidden to cause trouble and must return before the coating is completed.

As long as you don’t go to Fishman Street, Fishman and Mermaid on the main island of Fishman Island will not actively attack humans, let alone attack Seaman… Tourism is the pillar industry here, and humans are all consumers. .

Rather than worrying about Fishman, Seaman should actually worry about encountering Pirate.

Marine is only transited to New World via Fishman Island, Mo Fei is not here to perform official duties, so after simple negotiations and filings, they don’t need to continue with the Fishman. Official negotiations have been made.

As for whether the Neptune army will spy on them secretly, that’s another matter. Anyway, on the surface, everyone is hello, me, hello, everyone.

Afrail and Robert are arranging the formation of the Seaman, while Mo Fei stretched out and got off the boat first.

Unlike the vulgar people who are full of different races and customs, Mo Fei is here to appreciate the natural scenery and customs of Fishman Island.

Anyway, I went to the Mermaid Cafe first. I heard that the coffee beans, tea bowls and trays on Fishman Island are very different.

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