Glim hides in the lookout room of the Archerfish. After arriving on the ship, she “occupied” this place. If possible, she would like to live here directly.

She didn’t even want to get off the boat and go to the island.

But no, it’s not that you can become a qualified watchman if you are flexible and can see far away, discover the situation at the fastest speed, accurately transmit information, and understand all kinds of signals. These all are the basic requirements , Grim is still far away.

None is a qualified watchman, how could she stay in the watchroom all the time.

Since being rescued from the auction field, Grim has been in a restless state. He has not slept well yet. The previous dive was too fresh and exciting, so it is now. After a while, the gurgling water kept echoing in her mind, urging her to sleep.

Glim curled up, holding the dagger given to her by Mo Fei in both hands, which made her feel particularly at ease.

Her head is half resting on the scabbard, half resting on her knees, the tail behind her turns half a circle around her body, and the tip of her tail lightly sweeps her nose, even if she is asleep. In the middle, her ears also tremble from time to time, as if still paying attention to the surrounding movement.

“Grim, come down to eat!”

After sleeping for a while, Grim heard someone calling his name, and the loud voice of “Cooking Class” couldn’t help it. She can’t hear it.

She stretched her head and looked out, and found that an uncle had brought a dinner plate over.

Normal people will have some sympathy, after hearing about her experience, naturally someone will take care of her a little bit.

Glim carried the dagger behind his back, then quickly climbed down from the mast and took the dinner plate.

“Remember to go to the restaurant for dinner in the future.

Also, everyone will disembark after the meeting, so that the coating operation cannot be disturbed, you know, little girl?”

Glim is nodded hard.

After telling her a few words, the cooking soldier turned and left, foul-mouthed as he walked, “These grandchildren run so fast, don’t you need to clean up in the boat? Quante has become me Is it working alone?”

Well, I don’t know if it was intentional, but in any case, he scolded the captain too.

Grim returned to the mast with the dinner plate in one hand, and then began to eat.

Holding an iron spoon in one hand and stuffing a spoonful of food into her mouth, Grim only thinks the “batter” on the Battleship is extraordinarily delicious… It’s better than everything she has eaten before. good to eat.

At the same time, Mo Fei was drinking coffee in a shop with an expression of unlovable expression…

He originally wanted to find a mermaid cafe. After he found it, he I plunged in, but after I got in, I realized that this is not a mermaid cafe, but a Fishman cafe.

In the so-called mermaid cafes, the waiters are all mermaid with good-looking faces, hot upper body and revealing clothes, and fishtails on the lower body.

The so-called Fishman Café…

It’s not easy to describe, the demons are dancing, in short, Mo Fei only feels that he has come to the nest of “deep divers”.

There are many long legs, the kind that can be wrapped around a person’s waist twice, often with a red side and a white side, with a suction cup on the white side. A person has at least eight… from another In this sense, such legs can indeed arouse men’s appetite.

The unique local customs, Mo Fei can be regarded as the experience, it is the kind of local customs that accidentally loses the SAN value.

After drinking a cup of coffee that I don’t know what it tastes like, Mo Fei fled here after responding to the enthusiasm of the owner of Golden Spear Fishman with the idea of ​​“Never come again”. .

The style of this coffee shop highlights a weird, terrifying and indescribable.

Wait when Mo Fei finally found the location of the Mermaid Cafe, when he walked into the shop…it was a bit unfortunate, he found that there were acquaintances inside.

Afril, and a team of Seaman on the Archerfish, are drinking coffee in the shop at this time.

But looking at the expressions of some goods, I didn’t come here for coffee.


A very beautiful mermaid welcomes Mo Fei into the store, but at this time Mo Fei can only look steadily forward and show a reserved smile.

“Dear mermaid Young Lady, this Major Alindell Mo Fei is our captain, who bravely confronted Yonko Akagami Shanks’ Marine’Rising Stars’ in the previous naval battle!”

Mo Fei just walked into the store, and some of his subordinates found him, and then this idiot started to popularize Mo Fei’s identity, so Mo Fei smiled more reservedly…Fuck, this cow shouldn’t be allowed Does he play it by himself?

Next he sat next to Aphrel, and then asked her, “How does the coffee feel here? I heard it is very special.”


The specialty of this store is not in the coffee.”

Afriel would actually like to say that the coffee here is no different from instant coffee, but in that case it would be too “straight” “A little bit.

“He…hehe…” Mo Fei smiled dryly, and when another mermaid waiter came over, he said, “I want the same cup of coffee.”

Isn’t it? , The special and selling point of this store is healthy, high-quality, eye-catching and exotic services.

Unfortunately, Mo Fei had to give up the opportunity to chat with the little mermaid elder sisters.

After drinking a cup of coffee in the coffee shop, Mo Fei and Aphrel chose to leave. Although the Seaman still reluctant to leave, Sir stood up and they had to get up.

Mo Fei paid for the orders for his subordinates. After everyone walked out of the shop, he quietly said to a few people, “There is also a Fishman cafe in that direction…”

“Fishman? Captain, Fishman, forget it.”

Mo Fei glanced at them with a look of “stupid subordinates”, and then said, “A counterfeit shop, you know how to operate Going down? Of course, we want to provide more popular’service content’ than the genuine ones. You can only watch here, but…you can eat over there.”

Well, wretched laughter was uploaded from the street. , And then the Seaman went straight to the Fishman Café.

Isn’t it edible? Grilled squid is quite delicious.

“What did you say?” Aphrel asked Mo Fei without knowing it.

“Nothing, I introduced them to another local restaurant with special characteristics.” Mo Fei said with a smile, “Let’s keep going around, the characteristics of Mermaid Island are more than that.”


Two days later, the coating is completed, and the short journey to Fishman Island is over. Next, everyone will go to New World.

One round trip to New World, the long voyage trial is completed. Mo Fei and the others are not going to the New World to break through, but immediately return to the first half of the Grand Line after New World has a head.

When Mo Fei returned to habor, he found Grim sitting alone beside the boat, looking pitiful. On the other side, there were a bunch of Seamans who were looking at some mental problems. They didn’t know what happened to them on the island.

Mo Fei said that the people on the boat are ridiculous enough, is there no one with a little girl to play with?

After hearing his footsteps, Grim’s ears turned a half circle, and then she stood up happily.

Mo Fei came over and patted her on the head, and then handed her a package, “Fishman Island’s special candy, go and try it.”

As usual. Go back to the boat as a guide, and then everyone will board the boat and prepare to float.

The process of ascent was also exceptionally smooth, which left Mo Fei who was always prepared to deal with unexpected situations with nothing to do. When they came to New World, they found it was a sunny day.

Don’t talk about bad weather, the wave height on the sea is never more than half a meter.

“Did you come to the wrong place? Didn’t it mean that New World’s climatic environment is extremely bad?”

Fishman and Navigator shook their heads together, they can be sure that this is New World.

“Even in New World, there are times of calm and tranquil, right?” Navigator tried to say, and to see, he himself felt that this was outrageous, so he used a confused tone.

“Forget it, go to the G1 base, where we will take a short break, then coat the film and go home.”

The climate in New World is just confusing. On the one hand, it really makes Mo Fei confused. There were no accidents during the voyage, and Mo Fei only regarded his luck during this period of time. However, the journey may have gone too smoothly, so Mo Fei’s luck was completely exhausted.

When his ship arrived at the G1 base and was about to enter the port, two people suddenly appeared on the deck of the ship.

“Captain, Captain, yes… yes…”

In the exclamation of Robert Cao, Mo Fei rushed to the deck, and then… He saw two acquaintances.

Admiral “Akainu”, Sakazuki.

Admiral “precognition”, Kuzan.

“Set sail right away.”

Akainu’s gaze was fixed on Mo Fei, and then he issued such an order.

“Where to go?”

Mo Fei is just a subconsciously rhetorical question.

“Punker Hasard.”


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